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Why did the Secret Six only get 7 characters!? They could have had multiple versions! I mean, Calculator got 3 and he hardly did anything! And for Villains United where was The Crime Doctor and Captain Nazi!?
Right---Lex Luthor, the Six that Villains United focused on, and, heh, Fiddler.
As for why they only made that many characters, well, we knew from the beginning that Secret Six was being designed as a mini-team, along the lines of Fearsome Five. It's not supposed to have a big roster.
I think Yamcha888 is over reacting. From your list you want everything in the comics to be duplicated in the card game. Never gonna happen sweetheart.
IC looks like a great set to me. Its quite the task to capture the feel and salient points of a storyline and I tip my hat to the designers for their efforts.
8, my bad. Still not happy though. None of them are champions too. The only 7-drop they have is Lex and you'd probably want to use him in your hand not in play.