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I can't tell if that's farther away or closer. Definitely too convoluted though
He went there, fell in love and impregnated a woman... only to find out that she was his great-grand daughter. This is how the legion works, they're all inbreed, hence their reasons for looking so freakin weird and having dumb first names, and they should know they're all related, cause they all have the same last name "Lad". Only time that varies is with the girls, who use the last name "Lass". And no one, not even Brainy 5 has ever figured that one out. Or..... maybe Brainy 5 has figured it out, but gets off on the idea. That sick perv.
He went there, fell in love and impregnated a woman... only to find out that she was his great-grand daughter. This is how the legion works, they're all inbreed, hence their reasons for looking so freakin weird and having dumb first names, and they should know they're all related, cause they all have the same last name "Lad". Only time that varies is with the girls, who use the last name "Lass". And no one, not even Brainy 5 has ever figured that one out. Or..... maybe Brainy 5 has figured it out, but gets off on the idea. That sick perv.
That's totally ri...
Is Jim Shooter off Legion yet? Don't give him ideas!
Is Jim Shooter off Legion yet? Don't give him ideas!
Thanks for being my mouthpiece!
You're like my Desaad
I always liked Jim Shooter, I'm just not a legion fan, less so where Connor boy is concerned, but I did read that storyline. I just can't seem to recall too much of it.
Wait a sec... Superboy was there before the Fatal 500 storyline, he was there to fight Darkseid and all of those evil doppelgangers of earth heroes that Darkseid had.
That was an awesome storyline Good sequel to the Great Darkness Saga I think.
Keep going, you've not quite answered the question
The only other thing I recall about it is, he didn't go to the future willingly. He had been abducted. I thought he was brought there to help in the fight against Darkseid, then came the fatal 500 storyline, which dealt with Hypertime, and Connor had been thru Hypertime himself, which was why the story was odd to me, cause if the Legion could pierce thru time, why not pick up the Superboy who was in hypertime who was really Clark Kent, who fought Connor during Zero Hour, and then teamed-up with him during Connor's travels thru hypertime to find Black Zero.
To provide biological specimens for Brainiac 5 to to use in order to develop anti-Dark Kryptonian weaponry?
(Having not read the LSH at this time, this is a total guess. I believed his "reason" for being in the future was that the Persuader attacked him while on a date with Cassie, Wonder Girl, and cut a rift in the time-space continuum through which Conner fell.)
--temporal loopholes ftw.
When our story opens, the Question is investigating an impossible locked-room murder mystery involving a midget and a 6'6"-tall call girl into heavy bondage. Don't worry, I'll explain later. It's all vitally relevant.
--Alan Moore, Twilight