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Their board is Hounds, Mark 2, Mark 5, boosted Mark 5. You're ready to combo, all the pieces in place. Who do you go after? Is there any way S+D doesn't negate your attack?
I'm assuming that TNB will just try to outrace it. If TNB is on odds then you better go off on turn 4 (not that reliable) or they might win on 5.
Originally posted by ghettoduce I don't know about mediocre. I did go 7.3 with 2 losses to spidey which I had no business beating and than another to that SS no hand deck which I than beat round 10 when I learned how to play against it. I hope people really just blow that deck off because it is probally the best combo deck in the field right now and it packs ntz naturally. It will get its proper credit after the UK 10K, you heard it here first.
i thought tb tactics was supposed to go off as early as turn 4 possibly but definetly turn 6 the latest... how does amazing hurt you? i would have figured he'd be showing up alittle to late to the party.
TBTactics is horrible... why are we talking about this horrible deck? seriously, how does it beat the best decks in the format?
Harper destroys before attack phase
Evasion is nearly an auto-lose
S&D helps
quite clearly those are the only things needed to be mentioned to tell you that it is horrible. The fact that its entire gameplan revolves around one attacker makes any deck bad. Take away that attacker and how can you possibly come back? I hate when people defend their prized rogue deck they brought to a 10K, especially when its as random as TBTactics.
Originally posted by Travis Keller TBTactics is horrible... why are we talking about this horrible deck? seriously, how does it beat the best decks in the format?
Harper destroys before attack phase
Evasion is nearly an auto-lose
S&D helps
quite clearly those are the only things needed to be mentioned to tell you that it is horrible. The fact that its entire gameplan revolves around one attacker makes any deck bad. Take away that attacker and how can you possibly come back? I hate when people defend their prized rogue deck they brought to a 10K, especially when its as random as TBTactics.
Well, flat out, how do I say're wrong. How many characters do you have out on turn 4 with harper out..... can't be more than 3. and then say you do have 4 or more. then you just missed terra. how are you going to take down all my characters? the deck can be pulled off with ANY of the characters....not just one.
Evasion is a tough match up. Then ask yourself, how much smarter is this player for actually playing Spider-friends at a PC.
And S+D......well you just got one of my characters 3 or less.....and I have Jolt or Dallas out.......good luck. Also refer to Holman's last post about S+D.