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If this turns into a Flame fest I will remove it. Fair warning.
At both venues I played we used Multiple Levels and I came prepared to play either way. I had an squadron of all Full Total planes and a squadron of different leveled planes which I prefered. The first venue 1 of the 8 people came in with a question. He was the only person who had a squadron built of Full Total Planes only. He had no issue at all switching out and was fairly happy doing so because it gave him a chance to use the planes he WANTED to rather then the ones that "Fit". With the way WizKids has run other games it seemed "Logical" to those of us who play Mage Knight: Dungeons, HeroClix, or Mech Warrior that using different levels would be the "correct" way to play. In this instance WizKids did NOT make a ruling so either way COULD be considered Correct. By telling everyone who has a differing opinion "You are Wrong and I am Right" is only picking un-necessary fights. Until WizKids makes a ruling the Envoy is correct. They have stated in the past that if a ruling is un-clear the Envoy is the deciding factor.
Continue to discuss but it is not necessary for ANYONE to flame.
The ultimate goal of a Marquee, or any tournament, is to promote the game. Envoys strive to do just that within a framework.
My decision to have the marquee with scalable planes, was made because i felt that this would best show the diversity of the game. I saw no need to limit things as then it was much more likely to have mirror matches due to the fewer configuarations available.
it also drew players in to our campaign league, so the concept of scaling will carry through
Interesting the first Marquee I went to the Envoy followed campaign rules and we could only use the squadron planes at their rookie level. Planes that shot down others or made bailout rolls gain experance for the next game. Shooting down planes was the quick way to get to vet leve for next game. In the end I still had fun and don't understand sometime how people can get upset over silly rule interptation. Especially scaling, its only 200 points and its not that hard to make up a group on the spot. I mean I did have a combo I wanted to try out but also had many others just in case.
I now know why we didnt have our prizes on sunday. The venue signed up,but didnt sign on has a judge :(
I called to tell him this is why and he said yeah I signed up for shadowrun too but need to sign on has judge!!!
The reson I think he didnt sign up ASAP is he doent care he can always remember to get those HC,MW,MK. you know the ones that bring in the money on line........
Now Darth and I are S%$T out of like.. I will trade anyone for the Two planes so that we can at least each have the one BB for me and the HK for Darth.
This is not a Flame, merely a response to a point that has been made.
Originally posted by Mirth
Actually the rules do allude to mixing squads.
I am sorry, but I feel that an allusion is not a rule.
And to Paraphrase you...
"Good God, if only all WK rulings could be made by Allusion, then everything would be gloriously balanced..."
In the "Collision with Other Planes" section of the rules, page 17, it states "Planes in your squadron that share the same squadron symbol cannot collide with each other." This is the _benefit_ of having all your planes in the same faction, you never have to make collision checks when you send up in the same space with your own planes. Other than that there are no rules preventing you from playing planes from other factions.
Yes, page 17 does contain your Quote. But, no where in the rule book does it state you may choose planes of different factions. Perhaps some future Broadway Bombers will have a Different Squadron Symbol, maybe like the one on the Promo Plane. This could represent the Tycoon Tornadoes, who are also Members of the Broadway Bombers, but don't normally fly with the Madison Avenue planes.
Some people argue that what isn't Disallowed in the rules is Allowed, but this leads to players who say "Loaded Dice are not disallowed, there fore they are legal."
The Section on page 16, "Create a Squadron" states "Select planes that add up to, but do not exceed, the selected build total." But it does not say where to select these planes from. And does not state, either way whether Factions may be Mixed.
The planes are sold in "Squadron Packs", which alludes to the fact that these planes are members of the same Squadron. And the Rules refer to Creating a Squadron. Perhaps they mean choosing which members of a single faction are flying that day?
Further, the Story written specificly for the Marquee shows that it is a fight between The Bombers and The Knights.
So it seems that WizKids intention may have been that the Marquee be Faction Pure.
But, as I believe Rapier has said, its all up to interpretation until WizKids gives us a Ruling. The rules were written really loosly, with lots of room for Assumption, Allusion, and Interpretation.
I would like to thank Mirth, et. al, for their insights into these complex issues. I do not intend that this be Crimson Skies by My Rules. I just don't intend for it to be Crimson Skies by PlayerX's Rules, either. And so, I believe that all players should have a chance at airing their ideas.
And, I felt that RumblePuppy went a bit far with this statement...
You can't use planes at anything but full strength!!! The rules for using the planes at less than full strength are for campaigns. ONLY! Sorry but those are the rules. Your envoys should stop you from using illegal squadrons.
!!! and All Caps seem a lot like Barking Orders, instead of giving suggestions. I may also be guilty of being overly enthusiastic about my rules interpretations. And when I am, I welcome people to call me on it, Politely of Course.
No one person's interpretation of rules should be enforced over another's without a ruling from WizKids. What works at one Venue will not Work at All. Above all the game should be played to have Fun. If it means Using the levels at another Venue, Fine.If that means mixed Factions at one Venue, then also Fine.
Jamie and i have butted heads before, but thats because we both want whats best. we simply do not agree on all points.
This time however he and I do agree on the salient point:
In absence of an official ruling, it is subject to the envoys call, whether on squadron configuration, time limit or how to handle when time is called.
it is the ENVOYS call. Period.
if you are an envoy attending someone else's event, then it is the host envoy who has final say. Period.
even if the game you played at venue X a few hours ago had an envoy who ruled differently.
you are free to disagree, but you have to abide by the envoys ruling.
I am all for having envoys making rulings where the rules do not indicate clearly what is to be done. Sometimes though the rules indicate clearly how something is to be done in which case the envoy needs to go by what is written in the rulebook. I have given up on trying to convince you that my stand point is supported by the rules as you all seem deadset in your position as I am. I only hope then that WK will soon clear up anything that needs to be cleared up.
i just find it interesting that what you see as clear-cut could be seen as ambiguous by so many envoys as evidenced by the amount of marquees that were run scaled, the questions asked here and on WK boards and so on.
Yes, Rapierduel and I have tangled in the Past, and probably will in the future.
But, I have a lot of Respect for his opinions, even when they cross mine.
This time he's right, Go with your local Envoy's Ruling.
Scaled Planes seem like the only way to get true squadron customization.
This is doubly true for players who choose to play Faction Pure.
But, when you go to someone else's Venue, be ready to use their Rulings.
Its Easy to carry all your Planes to an Event,
and Its Easy to choose a new squadron at the last minute.
This isn't like other WizKids Games, where constructing an army takes a trunk load of units and an hour with a calculator.
A great Squadron can be constructed in minutes with just 4-6 figs.
As a thought...
WizKids has the only miniatures games I know of that allow Mixed Factions.
So, is it any wonder people argue against doing it in Crimson Skies.