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I'll bite...we all know about Johnny Blaze but who was the other Ghost Rider and why did he become such?
That's a tricky question to answer. The recent stories have said there were several GR's going around all at the same time. Plus, the newest series has it that Blaze is no longer a GR, his powers were taken away and given to someone else.
But before all of that malarky, there was Danny Ketch, which till Howard Mackie left the series, was my fave GR. And he became GR after his sister Barbara was wounded by ninjas on or around Halloween night in Cypress Hills cemetary. He tried to hide her and ended up touching the glowing gas cap of a motorcycle he'd found.
He's the Phantom Rider.
Sure, he was GR by name for awhile, but then he became the Night Rider. Then the KKK threatened lawsuits against Marvel, so it was changed to "Phantom Rider".
Yep...that is Red Hot, by the way do you never get it wrong?
I read a chunk of the GR series with Ketch as the star when it was new. When Mackie left, it was horrible.
Admittedly, that series actually started going downhill after issue #24.
And I hate what's been done with Ketch ever since.
Before Marvel brought the western Ghost Rider to the Marvel universe, the character was part of the "Magazine Enterprises" company. In the Marvel Universe, the first one was Carter Slade. But in the "Magazine Enterprises" comics, he went by a different real name.
What was the real name of the ME version of Ghost Rider ???
He's the Phantom Rider.
Sure, he was GR by name for awhile, but then he became the Night Rider. Then the KKK threatened lawsuits against Marvel, so it was changed to "Phantom Rider".
A rose by any other ret-conned name is still a rose, and, he is the original!
Before Marvel brought the western Ghost Rider to the Marvel universe, the character was part of the "Magazine Enterprises" company. In the Marvel Universe, the first one was Carter Slade. But in the "Magazine Enterprises" comics, he went by a different real name.
What was the real name of the ME version of Ghost Rider ???
Sorry I didn't see your new question: Rex Fury, IIRC
Sorry I didn't see your new question: Rex Fury, IIRC
A rose, by any other name, would still stink if it was under Rex Fury's armpit for a few days as he rode along the trail as THE original Western Ghost Rider.
Rex Fury is indeed the correct answer.
And if he's ever brought into Marvel's universe, I'm sure he'll be related to Nick Fury and his kin.
Nope, although Flaming Star is an integral part of the lore. He is the (fabulous, obviously)Medicine Man who gives Slade his "magic bag of tricks" including the phosphorous paint----- close guess, but no soup for you!
Nope, although Flaming Star is an integral part of the lore. He is the (fabulous, obviously)Medicine Man who gives Slade his "magic bag of tricks" including the phosphorous paint----- close guess, but no soup for you!
I want to say the horse later became an member of the X-Men.
He had a lot to cry about, I guess.
The X-Men should be renamed the Emo-Men. Banshee was his name.