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DD vs. White Queen. He'll outwit her ss. Needs 3 + 1, rolls 9. Emma's down.
Vindicator vs. Psycho-Man. He'll use the Alpha ta on him. Needs 5 + 1 -1, rolls 11. He's out, too.
You've got a weak Harley and Dr. Alchemy. Let's give this one more turn if you're ready to concede, that is.
Rocket Red V G10 (Disassemble)
Scarlet Witch FF V N5 (Armor Piercing) (stealthed)
Spider-Man (Sin) V (5) K14 (Thunderbolts to Mystic)
Green Lantern CJ E (1) K5 (Endurance)
Daredevil (Sin) V @ J10 (Stunning Blow)
Katana V D13 (1) (Pummel) (stealthed)
Vindicator V @ F8 (Alpha Flight)
Quasar (Endurance) G5
HO J7, D7, H9 LO E3, D8
Figures used: Hulk/Green Scar, Wasp, Sentinel, Lead & Tin, Namorita, Flash, Storm, Mento, Deadpool, Punisher, Mandroid Armor, Polaris, Banshee, Firehawk, Karma, Sandman, Falcon, Hellboy, G'nort, Iceman, Chief, Echo, Puck, Johann Kraus, Shadow Lass, Hellcat, Black Cat, M'onel, Jane Foster, Fire, Cannonball, Ch'p, Gamora, Johnny Thunder, Vision, Kyle Richmond, Green Arrow, Howard the Duck, Invisible Woman, Silver Surfer, Jean Grey, Shining Knight, Rip Hunter, Batman, Booster Gold, Lobo, Cable, Sentry, Phantom Stranger, Search Destroy/Agent Alpha, Power Princess, Skymax, Tigra, Iron Man, Batgirl, Crimson Avenger, Ambush Bug, Dove, Raven, Punisher, Dr. Strange, Deadman, Clea, Alfred Pennyworth, Ms. Marvel, Meggan, Dr. Mid-Nite, Jean-Paul Beaubier, Shi, Elektra, Forge, Bouncing Boy, Power Man & Iron Fist, Hercules, Hawkman, Guy Gardner, Ice, Quasar, Omni-Man, Bishop, Sage, Superman Earth 2, Saturn Girl, Spider-Man, Johnny Storm, Wonder Woman, Scarlet Witch, Daredevil, Ganthet, Rocket Red, Vindicator, Katana
I need to step back. Vindicator can't attack Psycho-Man, he's already gone. Maybe Super-Adaptoid? Shape change is 6, it's a no-go.
Rocket Red V G10 (Disassemble)
Scarlet Witch FF V N5 (Armor Piercing) (stealthed)
Spider-Man (Sin) V (5) K14 (Thunderbolts to Mystic)
Green Lantern CJ E (1) K5 (Endurance)
Daredevil (Sin) V @ J10 (Stunning Blow)
Katana V D13 (1) (Pummel) (stealthed)
Vindicator V F8 (Alpha Flight)
Quasar (Endurance) G5
HO J7, D7, H9 LO E3, D8
Figures used: Hulk/Green Scar, Wasp, Sentinel, Lead & Tin, Namorita, Flash, Storm, Mento, Deadpool, Punisher, Mandroid Armor, Polaris, Banshee, Firehawk, Karma, Sandman, Falcon, Hellboy, G'nort, Iceman, Chief, Echo, Puck, Johann Kraus, Shadow Lass, Hellcat, Black Cat, M'onel, Jane Foster, Fire, Cannonball, Ch'p, Gamora, Johnny Thunder, Vision, Kyle Richmond, Green Arrow, Howard the Duck, Invisible Woman, Silver Surfer, Jean Grey, Shining Knight, Rip Hunter, Batman, Booster Gold, Lobo, Cable, Sentry, Phantom Stranger, Search Destroy/Agent Alpha, Power Princess, Skymax, Tigra, Iron Man, Batgirl, Crimson Avenger, Ambush Bug, Dove, Raven, Punisher, Dr. Strange, Deadman, Clea, Alfred Pennyworth, Ms. Marvel, Meggan, Dr. Mid-Nite, Jean-Paul Beaubier, Shi, Elektra, Forge, Bouncing Boy, Power Man & Iron Fist, Hercules, Hawkman, Guy Gardner, Ice, Quasar, Omni-Man, Bishop, Sage, Superman Earth 2, Saturn Girl, Spider-Man, Johnny Storm, Wonder Woman, Scarlet Witch, Daredevil, Ganthet, Rocket Red, Vindicator, Katana
Spider-Man vs. Adaptoid. Needs 7, rolls 10. Adaptoid's out. He's a hard one to use although he seemed to last longer for me.
