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"The guy on the roof with the little bottles has been causing more than his fair share of trouble," Beta Ray Bill said.
"Wanna take him down?" Jakeem asked.
"Yes, I do," Beta Ray Bill said. Bill threw his hammer at Diablo.
"Throwing a hammer? Please. Child's play." Diablo conjured an alchemical shield. The hammer shattered it.
"That's no ordinary hammer," Bill said. Diablo felt a tap on his shoulder. The Thunderbolt was there and punched him in the nose before returning to Jakeem's side.
"I don't know what you do, but you're pretty darn ugly and that's good enough for me," Nocture said, shooting at the Ultrahumanite. He deflected it with a mental shield.
"You are right about that. You have no idea what I am capable of," the Ultrahumanite laughed.
Diablo's fading fast in this game. He's considerably of more use in the Magic/Tech game.
Ok so do I attempt aggression or retreat?. Considering the limited moves I can do for the former, the latter it is.
Adaptoid rolls to break away. 6. Solid. He moves to K1.
Frost barriers I-L6. Nocturne and Strong Guy would have to break away before they can do anything. Adaptoid takes 1 for pushing. I really like the Super-Adaptoid, just wish he was more playable.
Johnny Quick J1 (Double time)
Super-Adaptoid @@ K1 (2) (Camouflage)
Unus J2 (1) (Saboteur)
Arcade I2 (Thwart)
Major Force V (Divebomb) L4
Ultrahumanite K2
Diablo V (Repulsor) (5) L5
Killer Frost V @ J1 (Construct)
HO I6, L2, K2 LO L5, I5, N6
Figures used: Johnny Quick, Norman Osborn, Cheshire, Trickster/Pied Piper, Super-Adaptoid, Unus, Danger, Psimon, Titania, Typhoid Mary, Major Force, Arcade, Ultrahumanite, Diablo, Killer Frost
I'm kind of inclined to agree on Super-Adaptoid. It's annoying the you risk damage just using his power. Funny line for Ultrahumanite too.
You leave me with nothing to do but clear.
Oh and by the way, you've got Killer Frost and Johnny in the same square.
V Nocturne K7 (5!)
U Kilowog (TK Reach) M23
U Majestrix Lilandra (Call to Arms) M11 (1!)
Vigilante (Revenge) L10/L11
U Beta Ray Bill K11 (4!)
Cosmic Boy (LSH-Contingency Plan +2) L23
U Jakeem Thunder N12 (7!)
Strong Guy (Large Object) H7 (5!)
HO G19, J17, P17, I6, L2, K2
LO L14, M14, R16, L5, I5, N6
"Strong Guy? What was the superhero name generator on the fritz? Did a 6 year old win a "Name That Superhero" contest?" Arcade says suddenly appearing next to Guido.
"Yuk, yuk, let's see how well you laugh with a stomach full of me."
Strong Guy's fist slams through Arcade with ease.
"Unfortunately for him he just nailed a hologram of me. It gives off enough electrical energy to light a small city, this 'Strong Guy' will be down and out in seconds."
Guido falls flat on his face. The impact gets the attention of his teammates.
"Strong Guy, are you ok?" a distracted Jakeem Thunder asks.
"Dumb move, kid," Major Force says as he blasts him with quantum energy, "And your last."
Guido had 5 clicks going in. (1 for pushing, 2 from Force after Toughness, 2 from Johnny after Toughness.) Johnny's damage is 3, so he'd actually be on his last click, not out. Does that change your actions? (And he's moved from invulnerable to Impervious, so he's not Outwitted any more either.)
Ick, you're right. That's an awful click he's on but no, it doesn't change anything. Go ahead for the slaughter.
High damage and Impervious, I'll grant you, but offset by a low AV and DV. Shouldn't be that hard to finish him off.
Vigilante to O6/O7, bringing Lilandra along to N6. Vigilante takes a movign shot at Diablo. AV9 -2 on Dv14. Gets 5. Miss.
Nocturne on Ultrahumanite. AV8 on DV15 +1. Gets 8. 1 to him after Toughness.
I'll bring in Orion next and hope that he does better for me than he usually does.
Cosmic Boy TKs him to K13, using Contingency Plan to boost his AV to 12.
Orion RS to J10, targets Unus. Gets 5. Oh, Orion, you're doing it to me again.
Bill to I10
Strong Guy to I11
V Nocturne @ K7 (5!)
U Kilowog (TK Reach) M23
U Majestrix Lilandra (Call to Arms) N6 (1!)
Vigilante (Revenge) @ O6/O7
U Beta Ray Bill @ I10 (4!)
Cosmic Boy (LSH-Contingency Plan +1) @ L23
Strong Guy (Large Object) @ I11 (8!)
U Orion @ J10
HO G19, J17, P17, I6, L2, K2
LO L14, M14, R16, L5, I5, N6
"Great. We could use it," Cosmic Boy said, sending him forward using his magnetic control.
"You! I will begin with you," Orion said blasting wildly at Unus.
"That's funny," Unus said. "Of all the targets you could have picked, you picked the wrong one. They call me Unus the Untouchable. Because my force field is impenetrable."
"Guess I won't go for you then. How about your pal the monkey," Nocturne said. This time her attack hurt the Ultrahumanite. Not much but it was something.
"One of Hawkeye's trick arrows should more than suffice for you," the Super-Adaptoid says as he pounds Nocturne with a combination of electrical and explosive arrows until she succumbs.
Lilandra attacks Diablo, AV9 on DV14. Gets 6. Diablo's down.
Cosmic Boy uses Contingency Plan, ups her Damage to 4.
Arisia on Major Force, AV9 on DV16. Gets 7. His Impervious is 6.
Orion pushes, RS to L13, attacks the Major, AV10 on DV16, Arisia Enhancing his damage to 5. Gets 6. Impervious is once again a 6.
U Kilowog (TK Reach) @ M23
U Majestrix Lilandra (Call to Arms) @ N6 (1!)
Vigilante (Revenge) O6/O7
U Beta Ray Bill I10 (4!)
Cosmic Boy (LSH-Contingency Plan +1) L23
Strong Guy (Large Object) I11 (8!)
U Orion @@ L12 (1!)
Arisia (GLC) @ M12
HO G19, J17, P17, I6, L2, K2
LO L14, M14, R16, L5, I5, N6