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In the Original telling... They showed the word "snap" by her neck when Spidey had stuck a webline to her. Later, and there were mentions of this in various interviews with the writing staff, they removed the "snap". Wasn't till "Marvel's" they they put the "snap" back in. Reprints didn't carry the "snap", but the original did. In other words, yeah, it was Spidey that broke Gwen's neck. Big controversery therein. Spidey did, in fact, tho by accident, kill Gwen Stacy. Not that she'd of lived from falling so far down into the water.
It's kinda like the first 6 issue's of the Hulk. He was gray, but later reprints of those issues had him Green instead, till Peter Davidson retold the tale and he was gray again, same thing with Gwen's "snap".
Also, they have the issue's out in TPB now, entitled "The Death Of Gwen Stacy" and you can see the "snap" in that book.
Gwen is dead and Spidey killed her with the best intentions.
Although her neck snaps when Spidey catches her, there is the possibility that she was dead when she was thrown off the bridge. I don't think it's ever been clarified as to if Peter is responsible for her actual death or not, which I think added more torment to Peter's life.
I think the physical aspect of Gwen's death is less a part of the impact (no pun intended) rather then why she was thrown off the bridge in the first place. Someone close to Peter was killed because he was Spider-Man, and whether it was by Osborn's hand or accidently by his, it's still the fact that his life as a super hero was the reason she was put in that situation in the first place. That's what makes the tragedy of it all that much more effective, Peter's good intentions working against him.
I think the physical aspect of Gwen's death is less a part of the impact (no pun intended) rather then why she was thrown off the bridge in the first place. Someone close to Peter was killed because he was Spider-Man, and whether it was by Osborn's hand or accidently by his, it's still the fact that his life as a super hero was the reason she was put in that situation in the first place. That's what makes the tragedy of it all that much more effective, Peter's good intentions working against him.
Yeah that really sums of what Peter went/is still probably going through. Also is anyone looking forward to the next wolverine issue? I mean he's hunting for Nitro which I think is great. I hope he just kicks nitros ###! Also I want to get some peoples opinions: Would you want marvel to keep Peters identity known, or would you want them to take it back? Me, I have always like it that he kept his identity a secret, but they could get some stories out of it. I just want to see what you guys think.
Hey something else I want to add. Me and my friend were just talking about civil war and were joking about how scarlet witch will come out of no where and just re-assemble time right before she had her break down. We were originally joking, but it would make sense, but it would also piss people off.
In the Original telling... They showed the word "snap" by her neck when Spidey had stuck a webline to her. Later, and there were mentions of this in various interviews with the writing staff, they removed the "snap". Wasn't till "Marvel's" they they put the "snap" back in. Reprints didn't carry the "snap", but the original did. In other words, yeah, it was Spidey that broke Gwen's neck. Big controversery therein. Spidey did, in fact, tho by accident, kill Gwen Stacy. Not that she'd of lived from falling so far down into the water.
It's kinda like the first 6 issue's of the Hulk. He was gray, but later reprints of those issues had him Green instead, till Peter Davidson retold the tale and he was gray again, same thing with Gwen's "snap".
Also, they have the issue's out in TPB now, entitled "The Death Of Gwen Stacy" and you can see the "snap" in that book.
Gwen is dead and Spidey killed her with the best intentions.
Thanks for the info, the reason I asked is because I somehow recall that Gwen died of shock during her fall from the bridge. Anyway, thank you for clearing it up
God is dog backwards.
"Trying is the first step towards failure" - Homer J. Simpson
Would you want marvel to keep Peters identity known, or would you want them to take it back? Me, I have always like it that he kept his identity a secret, but they could get some stories out of it. I just want to see what you guys think.
I think as before that it is the kiss of death and Spider-man is not long for this world. Which is too bad since they can get a lot more stories out of his character.
The question arises again - They have claimed they want to get back to basics with his character but how is that going to happen with his now revealed ID? Among other things that have changed for him. How are they going to put his secret ID back in the bottle without some lame excuse? Faking his death won't be enough. So now that they have revealed his identity in front of the world I say go with it, things change. I don't think they will have the courage or creativity to write his new situation for very long though. Which among a few other hints given seems to indicate they plan to kill him off and write reruns.
