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Iron Man having a level of ONE for Durability and Juggernaut and Cylops sharing the same Intelligence level doesnt sound like mistakes to you, sluggo? I mean, every writer and creator has their interpretations of these characters, and thats good, but those levels, and a few others I noticed there, seem REALLY hard to believe.
HCR Rates The Movies Is Back! Come and share your thoughts on a TON of films, new and old! Our latest movie - BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE
Oh, I dont, Ive been collecting Marvel cards, RPGs and the Marvel Universe books for some time now, so Im pretty good at knowing the levels of certain characters. Ive actually never been to this site before today.
HCR Rates The Movies Is Back! Come and share your thoughts on a TON of films, new and old! Our latest movie - BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE
"Ive been collecting Marvel cards, RPGs and the Marvel Universe books for some time now, so Im pretty good at knowing the levels of certain characters"
Then you know Wolverine is just as good a fighter as Cap is
Theres only one Return, and it ain't of the King, its of the Jedi.
Yes, I do, as I put on my first posting to this board back on page 3.
"Fighting Ability: TIE (Cap is, as stated before (and by Marvel themselves), Marvels ULTIMATE human fighter. He trains CONSTANTLY to stay in that type of fighting shape, and routinely fights superhuman villians as well as "normal" human level ones. Now Wolverine is also an AMAZING fighter, who has also trained for MANY years. What also gives Wolverine an edge here, tieing him to Cap in my opinion, is his Berserker Rage. This enables him to fight faster, fiercer and more unpredictable than most anyone Cap has ever faced. This is where our two heroes are most evenly matched)"
HCR Rates The Movies Is Back! Come and share your thoughts on a TON of films, new and old! Our latest movie - BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE
Not all marvel products rate Wolverine & Captain Americas fighting ability they same. The original marvel RPG has Cap as 1 slot higher than Wolverine in fighting ability and marvel reviewed and helped TSR produce lets not include everthing in any of our statments any more.
Cap is the best hand to hand fighter in the marvel universe. That is that some may come close but nobody is there yet.
"That is that some may come close but nobody is there yet."
The Encyclopida is the newst source and should be the one go by and it says they are equal. Plus the RPGis the only source that I've ever seen or heard off to put Cap over wolverine. Someone already is as good as Cap, Wolverine and he would kick Caps ### in a fight.
Theres only one Return, and it ain't of the King, its of the Jedi.
I agree that Cap is a better fighter as far as technique goes, but he has been WORKED by people who can mix technique with savagery. Wolverine and Sabretooth are the best at that. Wolvie would lose to Cap if it were all about technique, but Cap could never EVER outlast Wolverine (much less take him down) in a brawl.
Hmmm i dont feel like reading this whole argument so if what i say is redundant... too bad
Im not sure how many of you read Ultimate War? Well that Cap kicked Wolvie's arse
The reason being is that, that Cap isnt afraid to do what it takes, he has a killer instinct that the Cap in the regular marvel universe lacks.
Cap with Killer instinct will beat wolvie as in Ultimate universe
In the normal marvel universe i say the fight is much closer for the following reasons.
1. yes Cap has soo much experiance form the war and what not, but what people forget is that Wolvie fought in that war as well...... they met there, and wolvie also fought in many other wars, Experinace id say is a tie
2. Hand to hand combat, Now most of you are giving Cap the edge right off, Thats wrong, Wolverine is a trained ninja, and combat vet, his hand to hand skills are very close to Caps. Id give it to Cap only because he does more training and does not rely on a Healing Factor, Look how often Wolvie gets hurt.. and Cap dont. hand to Hand Cap just barely
3. Weapon.. Hands down wolvie has the better weapon, his claws are more than a match for caps shield, However Cap is no slouch with his shield, But I'd give the edge to Wolverine.
4. Endurance is probably wolverine only cause of the healing factor, but i dont believe the fight would last long enuff for that to come into being a factor.
5. Strength is definatly all Cap, he is enhanced human strength while Wolvie is just a strong human.
6. Senses.... Well thats wolverine hands down, altho Cap has better senses then other Humans he dont have animal level senses.
7. Willpower, well thats dead even, both of these gusy will fight to the end and they are just pure determination and fighting spirit.
8. Intelligence, now this is all Cap, he is the smarter fighter, not prone to losing his temper or berserker rages, Cap will outhink his opponent where wolverine just goes in swinging.
Now according to that criteria its a tie 3-3 with 2 ties
In a battle all wolverine really needs is one good deep swipe with his claws and he wins, so i'd have to give it to wolverine cause as good a fighter as he is, I odnt think he could finsih off wolvie without being hit, and wolvie is good enuff to get a hit in. That being said, if cap manages to trigger a berserker rage early he could use it to his advantage, force some mistakes and win teh fight.
In normal Marvel universe its 7 outta 10 wolverine
In ultimate universe its 8 outta 10 Cap
just my opinion, altho i think they are very evenly matched overall
I did read Ultimate War (pretty disapointing) and I don't know if Cap shooting Wolverine is really considered a fight, plus before that Wolveirne took out half of the Ultimates and 4 choppers full of shield agents on his own. Plus thats Ultimate, so it should be taken with a grain of salt (Colossus beating up Thor?).
"Cap isnt afraid to do what it takes, he has a killer instinct" - Please, Wolviner is ALL killer instinct. Cap would try to out fight WOlverine at first, Wolverines first instinct would be to gut him.
"Intelligence, now this is all Cap" - I don't know if I would give that to Cap right off the bat. Wolverine has lead the X-Men before (not the longest stint as leader, but he has been the leader) and hes got a street fighters intelligence, which is very important in a fight. Wolverine knows he can afford to take some hits from Cap because they aren't going to do anything in order to get his claws into cap. Wolverines isn't a mindless brawler
Theres only one Return, and it ain't of the King, its of the Jedi.
Don't get me wrong I do not think it would be an easy win for cap. Wolverine is no slouch he is the best at what he does and that is KILL Cap is also the best at what he does wich is 1) Fight especially in hand to hand 2) Cap wins that is why he is the most respected and revered person in the marvel universe. That respect includes Wolverine's If you read alot of comics usally when Cap steps in and speaks up EVERYBODY listens. period end of story.