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Actually, I think that comment about the hands was in an episode.
Yeah, I didn't want to say anything, but yeah. That was the genesis of St Dumas' comment, and the reply to it was kind of like telling the same joke right after somebody else told it.
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Yeah, I didn't want to say anything, but yeah. That was the genesis of St Dumas' comment, and the reply to it was kind of like telling the same joke right after somebody else told it.
Max aren't you going to Wash Your hands?
If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.-Carl Sagan
Yeah, I didn't want to say anything, but yeah. That was the genesis of St Dumas' comment, and the reply to it was kind of like telling the same joke right after somebody else told it.
There did seem to be a bit of repetition there. Almost like it'd been done before. Or like Deja Vu. Almost like it'd been done before. Repetitious in nature. Almost like it'd been done before. Repeatedly, even.
okay Grampa. I'll turn my stereo down and be sure to keep off your lawn. Miss the point much due to that old fart mentality do you?
Now you sound like Levi Johnston telling his would-be mom-in-law he isn't gonna marry Bristol... and I don't mean the vaccum cleaner (tho one speculates she may be like one in a way).
Which is better than Deja Moo -- when you get the funny feeling you've heard a particular line of bull#### somewhere before.
Not to be confused with Deja View, the feeling that you've seen this movie or TV show before. Middle-aged folks like myself are experiencing this a lot lately, what with V, Clash of the Titans, Nightmare on Elm Street, etc.
Not to be confused with Deja View, the feeling that you've seen this movie or TV show before. Middle-aged folks like myself are experiencing this a lot lately, what with V, Clash of the Titans, Nightmare on Elm Street, etc.
"I could've swore I saw this back in the Eighties, but I remember it different -- I remember it being better..."
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"I could've swore I saw this back in the Eighties, but I remember it different -- I remember it being better..."
"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to MaxFortune again."
But you are so right. I haven't seen the new Titans but the commercials are enough to tell me, it's not a film, it's a CGI thrill-park ride. No comparison to the original.