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Originally posted by Goop I expect that after a couple years the general census of the VS community is going to be asking "who the F### are these people coming out?". And the answer from UDE will be, "we've done everyone else".
As of right now we have hit about 70% of the most popular characters in both universes. Once the other 15% is done, its going to be harder and harder to keep popularity alive with virtually unknown characters.
Magic can go on forever because they make it up as they go along, VS at some point is going to have to scrape the bottom of the barrel for characters since they have preset information that they utilize.
I'm a big comic buff, big fan of VS, but you know nothing lasts forever. Sooner or later it will have to end, so try not to dwell on it and just enjoy it while you can.
But here's the thing:
Magic is just making up their characters as they go along ... VS. is using actual characters that exist.
If MANY of the people that play Magic don't know or care WHO the things on their cards are ... why would Vs. players NEED to 'know' the people on theirs?
I know that Magic has some books like D&D does that 'explains' the sets, etc ... but then again, so does Vs.
You want to know about the Squadron? They have a trade paperback of their 12 issue mini-series that pretty much covers MOST of everything you need to know.
You want to know about X-Statix? They're entire print run is collected in, I believe, 5 or 6 trade paper backs:
[1 for X-Force, 1 for the first part of the comics, 1 for the Dead Pop Star thing, 1 for the Avengers cross over, and 1 in the middle somewhere ....]
Regardless ... the Vs. characters are less 'obscure' than the Magic stuff is ... So the people who play Vs. BECAUSE of the characters ... are likely the comic buffs that get excited about obscure characters.
Not to mention ... they've shown a TON of willingness towards making multiple versions of the same character so "we've done it" isn't going to cut it in terms of not wanting to make more of the 'popular' characters.
Originally posted by billking VS is a superior game. In VS, when you put a character face-down in the row, it sucks. Mildly. In Magic, when you miss a land drop, your girlfriend leaves you, your dog dies, someone keys your car, and you get syphallis. 'Nuff said.
This post needed to be re-quoted... AGAIN.
After reading the last 6 or more pages, the general consensus (even from high-level Magic players) is that VS is less reliant on luck and more skill intensive. In my area, that's why I think a lot of Magic players DON'T play VS. They would rather not think about formations and PT/LOC management and hope to topdeck that Island or Pot of Greed. Now I'm not saying MtG (or YGO) players are not skilled, but I think that middle ground of players... the more casual group would rather just play than think (like markslack said). That and the fact they already invested how much money into their collection really makes it hard to crossover to VS.
As for IP... I disagree with Goop (sorry bro)... I don't ever see an end to the content for VS. That post by Cyke was HUGE... it took me more time to read that list than this whole thread!
I like MtG... but I would rather like to play a VS game than sit around, draw a card, not have a land and say "Say go"*.
*A player says that all the time and we always answer "Go".
I don't like people saying how bad missing a land drop is. It's not irrecoverable, you usually don't miss them them as often as people say, and it's about as bad as underdropping.