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Guh...I missed your post when you moved, and I've been waiting for you to move. Sorry. Here is my very belated turn...
Magneto will TK Deathbird to I21.
Deathbird will attack Gambit (no sense attacking Nightcrawler while he's accompanied by his sponge). AV of 8 vs. DV of 14. Needs a 6. Rolls a 7 (5+2). Gambit takes 2 clicks.
Scarlet Witch moves to I22.
Deathbird (4) I29 @
Scarlet Witch (1) I22 @
V Pyro (3) J24
R Magneto (1) F18 @
Nightcrawler will move to J23 and sock Pyro in the nose. He will remain there. My roll to hit is 4+2=6. The reroll is 3+2=5, which is still a hit. That's a hit for 2 damage. Gambit will attack Deathbird. My roll to hit is 2+4=6. I don't think that hits. Your move.
Pyro will attempt to hit Nightcrawler back again. AV of 4 vs. DV of 18. He needs a 14 to hit! LOL! Well a Critical Hit will still do it (and would be quite lovely as well. Rolls an 8 (6+2). Oh well, good try mate!
The rest will clear.
Deathbird (4) I29
Scarlet Witch (1) I22
V Pyro (5) J24 @
R Magneto (1) F18
Scarlet Witch attacks Nightcrawler. AV of 6 vs. DV of 18...she needs a critical to hit as well! Oh well, if she does get it it'll do some major damage thanks to knockback...Rolls a 9 (4+5). Pretty good, but not enough.
She'll use probability control to try again. Rolls a 7 (3+4), Oh well. Would've been nice to do 5 clicks of damage to him with the Scarlet Witch. Next time perhaps!
Deathbird will attempt to finish of Gambit. AV of 8 vs DV of 13. Needs a 5. Rolls an 8 (3+5). Gambit takes 2 and is KOed. No more damage sponge for you!
Magneto moves to M15.
Deathbird (4) I29 @
Scarlet Witch (1) I22 @
V Pyro (5) J24
R Magneto (1) F18 @
Nightcrawler will move to J23 and attack Pyro there. My first roll was an 8, and the next roll was a 5+1=6, which is a hit for 2 damage, for the KO to Pyro. He will remain where he is. Your move.
Scarlet Witch tries for the critical hit on Nigthcrawler again. Rolls a 7 (6+1).
Deathbird picks up Scarlet Witch and moves to N19. Places Wanda in N18.
Magneto hurls the heavy object in L14 at Nightcrawler. AV of 7 vs DV of 18. Needs an 11. Rolls a 6 (5+1). Scarlet Witch will help him to re-roll that. Rolls an 8 (5+3). The object is destroyed.