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In my humble opinion, this is getting a little bit ridiculous with some of the bias... (eh, not directed at agentmage :knockedou:)
To bring another edge to this, how about we compare this to a monster that I personally despise, Sacred Phoenix of Nephtys!
Sacred Phoenix of Nephtys is a resource-absorber, akin to Strike Ninja and Vampire Lord, with its ability to actually profit from being hit by destruction effects. Also, unlike BLS, the stubborn Phoenix can be searched from your deck by the Hand of Nephtys, which is searchable in itself by many cards, namely Apprentice Magician, Sangan, Flying Kamakiri #1, Last Will, and Witch of the Black Forest (traditional format).
Sure, its stats are a bit sub-par for a two-tribute monster, but consider that the only monster above 2400atk that's run in the current meta is Black Luster Soldier - Envoy (which doesn't even need to attack), and if you suicide a trib monster, well, you'd better be prepared to follow through on your decision.
And, we all know about that Heavy Storm-esque effect that happens when Phoenix is brought back by its effect. Of course, we can, just like in regards to BLS-Envoy, list all kinds of ways to deal with it, but that can be applied to anything, and just develops into situations. =\ Imo, this thing has just about as much power as the Luster Envoy.
So, I sit here and look at all these arguments about the double-attack and the prioritized removal, and then I look at monsters like Phoenix and Thousand-Eyes Restrict (thanks, sparkywowo :P), and I still don't see any reason for BLS to be banned except a bunch of whining about effect he has on monsters.
Phoenix and his support are sure powerful, but nowhere as near of what bls does. If you can't understand why bls shouldn't even have been created, then you might have some mental problem.
My regionals + nationals deck utilizes both... Well i sure hate the bacon guy, but after nationals (or worlds, if I win) I'm problably out of the game... If I'm going to win this time, I'll do it using the same weaponry as my opponents. Then I'll concentrare working on my restrictions list, enforce it in stores and official side events, and perfecting my expensive blue eyes deck.
You suckers can stick your jls (jinzo + bls fusion of uber n00bicity) wherever you want to.
Well before I start Black Luster Soldier is a broken card and for anyone to say otherwise is stupid. It can single handedly win you the game say if you are topdecking (no cards) and your opponent has a full field of monsters. Use luster to kill any tribes, exiled, etc. or just atk for game. There are things to stop it but most of those go away very fast due to large level 4 monsters, heavy storm, and mst. Also another broken card that noone has seemed to mention on this thread (I haven't read the whole thing.) is magical scientist. Without that card to kill luster luster has just doubled in size. At least scientist had a lifepoint payment. I would rather have that then luster. Also on pojo there is a press release saying that BLS is gonna be a promo in the new master collection. Well they released all the banned cards again in dark beginnings 1 so does that mean luster is gonna be banned or simply that tons more decks will have him in? who knows as for burning the luster: That's just stupid why burn a 40 dollar card that you could just sell on ebay or trade to someone for a whole bunch, not to mention yugioh cards smell horrible when they're burned. (Don't ask me how i know that.)
If BLS is such an amazing piece of "tech", then run Chaos Sorc instead. ALMOST the same effect, and much better for metamorphisis.
Almost is the key word. You only get 2 NoC in a per deck BLS is your infinite NoC and Dark Core. I use to run Sorceror and really never planned to trade for a BLS. But when people want a certain card you have and they have multi copies of BLS then who am I to argue. BLS is a superior tech compared to the sorceror. Theirs no reason to run Sorceror until BLS is banned. BUT BURNING IS BAD!! You hear me agent?! BAD! Maybe you can laminate it to squirrel so it can never be played with again. Fire bad. But remember to show us pictures! :)
The defense rest~
Oh wait. I guess another thing you can do against BLS users is to refuse the second attack since most players just assume it works. You gotta activate it in Main Phase 1 to attack twice. You might come off as a jerk but its the rules. It can be game breaking if you catch someone like that!
Oh wait. I guess another thing you can do against BLS users is to refuse the second attack since most players just assume it works. You gotta activate it in Main Phase 1 to attack twice.
