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VSRealms Tournament #4 FINALS Feature (Ihatepants vs Techno)
VSRealms Online Tournament #4: Finals
ihatepants vs. techno
Game 1 Turn 1
Ihatepants (IHP) won the draw and chose to take odds. After both players drew their opening hands, they both sent them away with a mulligan. IHP recruited Radioactive Man – Chen Lu who was met by Arisia from Techno. Radioactive man attacked into Arisia and both characters stunned.
Techno (48) – ihatepants (49)
Turn 2
Techno recruited Kyle Rayner who searched out a Rain of Acorns, which was placed into Techno’s hand. He then forms Rayner in front of Arisia and passes. IHP recruited Maxwell Lord, with a discarded Hard Sound Construct, to search out a Faces of Evil which was put into his hand. Maxwell Lord was formed in front of Radioactive Man. Kyle Rayner and Arisia team attacked into Maxwell Lord, and IHP chose to stun Kyle Rayner as a result of the attack. Both players then passed into recovery.
(46) – (47)
Turn 3
IHP brought out Beetle Armorsmith. With Beetle’s effect, he discarded Fatality and sought out Dallas Riordan – Mayorial aid, who was recruited alongside Beetle in the visible area. This was met by Dr. Light (3) on Techno’s side of the field. After the recruit of Dr. Light, Techno sacrificed Kyle Rayner to Emerald Dawn and chained to bring back Kyle Rayner from the KO’d pile. With his search, Techno found Lanterns in Love and Oliver Queen – Emerald Archer. Max Lord swung into Kyle Rayner assisted by a freshly flipped Faces of Evil. Arisia reinforced Rayner and passed. The second attack swung Beetle Armorsmith into Arisia who stunned the Green Lantern of Graxos with relative ease. Finally, with the last attack, Dallas Riordan and Radioactive Man team attacked into Dr. Light with Techno choosing to stun Dallas due to the attack.
(37) – (46)
During recovery, Techno recovered Dr. Light allowing Kyle Rayner and Arisia to KO. IHP readied his whole field – Max Lord, Radiocative Man, Dallas Riordan, and Beetle.
Turn 4
Kyle Rayner was resurrected from the KO pile with Dr. Light allowing Techno to retrieve a Chopping Block from his deck. He then recruited Oliver Queen. IHP began his recruit by activating Dallas Riordan to draw a card. He then boosted Yellow Jacket out of his resource row. With the search, he found Melissa Gold – Sonic Carapace and put her into his hand. Finally, he recruited Poison Ivy and Paul Ebersol. The first attack brought Kyle Rayner into Max Lord with the assistance of a power up. With no answers, Max Lord stunned without being stunned in return. Techno then paid 2 endurance for Oliver Queen’s ability targeting Paul Ebersol – Fixer. IHP flipped up a face down Birthing Chamber from his row and activated it to draw 2 cards (he discarded a second chamber for the effect). He then KO’d Paul Ebersol and the face-up Birthing Chamber in order to search out a third Birthing Chamber from his deck which he put face down in row. He took a moment to think out his thoughts and then flipped the freshly placed Birthing Chamber to draw 2 more cards with a Null Time Zone. Oliver Queen attacked into the unreinforceable Beetle for 9 endurance loss. Techno then passed attacks to which IHP promptly chose to move to the next turn.
(35) – (35)
In recovery – Techno retained his complete field (Oliver Queen, Kyle Rayner, and Dr. Light) to IHP’s Maxwell Lord, Poison Ivy, Radioactive Man, Dallas Riordan, and Yellow Jacket. Beetle was KO’d.
Turn 5
IHP recruited Dr. Light (3) and activated him to bring back Fatality from the KO’d Pile. He then drew 2 cards from Birthing Chamber (discarded Beetle – Armorsmith). Finally, he recruited Melissa Gold and passed. Techno flipped up Willworld and activated it to send both G’nort and Salaak from his hand to his KO’d pile. Techno’s Dr. Light then activated to bring G’nort back from the KO’d pile and put him into play. Finally, he recruited Katma-Tui with a Catcher’s Mitt. After Techno formed, IHP played 2 Null Time Zones naming Coverfire and Helping Hands. For the first attack, Max Lord was sent into Kyle Rayner. Kyle and Katma were exhausted to gain Techno 5 endurance. Kyle Rayner was then powered-up causing Max Lord to stun without being able to stun Kyle Rayner. IHP then swung Yellow Jacket at G’nort who stunned. Melissa Gold attempted to attack Katma-Tui but was met by an Entangle with Oliver Queen. Fatality KO’d the face up Birthing Chamber to negate the Plot Twist, and IHP flipped up the fourth Birthing Chamber in his deck to draw 2 more cards (Dr. Light discard). With no further answers, the attack was allowed and Melissa Gold was boosted with a Savage Beatdown. Ivy swung at Dr. Light and successfully stunned the Doctor. IHP then declared an attack on Kyle Rayner with Radioactive Man but was met with Oliver Queen paying 2 to KO him. Fatality attacked into Oliver Queen with the help of a No Man’s Land to trade stuns. IHP finally attacked into Kyle Rayner with Dallas Riordan, but Kyle was sacrificed to Emerald Dawn in order to search out Gorilla Grodd. Instead of swinging for 2, IHP activated Dallas’ ability to draw a card.
