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"You are hardly worth notice, children," Ganthet says to his foes, "Brainiac you are another tale. You must be contained before you can do any more harm."
Beast Boy fits my theme, and my needs. The red one, TT19. Camouflage him. Traited Shape Change is cool.
Polaris to heal Calculator, AV9 on DV15. Gets 6. Doesn't matter what he rolls, Calculator's back at full and he didn't roll high enough to heal Alchemy with any spillover.
Calculator to F18, Perplexes Damage on all in range.
He takes a token from Calculator, makes his AV11, goes through the teleporter to J9, attacks Ganthet with EW. AV11 on DV18. Gets 5. He can PC himself, gets 7. Time Trapper's too far away to do anything with that. With his Damage Perplexed, that's 4 to Ganthet.
Lightning RS to D14, shoots at Ganthet, AV10 on DV16. Gets 10. 1 more to Ganthet.
Thunder will push, RS to K19, attacks Ganthet, AV10 on DV16. Gets 5.
Neil to E19
Fairchild tries to Compel Lightning. Rolls 6. No good.
Dr. Alchemy (Endurance) C18 (2)
Calculator (Contingency Plan +1) @ F18 (Stealth)(1)
V Intergang Agent (Neil) @@ E19 (1)
Dr. Polaris (Triage) @ B18 (3)
Thunder (TT41-Force Field) @@ K19 (1)
Lightning (FFTT-Force Field) @ D14
Fairchild (TT20-Compel) @ B17
Beast Boy (TT19-Camouflage) @ J9 (Stealth)
Indigo Lantern D19
Characters used: Ace, Architect, Beast Boy, Bizarro, Brainiac, Calculator, Catwoman, Dr. Alchemy, Dr. Polaris, Fairchild, Felix Faust, Intergang Agents, Jack & Ten, King & Queen, Lightning, Mr. Zsasz, Ridge, Thinker, Thunder (Ravager) - 1570
Continuing my turn Ganthet breaks away, actually to O16.
Calculator with 1 damage has no stealth. Ganthet targets him and Neil, he'll outwit Calc's mm. Rolls 9. That's a happy hit for both. I'll ko Calc and give 1 to Neil.
Ch'p pushes to send Hal to R11.
Hal does his barrier/attack move with Thunder. Needs 7, rolls 8. 2 to him after force field.
Ganthet got hit for a total of 5 Damage last turn. He can still make his attack, but he can't Outwit Calculator's Mastermind, which of course would mean that the Intergang Agent would take all the damage. Unless you can salvage that somehow. I'll give you a chance to look it over.
Might as well finish out my Ravagers theme with Terra. Fast Forces version, with Extended Range.
Alchemy TKs her to I15
Terra on Ganthet. Calculator makes her AV11 with his token. on DV16. Gets 8. Ganthet makes it 12. SS is 5.
Beast Boy through the Teleporter to P16, attacks Ganthet himself, AV10 on DV16. Gets 8. G'nort makes it 4. He himself makes it 12. SS is 4 this time and Ganthet will take 3 more for the KO.
Calculator Perplexes up the DV of everyone in range and LOF. So everyeone but Beast Boy and Polaris.
Dr. Alchemy (Endurance) @ C18 (2)
Calculator (Contingency Plan +1) F18 (Stealth)(1)
Dr. Polaris (Triage) B18 (3)
Thunder (TT41-Force Field) K16 (1)
Lightning (FFTT-Force Field) D14
Fairchild (TT20-Compel) B17
Beast Boy (TT19-Camouflage) @@ P16 (1) (Stealth)
Terra (FFTT-Extended Range) @ I15
Indigo Lantern D19
Characters used: Ace, Architect, Beast Boy, Bizarro, Brainiac, Calculator, Catwoman, Dr. Alchemy, Dr. Polaris, Fairchild, Felix Faust, Intergang Agents, Jack & Ten, King & Queen, Lightning, Mr. Zsasz, Ridge, Terra, Thinker, Thunder (Ravager) - 1645
Thunder on Grymm, AV9 on DV16. Gets the 7. 3 to Grymm.
Lightning RS to H18, attacks Grymm, AV10 on DV15. Gets 10. 2 Penetrating to him and he's out as quick as he came in. Sorry, he's a neat little figure, but couldn't have him Poisoning Beast Boy.
Dr. P may as well try to heal up Dr. A. AV9 on DV16. Gets 6. Fairchild makes it 7. Support roll's a 3. With the Indigo Lantern, he's up 2.
Think I'll leave it there.
Dr. Alchemy (Endurance) C18
Calculator (Contingency Plan +2) F18 (Stealth)(1)
Dr. Polaris (Triage) @ B18 (3)
Thunder (TT41-Force Field) @ K16 (4)
Lightning (FFTT-Force Field) @ D14
Fairchild (TT20-Compel) B17
Beast Boy (TT19-Camouflage) P16 (3) (Stealth)
Terra (FFTT-Extended Range) I15 (2)
Indigo Lantern D19
Characters used: Ace, Architect, Beast Boy, Bizarro, Brainiac, Calculator, Catwoman, Dr. Alchemy, Dr. Polaris, Fairchild, Felix Faust, Intergang Agents, Jack & Ten, King & Queen, Lightning, Mr. Zsasz, Ridge, Terra, Thinker, Thunder (Ravager) - 1645