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Originally posted by webhead817 Various Fastball Special matchups...
Colossus - Wolverine (duh)
Thing - Mr. Fantastic
Aquaman - Blue Beetle
Hellboy - Lobster Johnson (exp.)
And possibly one of the best...
Rhino exp. and Kraven exp.
Good thinkin!
Now, with Rhino and Kraven... they start adjacent at the beginning of the action, could Rhino use Kraven's attack value for the fastball special? That would make it even more deadly. :D
Originally posted by Storm Master Still hoping BroMags replies to my other question...
Are the Feats and Battlefield Condition cards Universe specific? Can we use these cards in DC universe toruneys?
That is a question you will have to answer at your own venue. My sense of it is, in an Open HeroClix event with House Rules...
Anything goes.
Someone asked about rarities: all the cards are equally rare. Trick Shot is as rare as Fastball Special, is as rare as Franklin Richards, is as rare as Ordinary Day.
Originally posted by megakilroy Only Moloid and Quiksilver don't block LOF with Trick Shot. True they can make Capt. Marvel break away if he want's to Running Shot, but since he's a flier he can shoot out of base contact and the Feat card lets him ignore all figure bases, so he can still shoot ANYBODY within his range (assuming nobody is behind any blocking terrain).
Once the figure using Trick Shot is based he loses the benefit of Trick Shot. So if my opponent TKs up a Moloid to base me I lose the benefit of Trick Shot until I either Break-away or eat the Moloid. Since Amazo has HSS he can keep on flying and ignore the Moloid, while Captain Marvel will have to deal with him.
No his mind is not for rent
To any god or government
Always hopeful, yet discontent
He knows changes aren't permanent
But change is
Originally posted by turdburglar47 Can the thrown character also have super strength? AND be carrying an object?
The object wouldn't be used in the attack. Fastball Special does not meet the requirements for using an object in an attack.
And no rule actually prevents you from using an object. Some rules just require that an object be used when making a particular type of attack. This isn't one of those types of attacks.
Originally posted by Angelofhate The text on Rip it Up says "target character" ... yet it's said that it works with all character with super strength. What's the meaning of "target character" in that example?
Any character doing the Ripping Up.
Originally posted by The-Atom So BrotherMagneto.are the feat cards rare,like do you have more of a chance of geting lets say,rip it up then trickshot?????.
They have equal distribution. (Per Brother_Magneto.) None is more rare than another.
Originally posted by Angelofhate Now, with Rhino and Kraven... they start adjacent at the beginning of the action, could Rhino use Kraven's attack value for the fastball special?
Trick shot and rip it up look really good, fastball special looks WORTHLESS. I mean, without the Toughness requirement it might have been ok, but with it it excludes MOST characters as targets for it, including many variations of Wolverine.
A better rule, in my mind, would have been "the character thrown takes 1 damage from this action, unless he has a power that reduces damage in effect", or something along those lines. That way, anybody could be thrown, they'd just have to pay for it.
Basically, I don't see how it'd be worth it to put one specific Wolverine on the team, push Colocsssus, let him recover, and then have him chuck wolvie a WHOLE 6 squares. I'm sure some people could make SOME use of that, but for 6 more points I bet you could get some much better characters on the field.
For example, you could throw on a Captian Britain, who could not only "chuck" Wolverine 6 spaces, he could carry Wolverine 10 spaces, let him attack, and then carry him off again, as many times as you want, without costing you feat cards.
It just seems very lame for 12 points, for that ability I wouldn't pay more than 5.
How do Amazo ignore the moloid in contact with him? If you HHS people in base contact with you don't affect you?
Originally posted by Storm Master Once the figure using Trick Shot is based he loses the benefit of Trick Shot. So if my opponent TKs up a Moloid to base me I lose the benefit of Trick Shot until I either Break-away or eat the Moloid. Since Amazo has HSS he can keep on flying and ignore the Moloid, while Captain Marvel will have to deal with him.
Originally posted by ohoni Basically, I don't see how it'd be worth it to put one specific Wolverine on the team, push Colocsssus, let him recover, and then have him chuck wolvie a WHOLE 6 squares.
Well...if it's dark out, the max range is 6 squares for might as well chuck him remember, you end up with an opponent that has just taken a hit AND has Wolverine "in his grill".
MARVEL Attacktix Battle Figure Game- Game Developer TRANSFORMERS Bot Shots Battle Game - Game Designer
Wow trick shot will be good for a Live Wire / Metallo team-up. Metallo being able to Outwit over/through and Live Wire being able to shoot around Metallo.
Mind you thats a ton of points but I am used to that with the Anti-S
I am pretty excited about these, but I must say that Fastball Special seems overcosted (or underpowered, whichever way you look at it). It is fairly hard to set up, quite easy to counter, and not very rewarding even if you do get it off. If the thrown character could use any of his own attack powers, or if it did not give the thrown character an action, it would be much more useful. I suppose the bonus to the thrower's attack makes it more worthwhile, but, again, since it can only be used once, it is very limited.
Two questions, though. First, people are saying you cannot use Perplex with this Feat. Where does that come from? Do they just mean that you can't Perplex the thrown character's damage higher than 3? Also, when Fastball Special states that the two characters must be on the same team, does that include unaffiliated characters? I hope it does, but I doubt it.
Why does everyone say Clobberin' Time is getting retired? Nothing we have leads us to believe it's being retired, we havent heard anything about it being retired... you all are just pissing and moaning about an assumption.
One person said it, someone was gullible enough to believe it, and it got spread around.