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Dr. Polaris will try to attack Lead & Tin. Shape Change is 3. RS to G23 and attacks, AV7 on DV16. Gets the 9. So they're down at last, but not before a good long run.
Wizard Perplexes Ulik's move to 11.
Ulik Charges to I12 (he's Unstoppable) and attacks Deadpool. AV11 on DV17. Gets 6. Rerolls for Flash. 6 again. 4 to Deadpool.
Bizarro on Deadpool. AV9 on DV15 +1. Gets 5. Rerolls for Power Ring. Another 5. I'll give the token to Wizard.
Heat Wave will have a go at Firehawk. AV9 on Dv16 +2. Gets 7
Heat Wave @ H23
Dr. Polaris (Triage) @ G23 (6!)
Captain Mako C18 (2!)
V Bizarro (Large Object) @ G14 (3!)
V Wizard @ I23 (2!)
Power Ring F23/F24
V Ulik (Unstoppable) @ I12
V Sidewinder I16
"I may be hurt, but I've still got enough power to deal with a couple of robots. After all I am Dr. Polaris. Metal is what I do." At a gesture from him, the two Metal Men flew to bits.
"Bah!" Ulik spat. "Now who will I smash?"
"If I may make a suggestion...?" the Wizard began. The Troll listened and nodded. Then he ran across the field to where Deadpool was hidden.
"Uh oh," Deadpool said. "I sense the hurtin' a-comin'." Sure enough, Ulik's attack left Deadpool badly battered. "Well now that ain't nice," Deadpool said. "But what can I expect from King Kong's little brother."
"I do not know this Kong you speak of. It is Ulik who is King!" Ulik said.
"Shoot. I hate wasting a good reference," Deadpool complained.
"Deadpool! Watch out!" Flash said, pulling him down just in time.
Lead & Tin proved more useful than I thought. Kinda fun too.
Starting with Deadpool, he'll roll to regen. 4. He's up two.
I hate to misuse a character this way but here goes: enter Karma V. Polaris tks her to F5. Deadpool ups her attack to 12. She'll try to mc Bizarro and Ulik. Needs 3 + 1 and 5 + 1, rolls 6. They're both possessed.
Bizarro on Ulik. Needs 7 + 1, rolls 7. Bummer. Ulik charges to G15 to attack Bizarro. Needs 4, rolls 9. Bizarro gets 2 after invuln. Karma takes 3. Probably not a gambit that was worth it.
Mento tks Wasp to F9.
Wasp on Bizarro. Needs 5 (-2 for point blank), rolls 8. 2 more to Bizarro after toughness.
Karma V @ (3) F5
Polaris V @ D2 (Telekinetic Reach)
Banshee I15 (Lucky Break)
Firehawk (1) F19
Deadpool V (2) @ H11 (Mercenary) (stealthed)
Flash (Crisis) (2) H/I9 (Damage Shield)
Mento @ F2
Wasp (Ultimates) @ F9 (Point Blank)
"Karma, good to see you!" Lorna greets the New Mutant.
"Karma?" the Wasp buzzes nearby, "You're a mind controller of sorts, yes?".
"Of sorts, yes," she replies.
"Are you up for a challenge?".
Minutes later Karma appears in range of the two villains Bizarro and Ulik. "These are two very strong forces. It will be a challenge to control them and I do not believe I can do so for long."
"Anything will help," the Wasp adds.
"Very well," she says and plunges deeply into the minds of her foes.
"Bizarro! You are one ugly creature. And so pathetic, you do not deserve to wash Superman's underpants," Ulik says suddenly charging Bizarro.
"Bizarro doesn't' know why you are being so nice but if you want to play, then Bizarro will play!".
A fascinating and clumsy battle of powerhouses occurs. Karma tries her best to keep possession of both men but after a few blows she faints.
"I cannot do it! Their minds are too volatile to hold, Wasp, I am sorry."
Jan pats her on the shoulders as she recovers, "Relax honey, you did great, just great."
