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EOME killed the game...I liked playing my Avenger Deck. My son would team and do his GOOD GUYS...but then look at a deck list and all you see is ONE ofs. Limit the teaming. Teen Titans and such would rule again...but what they could do in a new releases is help out the weak teams that nobody plays(CRIMELORDS).
I thought that's what Mobilized was for... to help the mono-teams that got served by EOME.
I'll say this to the protests of many... but I have come to the opinion that search/tutor is bad for TCGs.
Cash Tournies
Primo Prizes for HL
Generic Multi-Team Search
Over-statted Characters
Not Advertising
No Cash Tournies
Bad Prizes for HL
Generic Mono-Team Search
Under-statted Characters with Ridiculous Effects
Vanilla, Average-Statted Characters
Advertising, but you know, the wrong kind.
Free Characters
I'm sad, what I hear is; we need more players, so go away. This game isn't for you any more its for people who don't play yet. Personally I cannot think of a sadder sentiment (in context of a gaming issue). I'm fortunate in that my area has a number of very good and consistant players who continue to attend events regardless of OP changes, good decks, bad decks, or broken decks, we all just want to play, please don't ask us to all go away.
Ehm I donīt know why but I still beleve EomE did not kill the game.
Turned every deck into a META game deck. One of this just in case of that one this just incase they play this deck.
To me the game was alot more fun when I broke out my BrotherHood RESV to take on Morlocks or whatever. GOOD VS EVIL DC VS MARVEL TEAM VS TEAM.
Dont get me wrong I have done some teamup decks but when the deck list has twenty DIFFERENT CHARS you might as will have a release and call the Joe from NY, Jill from Kansas City.
Because it is just not right to have GALACTUS be your win card for your Underworld Deck...its all hodpog HoGDEpodge well you know what I am saying
I'm sad, what I hear is; we need more players, so go away. This game isn't for you any more its for people who don't play yet. Personally I cannot think of a sadder sentiment (in context of a gaming issue). I'm fortunate in that my area has a number of very good and consistant players who continue to attend events regardless of OP changes, good decks, bad decks, or broken decks, we all just want to play, please don't ask us to all go away.
It would be horrible if people started leaving the game for any reason! We need to keep the current player base in tact as best we can, and bring in new players. What is needed is a mix of formats and events that will cater to both crowds. That is the challenge that lays ahead. How do we find that proper mix?
I agree. It would be so easy to get new players if you could just hand them a TEAM deck. "Here try this JSA deck it has some cool stuff...hopefully in the next release of cards they will make it more competitive. Right now Checkmate rules!"
To bring a newbie in now its like " I know you really like Spiderman but you will never win with it sorry". " "oh but you can splash spider-man into your Xstall deck that whens with Captain Marvell!!"
Here's your Superman deck... but it has to be Superman Blue and you can only play in a format that just uses Green Lantern and Man of Steel as the two sets.
Here's your Superman deck... but it has to be Superman Blue and you can only play in a format that just uses Green Lantern and Man of Steel as the two sets.
That's not true I can build a pretty good LSH/TS deck with New Recruits and some other stuff...with Superman Blue, Superman Red, Kandor, Mon-El. Plus with the TS refeature coming out soon it's gonna be good.