(25) – (27)
In recovery, Techno chooses to recover Oliver Queen, KO’ing Katma-Tui, Kyle Rayner, and Dr. Light. IHP recovered Fatality, retaining a board of Dr. Light, Dallas Riordan, Yellow Jacket, and Fatality.
Turn 6
Techno activated Willworld revealing Katma-Tui and G’nort and placing them both into his hand. For the effect he discarded G’nort and Black Hand. He then recruited Gorilla Grodd in front of Oliver Queen and passed. IHP tapped Dallas to draw a card and then activated Dr. Light to return Maxwell Lord from the KO’d pile to play (with a discarded Beetle to search for a Faces of Evil). He then recruited Paul Ebersol – Fixer and then from his resource row recruited Shocker. Finally, he recruited Melissa Gold – Sonic Carapace and passed. Gorilla Grodd attacked Melissa Gold who was reinforced by Shocker. Oliver Queen attacked into Maxwell Lord who took the brunt of the damage with nothing to stop it. IHP drew 2 cards to Birthing Chamber and discarded Dr. Light. He then thought for a moment and chose not to attack. Techno then paid 2 endurance to KO Dallas Riordan.
(23) – (17)
In recovery, IHP KO’d Melissa Gold while keeping Max Lord.
Turn 7
IHP activated Dr. Light to bring out Beetle with a discarded Max Lord to search out Melter. Melter was then recruited, and IHP activated Birthing Chamber to draw 2 cards with a discarded Hard Sound Construct. Yellow Jacket was recruited from the resource row with boost as IHP searched out Joystick who was recruited as well. Finally, IHP recruited Blizzard and passed. Techno Willworlded into a Sinestro 6 with a discarded Book of Oa. He then flipped Book of Oa face up to move 1 card from his deck to hand. He then discarded Chopping Block to Book’s ability. He then recruited Guy Gardner, nestled behind Gorilla Grodd. Oliver Queen was to the right of Guy. IHP used Hard Sound Construct at this point in order to revive Melissa Gold – Sonic Carpace from his KO’d pile to play. Blizzard and Shocker team attacked into Oliver Queen with the help of a second Faces of Evil. Techno Cover Fire’d trying to make up the distance, but The Wrecking Crew gave +4 attack to Shocker and Blizzard (plus 2 more characters that were adjacent to Shocker. Techno chose to stun Blizzard and Ollie stunned. For IHP’s second attack, he swung Beetle and Melissa Gold into Guy Gardner. When the attack was legal, he flipped a second Wrecking Crew in order to pump both Beetle and Melissa up past Guy’s defense. Techno exhausted Guy and Grodd for Lanterns in Love, reviving Ollie Quinn. IHP then played a second Wrecking Crew giving Fatality +4 atk from the previous pumps and Melter an additional +4 attack. Techno chose to stun Melissa Gold and Guy was stunned. IHP attacked Melter into Ollie Quinn with 8 Atk, and after attempting to stun Joystick with Ollie Quinn only to have it Fatality’d, Techno scooped.
Game 2 Turn 1
After having chose odds, Techno kept his first hand and IHP mulled his. Techno laid his resource and flipped it revealing Willworld. He activated Willworld which shuffled Entangle and Emerald Dawn to the bottom of his deck. He then recruited Salaak. IHP recruited Dallas Riordan into the hidden area. Salaak swung in for 1 endurance loss, and Dallas activated to look at the top card of IHP’s deck which was kept at the top for the turn.
(50) – (49)
Turn 2
IHP recruited Shocker from row and passed. Techno flipped up Book of Oa and discarded Kyle Rayner after drawing 1 to Book. Techno then recruited Kyle Rayner and moved a Lanterns in Love from his deck to his hand. IHP declared an attack on Kyle Rayner with Shocker and it was declared legal. Techno activated Willworld sending a Katma-Tui to his hand (which was discarded) and an Emerald Dawn to the bottom of his deck. Techno then played the Ring Has Chosen to search out Dr. Light (3) while discarding Malvolio. Finally, he reinforced Kyle Rayner with Salaak and passed.
(48) – (47)
In recovery, Dallas Riordan peeked at the top card of IHP’s deck keeping it at top.
