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Eradicator pushes on the Troll, AV9 on DV14. Gets 11. The Troll's KOd. Eradicator Steals Energy.
Jor-El to L10, Outwits Destroyer's Invulnerable.
Non on Destroyer, AV11 on DV17. Gets 2. Oh, Non.
Supergirl HSS to L11 to attack Destroyer, AV10 on DV17. She gets the 7. 4 to Destroyer. Ends in H7
CYborg Superman to break? Gets 5. RS to K9, blocking the Troll's replacement. Attacks Val, AV10 on DV18. Gets 8. SS is 2. Finally, a decent hit on Val. It's only taken me all game. 3 to her.
Ursa HSS to L11 to attack Destroyer. AV10 on DV15. Gets 11. 1 more to it. It's not out, but it is on its last click. Ursa ends in J8
Renegade will push, attack the Destroyer, AV9 on DV15. Gets 8. Now the Destroyer's out, and Renegade pushes for 1.
"Nothing is unbeatable," Jor-El said. "Science will always find a way. Strike at the Destroyer! Now!"
"I don't know what you did to it, but it seems to have worked wonders," Supergirl said, punching a huge dent into the enchanted armor. Even weakened, it took the combined powers of Kara, Ursa, and the Renegade to finish it off.
"We've ignored you long enough," the Cyborg Superman said, blasting at Valkyrie with his eyebeams.
"Verily, I wondered when I would be targeted. I've slain enough of your allies."
Hate to lose a big gun like Destroyer but it also gives me a chance to bring in another tough guy.
Much as I want to try the FI figures, Balder makes more sense right now. Amora makes his av 12. He's in for Destroyer and attacks Non. Needs 6 + 2, rolls 11. Oh, that's nice. 3 to Non after invulnerable.
Enchantress tks Frost Giant to F10.
Giant charges to J10 attacking CySu. Needs 8, rolls 5.
"Thou art formidable if thou canst take on the Destroyer and live to tell the tale," Balder says, "Best to deal with thee quickly." He slams Non with his considerable strength.
"Still thou dost stand?" Balder says, "Impressive."
"Not only he, fair one, not only he," the Enchantress coos to him.
The Absorbing Man enters the scene and grabs a hammer as he walks through stone and rock. Lifting the hammer he feels a surge of power. "Oh, this I like!".
All of a sudden the Asgardians are holding their ground.
They've been holding their ground for a while now, or at least giving as good as they get. I'm not at all confident on the outcome of this game.
CySu to break? Gets 4. FLies to D14 to soak up the LO from D20. Heal roll is 2, so he's only up 1. Pity. I'm running out of objects.
Ursa HSS to I10, attacks Leif, AV10 on DV13. Gets 10. Oh well, he's out. Ursa ends in I5
Nam-Ek enters. Superboy TKs him to I9, and Perplexes his AV to 11 for good measure.
Jor-El Outwits Balder's Imperv.
Nam-EK Charges J11, blocks the Troll's replacement and attacks Balder. AV11 on DV18. He also gets a 10. Nice. Of course in all likelihood, Balder will just burn off his Protected and push for 1.
"Misshapen monsters are hardly worthy of my efforts," Ursa said.
"Don't worry," Nam-Ek said, "There are plenty of these so-called gods to go around. I'll just have to soften them up for you first," he added plowing into Balder.