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Scourge goes way back with Captain America. He (They) are mysterious and appears rarely and randomly killing Villains (usually the villains that were lame anyway) vigilanty style. At first it was thought that Scourge was just one killer. Their most significant Marvel historical event occurred at the Bar with no name in Cleveland (Captain America #319). They wiped out a large gathering of throwaway villains. during U.S. Agents investigation of Scourge it was found that more than one person was ivolved and most of them were presumed dead in a cemetary showdown in U.S. Agent #4. But it was hinted that still at least one other remains. Among their victims are The Melter from the Masters of Evil (My most regrettable) and Death Adder from the Serpent Society.
Now about these figures:AWESOME, AWESOME AWESOME!!!!! I am now totally stoked about this set coming out! (except for Mr. Dillon's, only his ORIGINAL Electro costume will do! When I get him I will use him as Charles Xavier during a time period when he had use of his legs!)
stanleylee you hit the nail right on the head. Now they have done Mysterio great, and he must be had! But as of now my only hope for Electro is that they put out a unique version with his original uniform. But outside of that, the Wolverine dial is close to everthing a Wolverine fan could want. The Hellfire Club will look great supporting Selene. How many of us will soon be playing Scourge, making a kill and then declaring "Justice is Served!" Outside of Electro, good job Wizkids!
Well, I must say, I was hoping for LE Steve Rogers, but maybe WK wants to wait for a Classic Captain America.
Anyway, looks pretty cool. The Mysterio figures looks awsome. But, WTF, how does Wolverine pull out impervious?!? Not to go and say I might not use if I get him, but does he really have any reason to have it?
Cole, Justice is Servered, and James are definitely the ones to get. Cole and Justice are seriously undercosted for what they can bring to the table, and do you know how dangerous it is giving a character with BCF IMP too ?
Originally posted by Thunderclese Why are people worried that Mysterio won't be on the Sinister Syndicate? It's not an Ultimate version, and he actually was on the SS in the comics right? Or at least, the Sin6, which, I assume was the forerunner. Besides, like someone said, they gave Ult. Doc Ock the SS TA, why not a normal universe character? (and don't anybody mention Scorpion! )
At the risk of starting a whole new discussion, these are the actual original lineups of both Sinister Teams.
Doctor Octopus
Now I need to go and try to find all the back issues of scourge.
How recently has he been showing up? The last I remember was after the bar scene in Cap #319, a few issues later, he was in a cab for a get away, and got blasted in the chest. He's been around since then.
Originally posted by stanleylee
Electro is ... not great .
Why do Wizkids persist in picking the 'wrong' versions of characters ?
Vulture was terrible . Green Goblin was equally bad . Rhino was a great sculpt -- but the wrong one !
Argh ! Am I doomed to resort to green stuff every time to get the classic Marvel characters I'm after , or will WK eventually release the proper versions ?
Don't you see? They release the Ultimate versions now - because we still haven't seen a Spidey-themed booster. It will happen - and then they can give us the "real" Rhino, GG, and Electro. Probably as uniques. I also see Puma, Spider-Slayer-Robot, Cloak & Dagger, Beetle, Owl, Chameleon, etc...
Just a prediction, but it makes sense, doesn't it?
Cole ROCKS! Old-school (circa Dark Phoenix era) goodness!
I can't wait to get a hold of Quentin Beck, and then pull buttloads of REV Mysteros in my boosters. They are ALL going on a "Hall of Mirrors" team at some point, and they will WIN. THEY WILL BE THE GREATEST OF ALL TIME!
You don't know, do you? WHICH ONE IS THE REAL MYSTERIO, AND WHICH ONE IS AN ILLUSION, BABY? You ain't know! YOU AIN'T KNOW, DOG. YOU'RE THE MAN NOW DOG! You don't play with my Fish-Bowl! Yo! Yo! Don't try to play me out! Don't try to play me out!