Wow, what was I thinking. Forget that last part. Massive Brain fart.
Ah lily dude, thank you for appearing here in the court room today.
To bring up a few counter arguements, you talk about the hand advantage that Black luster being bad, when it isnt at all. BLS is a one for many card in itself, and is really hard to come back from. In all the times, at least over 100 by now, that I've had BLS played on me, this past tuesday resulted in.... count em, the EIGHTH time I've been attacked by it. Noone attacks me with it, why? I'll set one card face down, even a nobleman, and they refuse to attack.
BLS users covet their golden crutch with both hands. Its already been said that a user will not even summon it if theres the chance their finishing move could be conutered. Players are indeed smart enough to know when not to summon their BLS; when torrential is a possability, or worse, bottomless trap hole. It was the same with the one known as Yata Garasu, as if book of moon, or skill drain were an option for the opponent, they'd likely not summon it.
Like my slightly off the deep end friend Big Red was attempting to say, BLS is broken.
Oh, and I've heard this before, I've attempted to get a Black Luster Soldier for a month now to write this article, and he's sitting in my room in a "Holding Cell" (read: on my desk in a plastic baggie). The sentance WILL be carried out if he is found guilty, and at this point, unless all of the rest of realms casts a vote, I'm going to grab my lighter. I'll let the preceedings go on for another few days, and on Tuesday I'll let the vote be cast.
On a side note, I've seen a lot of people like jerry yang in my ordeal to get a luster soldier. People always would ask "Agent, if you are doing so much to hate luster, why would you trade to get one?" I finaly got one, paraded the accused around the tourniment in its proverbial hand cuffs, and took the prisoner into my case. People asked me what I was to do with it, and I told them I had every intention of using it in my next article, when they found out there was a chance of it being burned, they all said the same thing jerry did.
"No, dont burn it! Give it to me!!!"
The fact of the matter is, burning BLS will be a cleansing act for me, and afterwords, I wont have to wash my hands after I touch one. Its almost like the venom of a snake, which can be made as an anti-venom. The ashes of a B.L.ASH (say it out loud, you'll get it) will allow me to touch other BLS cards without acting like they have lepracy.
When they refuse to attack with Luster, does that make it broken? No, it hinders it. It shows that people are AFRAID to attack with it. If people don't attack with it, how can it be deemed 'broken' in that sense? Another reason to let it live - let people bring out its FULL potential. As of right now, it's not broken. Nothing really is, save a few select cards. EVERYTHING can become broken, though. But, there are always the side effects - and people being weary of attacking is an example.
To spread on this, that set spell or trap could be something such as a Smashing Ground. I'd like that bluff, because it'd prevent them from attacking and then I'll just flip it up, and ta da!
Again, turn the next argument back. If they refuse to SUMMON it, what do they do then? What SOLID attacking ability will Luster actually have? Or a purpose, for that matter? It'll sit there. Ok, I'll set a spell or trap every turn if I knew that. Would it always be removal? Not spell speed 2 or greater, but it still might be removal, refer to the Smashing Ground argument above.
Also, waiting out a card drops speed. You'll lose advantage too fast fighting off everything else, and then IF a chance comes for an open shot your opponent could have a hand full of cards, possibly removal? Not summoning it is like holding a Pot of Greed - pointless.
And, if the fact exists that people are afraid of Torrential or Bottomless, why play monsters? Dang, I know they can run just one Torrential Tribute, I don't think I'll run my Berserk Gorilla or Enraged Battle Ox, it'll just get washed away. Being afraid to that standard is, again, a disadvantage at itself.
Also, if you feel you need to burn it, just burn it. It is, after all, not broken. I know I've burned Serpents, Jinzos, and Raigekis - hasn't bothered me, they haven't needed trials. It's cleansing, so do it!
I'd also like the jury to look at my previous responses and take into account the ones that were not answered. Those should be proof enough that Luster is in fact, NOT.BROKEN!
Luster is more broken then that pumkin I chucked in the street last holloween. That card alone has stopped me in progressing in tournaments that I used to come in ATLEAST 2nd in.
