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1) E Cypher 38pts (3/4) A1
2) V Psylocke (GX023) 74pts (3/7) D2 @
3) U Nightcrawler (WS) 86pts (4/6) B1
4) R Cuckoo 40pts KOKOKO
5) U Namor (SI) 150pts (7/9) C1 @
w/Protected 8pts (used)
Total: 396pts
Theme PC: (1/4)
HO: I5
Nightcrawler: 2 SA
Namor: 1 SA
Cuckoo: 1 AST
Cypher: 1 AST
At the beginning of each player's turn, that player rolls two six-sided dice. If the combined result is 2-3, remove this Earthquake from the game: Characters without the wing speed symbol are each dealt 3 damage.
Well, the one I really wanted was with Talia, but yeah, that was a decent turn for me rolling-wise. The game is still really close. Could go either way, and I just keep waiting for the EQ to go off and be a game changer.
1) Cypher X-TA - takes a point gives a point to Nightcrawler.
2) Nightcrawler picks up Cypher and Namor using Underworld TA. HSS to I2 and tries to punch Merlyn.
mbauers' League of Assassins
1. U Henri Ducard 85 pts KO
/w Double-Time 5 pts, Lunge 5 pts
2. R Talia al Ghul 67 pts (6/6) J-3 @@
3. E Bronze Tiger 60 pts (7/7) D-3 @
/w Opportunist () 10 pts, Protected 8 pts, Lunge 5 pts
4. E Merlyn 55 pts (5/6) J-2 @@
/w Trick Shot 20 pts
5. R Man Bat Assassin 40 pts (2/5) D-4
6. R Man Bat Assassin 40 pts (4/5) C-3
1) E Cypher 38pts (3/4) A1
2) V Psylocke (GX023) 74pts (3/7) D2 @
3) U Nightcrawler (WS) 86pts (4/6) B1
4) R Cuckoo 40pts KOKOKO
5) U Namor (SI) 150pts (7/9) C1 @
w/Protected 8pts (used)
Total: 396pts
Theme PC: (1/4)
HO: I5
Nightcrawler: 2 SA
Namor: 1 SA
Cuckoo: 1 AST
Cypher: 1 AST
At the beginning of each player's turn, that player rolls two six-sided dice. If the combined result is 2-3, remove this Earthquake from the game: Characters without the wing speed symbol are each dealt 3 damage.
Hey Superclone, I think that move (well, at least carrying both guys) is illegal. HSS is a power action, and underworld requires a move action. Also, you can only carry two guys with underworld if you are higher in points than both. So Kurt can only Bamf with one of those dudes.
"When a character using the Underworld team ability is given a move action, it can use the Carry ability, but can only carry characters using the Underworld team ability; it can carry two friendly characters, if both also have a lower point value."
Hey Superclone, I think that move (well, at least carrying both guys) is illegal. HSS is a power action, and underworld requires a move action. Also, you can only carry two guys with underworld if you are higher in points than both. So Kurt can only Bamf with one of those dudes.
"When a character using the Underworld team ability is given a move action, it can use the Carry ability, but can only carry characters using the Underworld team ability; it can carry two friendly characters, if both also have a lower point value."
Right - didn't realise that - don't know the TA that well. I will reconsider that turn.
HCFL 2012 Champion - Nation X
KO Board: Streaky: 1 Krypto: 1
Quote : Originally Posted by rorschachparadox
Only problem is that Superclone is a unique member. The irrational members never get made uniques, which is why we see so many swarms of them.
1) Cypher X-TA - takes a point gives a point to Nightcrawler.
2) Nightcrawler picks up Namor using Underworld TA. HSS to I2 and tries to punch Merlyn. 2 misses with Psylocke taking a token. Nightcrawler ends at L2, Namor at K1.
Of course, now the plan of using Cypher to perplex up DV's on landing can't happen, so that perplex is wasted.
free: Cypher perplexes Psylocke's DV.
mbauers' League of Assassins
1. U Henri Ducard 85 pts KO
/w Double-Time 5 pts, Lunge 5 pts
2. R Talia al Ghul 67 pts (6/6) J-3 @@
3. E Bronze Tiger 60 pts (7/7) D-3 @
/w Opportunist () 10 pts, Protected 8 pts, Lunge 5 pts
4. E Merlyn 55 pts (5/6) J-2 @@
/w Trick Shot 20 pts
5. R Man Bat Assassin 40 pts (2/5) D-4
6. R Man Bat Assassin 40 pts (4/5) C-3
1) E Cypher 38pts (2/4) A1 @
2) V Psylocke (GX023) 74pts (2/7) D2 @@
3) U Nightcrawler (WS) 86pts (4/6) L2 @
4) R Cuckoo 40pts KOKOKO
5) U Namor (SI) 150pts (7/9) K1
w/Protected 8pts (used)
Total: 396pts
Theme PC: (1/4)
HO: I5
Nightcrawler: 2 SA
Namor: 1 SA
Cuckoo: 1 AST
Cypher: 1 AST
At the beginning of each player's turn, that player rolls two six-sided dice. If the combined result is 2-3, remove this Earthquake from the game: Characters without the wing speed symbol are each dealt 3 damage.
1) Namor Flurry on Merlyn. AV 12 on DV 17. First attack: 4,2 for a hit. 3 damage. AV 12 on DV 16 (unlike roll saying 17). Roll is a 4,2 for another hit. Would you like to PC?
HCFL 2012 Champion - Nation X
KO Board: Streaky: 1 Krypto: 1
Quote : Originally Posted by rorschachparadox
Only problem is that Superclone is a unique member. The irrational members never get made uniques, which is why we see so many swarms of them.