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I am not actually in the game. It is only between Keebe & John!
Anyways is the great Ryan Jones interested in team bugs xstatix tech?
Are you that desperate to beat that crazy burn deck?
tell you what, we will post it soon if you guyz (team ftn) agree to draft with or team online a couple times. By the way most of us are not going to PC san fran so you will have to get us for infinte crisis.
Originally posted by Jonesy Anyways, being a member of the fast food culture I want to see the decklist here, now. Then go ahead and write an in depth article on it for the front page here.
He is the dwarf, I am the elf. (see avatar)
Keeb man, that's like seriously $60,000 in fan-base. You should prolly go with that.
I'd like to see the deck list as soon as possible. Posting it here would not preclude an actual article on the deck. I vote for having our cake and eating it, too. Of course, I'd be happy with either.
He makes the counters himself. He actually eats roofing nails and his amazing digestive tract forms them from bile and steel. It's an amazing process to watch.
One time, though, he ate Chipotle instead of nails, and ended up fouling John's hotel bathroom
Ill give props to the guy for playing X-statix . I have been working on them for a while and got them pretty good , and everytime a 10k or even PCQ came I needed points . So I never got to play them . And well they are not good enough for the PC to run :(.....
Originally posted by spideysean102 That sir, is copyright infringement as you are not a part of Team Online. You are being charged $100,000.
spidey sean
sorry i am actually a bone head!!!!!
I meant to say "our team (bugs) online".
Good luck trying to collect your $100,000.
Hey Gabe,
were you drunk or was I? It must of been you since you have no memory of it. You must of gotten that from all those late night team online sessions you attend. How many beer bongs do you do in one night?
by the way Jonesy the offer still stands!
Don't you ftn guyz ever do more then one pod when you practice draft online? Usually you guyz don't need any fillers so i just suffer at home. I keep bothering Chuck & Dave to let me draft with u guyz but i guess you are always full. Then when you do need me I am busy. Why can't you sit one out for me. You should tell them next time" i am sitting this one out for my buddy Joe from Kansas! He is going to take my spot tonight." Lie to them if you have to! Tell them you have to wash your hair or something.
Keebelr may actually be a dwarf Jonsey but don't forget your heritage! Yes, For those of you who do not know Ryan Jones great great grandfather was Paul Bunyan. That's right! Hey Jonsey whatever happened to that big blue ox?