I'm tired of coming back and forth to read and occasionaly argure, so I'm just gonna say this and move on.
I have BLS in my deck and I'll continue using it until it a). hits the forbidden list or b). I find a card that better suits my deck.
When/If (No, really, I'm not 100% sure it will be banned) it becomes banned, I will not fight or protest. Like the rest of the forbidden cards, I will give it up and reformat my deck to work without it (unlike Change of Heart, I really, REALLY wanted to keep it, if just for sentimental reasons).
I'm unsure if BLS will become banned. The rest of the forbidden monsters are there because of their one-turn kill potential (no matter your position in the duel). BLS only ends the duel in one turn if your opponent's already low on lp. On a related note, Magical Scientist is only banned because Catapult Turtle isn't worth banning.
If BLS is banned, we'll never know for how long. Fiber Jar and Change of Heart were part of the original forbidden list. Then both were removed for the 2nd version of the list, but added again for the current list. Injection Fariy Lily, Cyber Jar and Mirror Force were once considered too powerful. Banning a card is not a life sentence.
As for a certain argument I've kept hearing, Konami and UDE did not keep BLS off the banned list to increase profits and sales. My only argument for that is DB1, which a good chunk of the rare cards were forbidden.
I've analyzed this card amoung many other cards in the game. This is how I see it.
Trap cards will and always will own this card. They have the ability to negate the summoning completely and destroy it. Defensive cards such as Sakuretsu Armor and Mirror Force will be used quiet often. Bottomless Trap Hole will rape him completely. (I believe it has to be summoned successfully to use the Remove From Play effect, even if that's true it wouldn't matter. BLS being gone is worth the cost of losing two cards in the minds of many.) Needle Ceiling makes BLS crap because it will more than likely be combined with Scapegoat. Usually this card will be placed into a Warrior-based deck which then can swarm many cards into play. Needle Ceiling then has its activation that much easier to fullfil. Just think of it as a mini-Torrential Tribute with an altered activation requirement. One that can be easier or harder to activate but equally as destructive almost. (Recommended against swarm decks only.)
The fact that Chaos Sorcerer is basically the same level of power with a cheaper rarity, weaker attack, same summoning requirements is remarkable. The only reason it's not used is because of the Attribute and Type. If it was altered to Warrior and Light, then it would be given quite a larger range of card support.
Now let's think of other cards to use against this might broken beast that should be locked away, but not burned for it's obvious superiority in brute strength. (I'll get into more detail on what I just meant in that sentence in a minute.) Book of Moon is a prime example. It renders this card face down. Face-Down is a nice feature to put it in. If anyone actually uses Nobleman of Crossout or Book of Moon, they more than likely will run them together maxed. As a result, this can remove BLS from play and the threat is gone. (Generally this will be used on the Turn Player's turn.)
Now let's think about this little tactic which will take that BLS and give you the power it has. No, I am not talking about Snatch Steal. This doesn't help you at all since you'd just be removing monsters from play. Big deal, they gain free life points. Now all you have to do is Mind Control any monster other than BLS and Creature Swap it. This works nicely if you use Exiled Force with it. That way if they have three monsters (like a warrior-based deck) you can slim down their choices. You Exile'd their Goblin Attack Force and Mind Controlled their Captain. Time to Creature Swap for that BLS and attack that Captain and then life points. They'll either counter with a defensive card to risk losing BLS and waste Warrior Returning on it or take damage. The transfer of power has shifted, the threat is gone, and now you can start making them feel the hatred that many people have for it.
So I don't say burn it, just lock it up nice and tight. It needs a good time out. (This doesn't mean ban it, if it's banned give us CED then..I have my reasons and modifications to the Ban List if that were to ever happen. Easy, just cut the support out completely for CED and you have just an ordinary Chaos monster with very little support.)