Bizarro and Ulik lay in a pile. "What happened?" Bizarro asks, having gotten the worst of the beating.
"You got taken, kids, by the oldest game in the telepaths book of screwing over their competitors," Deadpool chides.
Deadpool pushes to regen. 2. That'll ko him sadly. He's pretty useful for perplexing at least.
I'll add Sandman then, with flashbang. He moves to a nice stealthy spot like J5.
Karma pushes to mc again Bizarro again. Needs 7, rolls 5. Sandman rerolls 7. Bizarro on Ulik. Needs 9, rolls 10. That's 1 to Ulik. Karma gets koed between the push and the mcing of a 200 pter. Probably the only time she's lasted only two moves and all of her falling was from her own moves.
Firehawk on Wizard. She needs 6, twice, rolls 8. Power Ring demands a reroll: 7. That's three to Wiz and a token to someone for the reroll.
Banshee on Sidewinder. Needs 8, gets a 6.
I'll bring in Falcon, Av SHIELD version, with heightened reflexes. He'll rs to C6 to attack Ulik. Needs 6, rolls 7. 1 more to Ulik after toughness.
Flash runs to G11 to go for Ulik. Needs 5, gets 3. Ends at H/I9.
"Blasted Firehawk," Heat Wave complained. "That's it. We're going to have some fried chick tonight!" He shot at Firehawk, but she was still too fast for him.
"Fried chick?" she asked. "Not funny AND chauvanistic. What a combination."
Sidewinder on Banshee, AV8 on DV15. Gets 10. 2 more to Banshee. It was doubles, but with Ulik behind him now, Banshee has nowhere to go. Sidewinder has already exceeded my expectations. I was just hoping for him to keep Banshee busy. Instead he's well on his way to taking him down single-handed.
Power Ring goes for Firehawk, AV9 on DV16 +2. Gets 3. Rerolls 2. Well that was counterproductive. I'll give the token to Wizard.
Mako to E20
Heat Wave H23
Dr. Polaris (Triage) G23 (6!)
Captain Mako @ E20 (2!)
V Bizarro (Large Object) I13 (9!)
V Wizard @ I23 (5!)
Power Ring @ F23/F24 (1!)
V Ulik (Unstoppable) @ I14 (3!)
V Sidewinder @ I16
"This heat seeker missile should slow you down," Power Ring laughed, creating one and sending it at Firehawk. She avoided it, but it turned itself around and returned toward her. Every time she attempted to evade it, it followed her. Finally, she dove straight at the laughing Power Ring.
"Hey, what are you...?" he asked, then realized just what she was doing before he finished his question. At the last moment she pulled up quickly. The missile tried to adjust it's course, but it wasn't fast enough.
"Oh, sh..." Power Ring began. Then it exploded.
"Well, I have to admit I'm kind of proud of myself for that one," Firehawk admitted.
"Good for you," Captain Mako said. "That way your final thoughts will have been happy ones."
"Fool," Sidewinder told Banshee, appearing out of the air again. "You can't escape a teleporter." He smacked Banshee again. Banshee tried to back away, but hit something very solid.
Things look pretty sad for Banshee, sandwiched as he is there. He'll try to incap Ulik. Needs 9, rolls 5.
Wasp on Bizarro. Needs really anything but snake eyes, rolls 2. Argh. I'll waste Sandman's reroll: 6. Bizarro is out, taken down by the Wasp. Oh irony or ironies.
Firehawk on Mako. Needs 6, rolls 10. Power Ring rerolls: 9. That's 2 to Mako after toughness and someone gets a token. For someone I brought in as a placeholder, Firehawk is doing alright.
Flash to I13, attacks Ulik, needs 5, rolls 5. That's 1 to Ulik after invulnerability. Flash ends at H/I9.
Flacon will rs to D11 attacking Ulik. Needs 5 + 1, rolls 9. 2 more to Ulik after toughness.