I think as before that it is the kiss of death and Spider-man is not long for this world. Which is too bad since they can get a lot more stories out of his character.
The question arises again - They have claimed they want to get back to basics with his character but how is that going to happen with his now revealed ID? Among other things that have changed for him. How are they going to put his secret ID back in the bottle without some lame excuse? Faking his death won't be enough. So now that they have revealed his identity in front of the world I say go with it, things change. I don't think they will have the courage or creativity to write his new situation for very long though. Which among a few other hints given seems to indicate they plan to kill him off and write reruns.
They cant kill Spider-man, not for reals. Its like the whole SUperman thing from the 1990s. Hes to much of an Icon. A money maker. It just wouldnt happen.
With all the history the character had they cant get back to basics. Peter is a man now, not the unsure 15 year old he started out as. They have to let him grow up and be a mature character. Have them create or use other characters that is more like what Peter used to be like. Times have changed and so has Spidey. Its how life works. If you want a fresh new Spider-man who isnt so sure of himself then read Ultimates or reprints. Let the original character just continue.
The selfish infect us all with sad, vulgar, sexual references and a constant barage of innapropriate innuendo. A pity to be subjected to this against our wills, but to allow it into our lives with open arms shames us all
They cant kill Spider-man, not for reals. Its like the whole SUperman thing from the 1990s. Hes to much of an Icon. A money maker. It just wouldnt happen.
With all the history the character had they cant get back to basics. Peter is a man now, not the unsure 15 year old he started out as. They have to let him grow up and be a mature character. Have them create or use other characters that is more like what Peter used to be like. Times have changed and so has Spidey. Its how life works. If you want a fresh new Spider-man who isnt so sure of himself then read Ultimates or reprints. Let the original character just continue.
They have said a major, shocking, tragic level and highly controversial event that only passed by 1 vote will happen around a special issue 6 or so, and you have seen the cover for #5. One writer stated that he couldn't believe they were going there. They have also made several statements to the effect that they want to return Spider-man back to basics. Paraphrasing here one statement " Spider-man is living really well right now, but the world has a way of changing."
I do agree with you that the original character should continue sans Iron suit, but I'm not so sure Marvel thinks the same way.
I think that's part of what the unmasking is going to do, bring him back to basics. You can't make him a novice again he's been around too dang long. But what you can do is alter how the world see's him to put him back in to those situations where he doesn't know what to do. He knows how to handle the Vulture as spiderman, but how does he handle it when the Vulture attacks Pete and Mary.
Plus now he's got backing from S.H.I.E.L.D. so he has to be more careful about property damage
Death thunderer is akin to love making, it gets better each time.
I don't think that those will be the tragedy. Apparently there was an arguement over an X event happening to a Y character in his own series or if it should be happening in the Civil War series. The Crisis Flash event was sited as an example and it was concluded that said event should happen in Civil War series. Right around book 6 or so.
Or, Eddie Brock awakes, finds he still has his powers that the suit use to give him, and seeing how Spidey is dead, he takes Spidey's place to be a better hero then Spidey ever was.
naw, they can't kill spidey because they JUST did that. but MJ might bite it. she hasn't been killed yet. i wanna see more reactions by jonah and flash thompson. maybe, mj will bite it and they will bring black cat back. she was always a hot little kitty. who knows but i really hate that tony stark is being such a hard a$$ about bringing the other heroes in. they are really making him into a character very much like the 'future' versions of iron were he is a total dictator. kinda cool but shellhead has been one of my favorites way back in the days before he time travelled to camelot with doc doom. really back to the days when justin hammer took control of his armor. what ever happened to bob layton? anyone?
naw, they can't kill spidey because they JUST did that. but MJ might bite it. she hasn't been killed yet. i wanna see more reactions by jonah and flash thompson. maybe, mj will bite it and they will bring black cat back.
Black Cat was just in the Friendly title, and last panel with her in it shows her in the sack with Thomas "Puma" Fireheart.