I vote it's broken, but don't burn it. How then will be have excellent trade bait if we burn all the BLS copies? I have one, but it's for collection until I find a suitable offer for it. (Which no one can give because it's not that fact I like or dislike it, it's the fact that people need to use fresh new ideas. Warrior decks don't ever need BLS to win. It's been proven, people need to be original for once.)
to be honest i don't think BLS should be banned, i like it, it may be broken, but get over it, if you can't beat it, then something is wrong....Jinzo is harder to take out......BLS may take a chunk of your LP but oh well, when it comes to your time he's either yours or DEAD....most of the time BOOM...just be readyu for him, keep that smashing ground in your hand for him...just that bit longer
Black Lust Soldier is a card that should have been banned long ago. It's ability to single-handedly turn the tides in a very onesided game is almost unfair. A game should be decided on skill, not only in the game but in the deckbuilding. the game should not be decided on who gets Luster out first. I personally think that it should of been banned of Chaos Emporer because the Chaos Dragon's only ability is dependant on the amount of cards in play, turning the tides but also resetting the field, allowing for a race as to who can set up a stable defence/offence. there, I've said my piece, now agree with me.
Black Lust Soldier is a card that should have been banned long ago. It's ability to single-handedly turn the tides in a very onesided game is almost unfair. A game should be decided on skill, not only in the game but in the deckbuilding. the game should not be decided on who gets Luster out first. I personally think that it should of been banned of Chaos Emporer because the Chaos Dragon's only ability is dependant on the amount of cards in play, turning the tides but also resetting the field, allowing for a race as to who can set up a stable defence/offence. there, I've said my piece, now agree with me.
OMG! Then let's ban Horus, Tribe, and Cyber Jar just to be fair, eh?
No. Multiple cards can turn the tides. There's no warrant behind that as a reason to ban it. Bring back CED would have no purpose - It'd just be overused as BLS is now.
First off, I'd just like to say that I cannot believe I just read every single post on this topic before I started writing this. I need to get to sleep. I have work in the morning =).
My vote, as anyone who knows me knows it is, is that Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning is broken and should have hit the Forbidden List as of April 1st.
First, let me dispel a myth or two. One, I am not afraid of the Soldier. I have taken down quite a few of them in my days of dueling. Two, I am not trying to compensate for my own lack of BLS. Seeing as how I have one (and use it), that's obviously not the case.
I'd like to focus for a moment on the fact that I use my own variant of a Chaos/Control deck (Cannon Soldier and Tsukuyomi have more power than most people realize.) Again, if you know me, you know I cherish originality. There is nothing I love more than creating an original deck and winning with it. My Light deck is a testament to that. The fact that I, a seasoned duelist who loves originality and hates cookie-cutter decks, am using a Chaos/Control deck with BLS speaks for it's playability (and status as "broken")
lilly_dude stated that the fact of people not being willing to attack with it when there are face-down Spell/Trap cards on the opponen't side of the field helped to prove that it is not broken. I say that this means quite the opposite. Consider this:
What other monster do duelists covet so much that they will attempt to keep it on the field at all costs, and will usually not take a risk if it means that monster might leave the field? The fact that most duelists can't stand the idea of their Soldier leaving the field shows just how amazing his effect is.
In addition, I wholeheartedly disagree with the people who claim that without Painful Choice, his "1 Light and 1 Dark" removal requirement is slow and awkward. Even when I played the deck with Painful Choice, the majority of times that I summoned my Soldier was NOT due to the effect of Painful Choice. Giving us back Graceful Charity just makes this situation worse.
"I activate Graceful Charity, drawing three cards. I'll discard a Light and a Dark monster, and summon Black Luster Soldier"
I hope no one attempts to say that the above situation is unlikely.
My last example is a duel I had (last month, I believe) in a highly competitive tournament setting. My opponent had complete field advantage (my side was empty) and total hand advantage (I had no cards in my hand.) I drew for my turn, and lo and behold, it was the fabled Soldier. I won the game because of it, with my opponent still at relatively high Life Points (at least 5000.)
In short, the Soldier's advantages outweigh his drawbacks, no contest. I understand that other people are entitled to their opinions. I also understand that I am entitled to believe that these people are dead wrong =).