Turn 3
Techno Booked for 2 discarding Entangle after drawing a card. He then activated Will world, revealing Arisia and Cover fire. Arisia was sent to the KO’d pile, Cover Fire to the bottom of the deck. Dr. Light was recruited, and activated to bring Arisia from the KO’d pile into play. IHP recruited Beetle – Armorsmith with a discarded Paul Ebersol to search for Maxwell Lord. He then activated and paid one resource point with Shocker to stun Arisia. Techno sent Rayner and Salaak teamed into Beetle, and both players went to the next turn after Salaak and Beetle stunned.
(46) – (46)
In recovery, Arisia was KO’d in favor of Salaak on Techno’s side.
Turn 4
IHP recruited Poison Ivy and Maxwell Lord (with a discarded Beetle) to search for a Faces of Evil. Techno Booked and then used Willworld. Dr. Light activated and brought G’nort out of the KO’d pile into play. He then recruited Oliver Queen. Maxwell Lord attacked first into G’nort, and Techno chose to Cover Fire to attempt to boost G’nort’s defense past that of Max’s attack. IHP discarded Mikado and Mosha to stun G’nort and ready Max Lord. Shocker then attacked into Dr. Light with the help of the Wrecking Crew. Shocker and Dr. Light both stunned. Max attempted to attack Salaak, but Kyle Rayner and Salaak exhausted to recover Dr. Light who was protecting him. IHP then chose to swing at Kyle Rayner with Max Lord. Ollie Queen reinforced Kyle as he stunned. Beetle then chose to attack Oliver Queen and was boosted with the help of a Savage Beatdown. Ollie paid 2 endurance to attempt to KO Dallas, and Techno also chose to play the Ring Has Chosen to search for Katma-Tui. IHP chained to Ollie by activating Dallas and then KO’ing her with Ivy. He KO’d The Wrecking Crew in order to find a Birthing Chamber. After Ivy’s effect resolved, he viewed the top card of his deck and kept the card at the top of the deck. Beetle and Ollie Quinn traded stuns. Finally, Ivy attacked into Dr. Light and passed. IHP activated Birthing Chamber to draw a card and passed.
(25) – (39)
In recovery, IHP kept Shocker for a board of Shocker and Maxwell Lord. Techno recovered Ollie Quinn to be kept with Salaak.
Turn 5
Techno booked for 1, and tapped Willworld to send a Cover Fire and a Willworld to the bottom of his deck. He then recruited Katma-Tui and passed. IHP recruited Dr. Light and activated him to bring Ivy back from the KO’d pile. He followed this up by recruiting Fatality and passing. Katma-Tui attacked into Fatality and stunned the 2 drop. Ollie Quinn then attacked into Dr. Light and stunned him. Techno passed his attacks. IHP activated Birthing Chamber to draw a card and then used Ivy on Fatality to KO the Birthing Chamber to search out an unused Birthing Chamber from his deck. He then activated the new Chamber to draw another card. Both players chose to move onto the next turn.
Turn 6
IHP started off by Hard Sounding Beetle from the KO’d pile into play with a discarded Yellow Jacket. He searched out a Joystick from his deck and put her in hand. He then activated Dr. Light to move Fatality from the KO’d pile to play. Birthing Chamber was activated to draw 2 cards (with a discarded Faces of Evil). Yellow Jacket was then recruited with Boost to grab Melissa Gold – Sonic Carapace. Finally, he recruited Paul Ebersol and Nathan Garrett and passed over to Techno. Techno activated Willworld sending a Book of Oa and Entangle to the bottom of his deck. He then Booked and recruited Grodd. IHP played 2 NTZ’s and named Cover Fire and Helping Hand. IHP started off the attack phase with Melissa Gold into Katma-Tui. The attack was declared legal, and Katma-Tui and Oliver Queen exhausted to gain 5 after Melissa was boosted with a Savage Beatdown. Salaak and Grodd exhausted as well to gain an additional 5. Melissa Gold and Katma-Tui stunned. IHP team attacked Nathan Garrett, Yellow Jacket, Paul Ebersol, and Shocker into Grodd. Grodd and Shocker passed. IHP used Nathan Garrett’s ability on Max Lord, causing IHP’s own Max not to be able to be reinforced at the cost of a discard. He then swung Joystick at Green Arrow who traded with the larger 4 drop. Ivy KO’d Melissa Gold and a Hard Sound Construct to search out a Birthing Chamber. IHP flipped the new Chamber and activated it for 2 cards with a discarded Null Time Zone. With the help of two the Wrecking Crew, IHP swung into the empty board for a total of 17 endurance loss. Both players moved to turn 7.
Turn 7
After drawing his cards and looking at his 1 endurance, Techno scooped on turn 7.