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Well drawing 2 Childs in a game is probably the average number I should think, provided you get ARB early enough.
From playing against it quite a lot I noticed they could afford to hold them back until the crucial turns. Just using stuff like Invisible Woman, Unstable Molecules, Personal Forcefield and having unimportant guys on the table meant they could be saved until the final turn or two in the game.
Often a Trask/Hounds/Mark II draw is much worse than NTZ.
As much as Limited is fun, I just don't think it makes a good $10k event. I probably have only read 1-2 Metagame articles for a Sealed event. I can't tell you how boring it was to read "He opened [this card]!!".
They should have just done that split Marvel/DC format again... that was interesting.
Originally posted by erick They should make the $10k DC Modern. Kidding.
As much as Limited is fun, I just don't think it makes a good $10k event. I probably have only read 1-2 Metagame articles for a Sealed event. I can't tell you how boring it was to read "He opened [this card]!!".
They should have just done that split Marvel/DC format again... that was interesting.
Heh. As someone who'll be there, I have complete apathy for the people that have to read the coverage. I want to have fun, dammit, and Sealed 10ks are more fun (mostly because I do better in them than I do in Constructed).
But I honestly don't see how you guys can not want to have team sealed? It is honestly the most fun format in anything, besides of course team rochester (which I doubt works very well with vs).
Yeah... playing is more fun... unless you get back crap like a 4 teams with no teamup in sight or all the team-stamped PTs and only 1 character on that team... hehe.
I'd love to see some kind of team event, but a $10k at a PC prolly isn't the place to debut this sort of thing. Would take a lot of last minute planning to put together a team after finding out who did and did not make day 2 of the PC.
Expect a lot of T-Bolt Tactics from pros who think will sweep the format with it. They won't, when they realize that they can't beat search and destroy, terra, heroic sacrifice, or TNB.
Titans will regret not playing one speedy over a betrayal.
Kang will be non-existent because it is awful.
Squadron supreme will be swept aside by those who realize TNB is better. Don't argue. Until flametrap is banned (which it should be), the deck isn't viable. Just play TNB, get sabertooth + magneto, and win. Consider heat vision over surprise attack? Nah, of course not. I am an idiot...?
Cosmic radiation will not be rampant.
Anarchy over microsentinels.
Two face will be played over one magneto and one finishing move.
I will play avengers.
MJ's predictions. Read em and weep. Or ignore them and weep. I am always wrong anyways.
Dalton (If you are the same Michael Dalton that played SW:CCG then I would gladly partner with you in a pinch)
I predict a lot of bad Avenger builds (sadly enough since the perfect build was handed out).
CS will appear, but I bet a lot of CS net deckers will have switched to Avengers.
TT Prosak is good and Wiittian (even though he is over the top) is a pretty decent player as well
There will be plenty of TNB. Those hooked on this cardboard crack have a hard time switching even if the deck has seen its day.
T-Bolts Tactics will probably not be played by very many because the base deck is a DeckTech deck. The core players TJHolman and Clint only did mediocre with it in Orlando. I know those guys if they did not sweep the field they will bring a new deck that they believe will. They do not stick with things that do not DOMINATE the field. Of course some will play it.
A few other rogue decks I expect to see:
As for Kang...only about 2 will play a good version about 3 will play that Kang City Jank which is horrible. However, the straight Kang and Kangshot decks can do suprisingly well in many matchups. However with no accredidation to date, I can not expect many to play it.
Also a couple of Vomit Decks...Interestingly enough there were 2 Vomit decks that held the top tables at $10k Orlando for longer then expected.
Intergang Crap
Anti-Matter Rush
New School (I know 1 player probably playing this)
X-Stall (Somebody always trys to play this).
X-Dream (I predict at least 2 players in a field this large).
and the deck I will be playing!!!!! Mwahahaha
Some Cards that might get some street cred that did not get much before:
I agree TotalAnarchy will be back.
Two-Face (splash) in a lot of decks for consistency I would not be suprised if he even splashes in an Avenger build.
Global Domination (splashed)...techs against Opitron, Argus, SavLands, Genosha, and the Mansion.
Sphere of Solitude.
As to what Sentinals will pack, it's going to be a mixed bag. It's been discussed about the merits of how much hate for Avenger/Mirrors vs hate for Combos vs hate for weenies should be packed, and I think different people will come with different perspectives.
If you want to prepare against combo and Teen Titans, Null Time Zone is very strong, and a lot of people will be packing it. Awful vs Avengers, only OK vs the mirror, but does a lot vs decks that are too reliant on one trick.
If you want to prepare against weenies, Flame Trap and Total Anarchy will do very well. Vs Titans and TNB you want TA, vs New School, GLEE, and Dream, you want the Flame Traps. Micro-Sentinals, meh, never liked this card, but that's just me.... it's certainly good vs FFun, but honestly...
If you want to prepare against Avengers and the mirror, the less of the above cards you play the better. You can beat even well played Avengers by packing Nasty Suprise, Dodges, and Finishing Moves (old-school style). With a rise of Avengers, and some of the mirrors just trying to get too "tricky", this can be the call.
I think it's a given people will play No Man Escapes as their primary beatdown here; it works around NTZ nicely, and has a great added effect that is strong vs both Avengers and MK-KO. If you want to play a secondary, you play Savage Beatdown, though finding room for 8 beatdowns is getting tougher.
So that's Sentinals story: you can beat anything... you just can't beat everything. Good luck with this one; there's a lot of possibilities that not just Sentinals, but the rest of the environment has to take into account. This thread is interesting, and I think, like most people's guesses, this format will be a strong "mixed bag", with everyone trying to outguess what the metagame will end up like. I don't think robots are dead; I don't think Avengers are as hard to play as many believe (or as inconsistant as others believe). I agree with most of Mike's assessments on combo decks and the lack of "goodness" found within that Squad deck.
Originally posted by IceHot42 T-Bolts Tactics will probably not be played by very many because the base deck is a DeckTech deck. The core players TJHolman and Clint only did mediocre with it in Orlando. I know those guys if they did not sweep the field they will bring a new deck that they believe will. They do not stick with things that do not DOMINATE the field. Of course some will play it.
I don't know about mediocre. I did go 7.3 with 2 losses to spidey which I had no business beating and than another to that SS no hand deck which I than beat round 10 when I learned how to play against it. I hope people really just blow that deck off because it is probally the best combo deck in the field right now and it packs ntz naturally. It will get its proper credit after the UK 10K, you heard it here first.
MJ: Dallas Riodan and Hawkeye are 5 drops, Search and Destroy and Terra do not hurt them. I don't understand how this works. How would TNB stop them? They are known to have abysmal defence.