Let's see if I can finish this up. Wanda to K9.
Quasar moves Red to G13. Red vs. Alc. Needs 9, rolls 8. Wanda rerolls 7.
Vindicator turns his Alpha ta onto Alchemy. He'll rs to J8 to attack. Needs 7, rolls 5.
Jon tks Katana to M13.
She charges to M15 and attacks Alchemy. Needs 8, rolls 6.
Rocket Red V @ G13 (Disassemble)
Scarlet Witch FF V @ K9 (Armor Piercing) (stealthed)
Spider-Man (Sin) V (5) @ K14 (Thunderbolts to Mystic)
Green Lantern CJ E (1) @ K5 (Endurance)
Daredevil (Sin) V J10 (Stunning Blow)
Katana V @ M13 (1) (Pummel) (stealthed)
Vindicator V @ J8 (Alpha Flight)
Quasar (Endurance) @ G5
HO J7, D7, H9 LO E3, D8
Figures used: Hulk/Green Scar, Wasp, Sentinel, Lead & Tin, Namorita, Flash, Storm, Mento, Deadpool, Punisher, Mandroid Armor, Polaris, Banshee, Firehawk, Karma, Sandman, Falcon, Hellboy, G'nort, Iceman, Chief, Echo, Puck, Johann Kraus, Shadow Lass, Hellcat, Black Cat, M'onel, Jane Foster, Fire, Cannonball, Ch'p, Gamora, Johnny Thunder, Vision, Kyle Richmond, Green Arrow, Howard the Duck, Invisible Woman, Silver Surfer, Jean Grey, Shining Knight, Rip Hunter, Batman, Booster Gold, Lobo, Cable, Sentry, Phantom Stranger, Search Destroy/Agent Alpha, Power Princess, Skymax, Tigra, Iron Man, Batgirl, Crimson Avenger, Ambush Bug, Dove, Raven, Punisher, Dr. Strange, Deadman, Clea, Alfred Pennyworth, Ms. Marvel, Meggan, Dr. Mid-Nite, Jean-Paul Beaubier, Shi, Elektra, Forge, Bouncing Boy, Power Man & Iron Fist, Hercules, Hawkman, Guy Gardner, Ice, Quasar, Omni-Man, Bishop, Sage, Superman Earth 2, Saturn Girl, Spider-Man, Johnny Storm, Wonder Woman, Scarlet Witch, Daredevil, Ganthet, Rocket Red, Vindicator, Katana
To be fair, one of the big reasons Super-Adaptoid lasted so long for you was that you weren't doing anything with him. He wasn't enough of a threat to bother making an effort to deal with the whole Camouflage thing you did with him.
Dr. Alchemy pushes on Katana, AV8 on DV16. Gets 6.
Harley on Katana, AV4 on DV16 +1. Needs 13. Or 12. Gets 10. Nice showing, but not enough.
I'm thinking this is over. But if you want to take the pleasure of polishing me off, they're both going to have to pass, so you've got two turns to do it.
Dr. Alchemy @@ M16 (2!)
LE Dr Harleeen Quinzel @ P17 (4!)
HO E3, F3, E5, J7, D7, H9, G12
LO C18, K8, C5, F19, C18, E3, F8
Figures used: Crimson Cowl, Heat Wave, Bulldozer, Queen Bee, Spymaster, Dr. Polaris, Zzzax, Felix Faust, Madame Masque, Monarch, Persuader, Captain Mako, Bizarro, Wizard, Power Ring, Purple Man, Ulik, Sidewinder, Baron Blood, Star Sapphire, Rasputin, Executioner, Red Skull, Boomerang, Peotor, King Shark, Scourge, Destiny, Lady Shiva, Lady Deathstrike, Captain Boomerang, Toad, Venom, Maxima, Bullseye, Hush, Fabian Cortez, Rhino, Psycho Pirate, Kobra Fanatic, Jack O'Lantern, Dormammu, Shathra, Mirror Master, Psimon, Bulldozer, Super-Skrull: X-Men, Blastaar, Major Disaster, Deathstroke, Blizzard, Clayface III, Judge Fire, Bron, Bronze Tiger, Wrecker, Penguin, Calypso, Dormammu, Doombot, Intergang Agent, Major Maxim, Forerunner, Leader, Killer Croc, Black Hand, Juggernaut, Tombstone, Piledriver, Speed Demon, Nebula, Ultron, Ultraman, Kristoff, Avalanche, Red Hood, General Zod, Knockout, Catwoman, Goblin Queen, Nimrod, Merlyn, Dr. Alchemy, Alex Luthor, Princess Python, Typhoid Mary, Cyborg Superman, Thunderer of Qward, Professor Ivo, Fixer, Shadow King, Scarecrow, Torquemada, Bane, Granny Goodness, Metallo, Emerald Empress, Beetle, Prometheus, Ringmaster, Black Queen (Jean), Cheshire, Harley Quinn, White Queen, Vulture, Psycho-Man, Ace, Super-Adaptoid, Anaconda - 10000
You're right about Super-Adaptoid but even so, I was just luckier with him, too.
