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This would be one of those big games again where we use all of the X-Men in it. By all I mean official X-Men by comic (meaning Juggernaut is in, exp White Queen is in, Wolfsbane is not); by Heroclix or a combination of the two. Maybe 5 figures at a time. For arguments sake we might consider Ultimate versions of some of them as well. Oh, and I'd certainly say Wolverine doesn't need to be an official X-Men version; Logan, Patch; samurai; all should be ok in my opinion.
Not sure I get your Wolvesbane example. She was not a full fledged X-Man perhaps, but as a New Mutant and X-Factor member, I'd say she qualifies for inclusion, should either of us want her. And "by Heroclix" she certainly is.
Any idea what kind of points we're looking at? 1000 apiece maybe? More? We'll draft, I imagine.
Well I'm a bit of a stickler for officialness so technically Wolfsbane, Boom Boom, Cap Brtiain, Domino, any Alphas save for Northstar who is an X-Man and a few others never were X-Men.
I'm certainly ok with using anyone in 'Clix that say X-Men (although I would argue that since White Queen E should be eligible, and any Wolvie, Juggernaut etc).
I'd draft a list of optios and you could add/veto if you like. Otherwise we can play it by ear and just do whatever. The idea of X-Men divided was to use all the X-Men, so all we have to do is agree on who that would be .
Okay. I may have a broader definition of who is an X-Man. It's a big extended family (for instance Quicksilver was psrt of X-Factor for a while, though I'm not so committed to including him - he's very extended). I guess I'll just wait for your list and see if anyone's missing.
1, to continue with this idea, I counted 27 'official' Heroclix X-Men pieces (including some who could easily be dismissed who were X-Men at least for a time: Mimic, Juggernaut, Marrow, Magneto among them). This doesn't include folks who were X-Men in all but name (any New Mutant), Cap Britain etc. To do this option I'd suggest NOT doing a full 'X-Men Divided' kind of game but maybe each of us picking 12 X-Men or so (and taking 1000) of our own choice. That way if you want Wolfsbane but not Marrow it's still cool.
2. A game centered around X-Men teams that have existed throughout their history. Story wise I'd say a student gets lost in the Danger Room (say Beak) and is in between 3 separate fights of X-Men teams throughout time. He's only there to create story fluidity, alternatively we could each pick 1 regular, like we did for Cap and Beast in the "Lost in Time" game.
Game wise we'd start with a 300 point game, then 400 ending in 500. Beak could be a token that either side tries ti keep. I see us having rosters from all of the X-eras. Stan Lee X-Men (Cyke, Jean, Angel, Beast, Ice, maybe Prof, Alex, Lorna). Claremont 1 (Wolvie, Storm, Kurt, Peter, maybe Scott, Phoenix, Kitty). Australian outback X-Men; Morrison or Whedon X; Age of Apocalypse X and so on. Lemme know...
I like option 1. I think we've been overcomplicating this. 1000 points. 12 characters. Or should we do 15? The X-Men can be remarkably economical.
Let's not worry about whether so-and-so was really a full fledged X-Man or just an affiliate or whether New Mutants/X-Force/X-Factor/whatever counts as X-Men. I'd say keep the field wide open, as long as the character has some connection with the X-Men. It's silly to try to get two people to agree on the 30 definitive X-Men figures that should constitute the pool. We're both theme purists here. No one's going to pick Black Panther "Because, well, he did fight with them in issue #37 for 3 panels..." As long as the figure makes some sense, then fine. I suspect most of our choices will be main-team members anyway, without even trying to force anything.
I would like to do another Lost in Time game sometime, though. Oddly enough after foregoing Batman for Beast the first time, I keep going back to what I could have done with him. To do it a little differently, I might suggest a 200/400/600 progression
LOL. I was thinking you'd go for the X-Men era idea. I thought with 6 distinct eras: original, Second Genesis, Outback, Blue and Gold, Age of Apocalypse and current.
If you want X-divided I'm ok with whatever # of figures you'd like 12-15; 1200 points.