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Love the Vet Spiderman. Willpower, Wildcard, Leap/Climb and Super-Strength - he'll be awesome in Open games. Not sure what's different about the R and E version from Crit Mass.
I like the Rookie Wolverine. Free move is nifty. The others aren't any different than what I already have other than the TA. And I think the X-men TA is better than Ult X-men.
Dr. Octopus - love the Rookie - the bad guys get some cheap Outwit! The others are okay - but I still prefer the CT Vet. Is that a mistake on the Ult Vet? EE and Battle Fury. Sure hard to make that work. I mean, I guess your opponent might Outwit BF to MC him... I guess
Ghost Rider - don't care for the character so it doesn't matter. I don't think his fans will be that pleased.
And Captain America. Awesome. The Rookie will see lots of play. And he only gets better. Wish one had the Avengers TA. If he were a Unique I'd be buying a case.
Can't wait to see what else is in there...
Visible Dials and Pushing Damage need to be optional. This is the way.
Cap is amazing. He will kick ###. Doc Ock is a huge let down. He fails in comparison to his CT version which I play alot.
Ghost Rider I am pleased with as well. The set is looking good. Except for poor ock.
Many apologies to WizKids for all those bad thoughts I was thinking when I didn't see the preview up at 3. Except for Wolverine my expectations were more than met. I'm gonna start saving my cash for this set right away. A cheap and powerful Spidey, ridiculously powerful Ultimate Cap and Ghost Rider... this may end up being my favorite set. Just hope they'll do justice to the other Ultimates in the set (Crossing fingers on Iron Man and Thor.)
Crud... Vet Spider-Man's a Wildcard? I didn't even see that. May as well stop making Spideys. Between this one and the ultra-cheap Universe Spidey, nothing else is gonna look as good.
Ghost Rider: Decent figure...if it wasn't Ghost Rider. Why on earth does he have Smoke Cloud? I hate late game Incap because it bumps up the cost so much, he should have had Impervious on the vet, and Regen, and the Penance Stare would have been better as Exploit Weakness.
Wow, Captain America is great... hopefully we'll get a remake of the Avengers Cap because I love playing same team symbol games and the Avengers need a normal universe Cap that's similar to Ultimate Cap...
Spidey's... cool... well, his dial didn't impress me much but I guess I'll like him more once I playtest him... He doesn't have the mid game advantage that the CM Spidey had (mid game Defend with 17 DV is always appreciated) but his cost explains that... I haven't read any Ultimate Spidey books so I'm wondering why R Spidey's got lots of Super Strength and no Inc... Didn't he have webshooters? No Inc reduces point cost and more people would appreciate the L/C and Super Strength combo, so it's great...
Wolvie... no comment...
Ghost Rider, great sculpt... 4 damage at the start? Wow, so he can do 2 damage against Hulk/ inv characters, huh? Well, that Smoke Cloud really seems out of place on him...
Doc Ock... he needed Flurry, but CT Ock is better IMO... Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't normal universe Ock waaaay better than the ultimate Ock? Again, haven't read any Ultimate books so...
I've got no real complaints regarding these figures (including Punisher), I'm looking forward to the coming previews...
Disappointed in Doc Ock as he is nowhere near as good as the old version...that said CT Doc Ock and Ult Doc Ock would do well on a team together...
Ghost Rider is ok, 60 points for Inv is pretty good, bit more than Silver Dreadnaught but still feasible as a MM sponge.
R Spiderman is ace, the rest are ok too. E is a bit...nothingness but V brings something new to the table. In my eyes though he should have lots of late dial willpower and plenty of up front super senses. He dodges the attacks, but gets hit, but determination alone sees him take down (insert Syndicate member here.)
Wolverine - E certainly looks like a handful. V having 12 AV against a named figure is pretty fearful too. I still think I'd rather play IC U or CT Logan though...much better than the dire Patch of last time though.
Cap - he's a bit dull, and his dial is very messy. Going to take some learning his dials to play him well. But aside from Imp and charge which is nice he is also the first natural "superman ally" with outwit. Stealthed teams will hate him, the veteran in particular.
All in all, yeah pretty good. Certainly no major complaints anyway.
Anyone else hate how UL and Ult have been released so close's confusing acronym hell!
Originally posted by turdburglar47 Now why would hellfire bother to be clean-burning? It's from HELL. It's bad news, it should be polluting like a motherscratcher.
Never quite got why a demon from hell would bother avenging injustices, either.
Because he's not a demon from hell, he's the ANgel of Death.
I'm serious.
Ghost Rider has smoke cloud why?!!? Incap I was totally expecting but he *doesn't* ever do anything even smoke cloud like. He doesn't obscure vision or create darkness or even make smoke as he burns. least he is ok for his points except that activation click junk.
Umm, yeah I'll take Vet Captain America for the
Awesome so far, let down a little by Doc Ock, Vet Spidey is gonna be fun!
Finally a non-lump of plastic Captian America!
I'm not sayin' I'm just sayin'...
everyone looked good, but am I the only one who was hoping spiderman would have a flight base to simulate him webb slinging???? oh well cant win them all I suppose!!!good job wizkids!
"It's nice to know you can lay an egg and still feel like a man!!!"