Turn 1:
Quasar tks Matt to H13.
DD vs. Alchemy. Needs 6 + 1, rolls 4. Scarlet Witch rerolls: 11. 3 to him plus a token and push for stunning blow and he's done. I kinda like all these guys going up against poor little wounded Harley.
Turn 2:
Vindicator will rs to N9 to attack Harley. Needs 3, rolls 4. SHe's out.
I'll let you start the post for volume 2 here and since I showed my feats on the villains team first maybe you can show yours?
Rocket Red V @ G13 (Disassemble)
Scarlet Witch FF V @ K9 (Armor Piercing) (stealthed)
Spider-Man (Sin) V (5) @ K14 (Thunderbolts to Mystic)
Green Lantern CJ E (1) @ K5 (Endurance)
Daredevil (Sin) V J10 (Stunning Blow)
Katana V @ M13 (1) (Pummel) (stealthed)
Vindicator V @ J8 (Alpha Flight)
Quasar (Endurance) @ G5
HO J7, D7, H9 LO E3, D8
Figures used: Hulk/Green Scar, Wasp, Sentinel, Lead & Tin, Namorita, Flash, Storm, Mento, Deadpool, Punisher, Mandroid Armor, Polaris, Banshee, Firehawk, Karma, Sandman, Falcon, Hellboy, G'nort, Iceman, Chief, Echo, Puck, Johann Kraus, Shadow Lass, Hellcat, Black Cat, M'onel, Jane Foster, Fire, Cannonball, Ch'p, Gamora, Johnny Thunder, Vision, Kyle Richmond, Green Arrow, Howard the Duck, Invisible Woman, Silver Surfer, Jean Grey, Shining Knight, Rip Hunter, Batman, Booster Gold, Lobo, Cable, Sentry, Phantom Stranger, Search Destroy/Agent Alpha, Power Princess, Skymax, Tigra, Iron Man, Batgirl, Crimson Avenger, Ambush Bug, Dove, Raven, Punisher, Dr. Strange, Deadman, Clea, Alfred Pennyworth, Ms. Marvel, Meggan, Dr. Mid-Nite, Jean-Paul Beaubier, Shi, Elektra, Forge, Bouncing Boy, Power Man & Iron Fist, Hercules, Hawkman, Guy Gardner, Ice, Quasar, Omni-Man, Bishop, Sage, Superman Earth 2, Saturn Girl, Spider-Man, Johnny Storm, Wonder Woman, Scarlet Witch, Daredevil, Ganthet, Rocket Red, Vindicator, Katana
"C'mon Alcy, we can get 'em. All's we gotta do is push a little," Harley Quinn says, "Like this." She pushes Dr. Alchemy forward.
"Are you crazy, fool?".
"Crazy or fool, Alcy, pick one. You can't have it both ways."
Dr. Alchemy is suddenly knocked out by Daredevil's billy club.
Harley smiles widely in fear and pulls a white flag out of her sleeve and waives it.
"Wow," Spider-Man says.
"Then it's over," Daredevil replies.
"You said that," DD replies to Spidey.
"...She had a white flag already on her. That's thinking ahead."
"Don't get too excited, Spider-Boy. It doubles as a hanky," Harley replies.
"Where did Rocket Red go? Red?" Jon Stewart asks. "I literally saw him a minute ago."
For a moment all attention turned to Jon. Spider-Man then turns back and sees Harley Quinn missing, only her white flag on the ground.
"Where's Harley? What didja do with Rocket Red?" Spider-Man asks.
He turns to the Scarlet Witch who's standing next to Vindicator.
"It isn't magic," Wanda says, "I can't tell what it is."
"What does your senses tell you?" Vindicator asks.
"Nothing," he turns to Daredevil, "How about your radar?". But Daredevil is missing also. When Spider-Man turns back towards the others both the Scarlet Witch and Vindicator are gone.
Only Spider-Man and Quasar remain. "I saw them ....they disappeared right in front of me...". Quasar then himself disappears.
"What the heck is going on????" Spider-Man asks. He'll never get to know the answer to that mystery as he too disappears. A new set of eight heroes appears where he stood.