Jason Alvey Custom Dial
Posted 01/31/2015 at 00:29 by Vanilla Thunder
#018 Jason Alvey
Team: No Affiliation
Range: 8
Points: 300
Keywords: Bluegrass Guardians, Flavor Founder, Flavor Guardians
Improved Movement and Targeting: Ignores hindering terrain
I Am THE Judge: Jason Alvey can use Willpower and his powers and abilities cannot be countered.
Founder of Two Teams: Jason Alvey is a Wildcard, once per game you may give Jason Alvey a double power action to copy an enemy characters team ability, even if this team ability is uncopyable
Bluegrass Guardians Leader: Once per turn you may give Jason Alvey a power action to choose a standard power, all characters with the Bluegrass Guardians within 4 squares and line of fire can use that power this turn
I Will Not Be Defeated!: When this click is revealed stop turning the dial, Jason Alvey may immediately be place up to half his speed value. Jason Alvey can use Regeneration
Take This!: Jason Alvey can use Penetrating/Psychic Blast and Energy Explosion
This Game Doesn't End Till I say it Does: Jason Alvey can use Combat Reflexes and Energy Shield/Deflection.
Never a Dull Moment: Jason Alvey can use Leadership, Outwit, and Support. If Jason Alvey has 2 actions tokens he can use Telekinesis as a free action but only to target a character with the Bluegrass Guardians Keyword.
Team: No Affiliation
Range: 8
Points: 300
Keywords: Bluegrass Guardians, Flavor Founder, Flavor Guardians
I Am THE Judge: Jason Alvey can use Willpower and his powers and abilities cannot be countered.
Founder of Two Teams: Jason Alvey is a Wildcard, once per game you may give Jason Alvey a double power action to copy an enemy characters team ability, even if this team ability is uncopyable
Bluegrass Guardians Leader: Once per turn you may give Jason Alvey a power action to choose a standard power, all characters with the Bluegrass Guardians within 4 squares and line of fire can use that power this turn
I Will Not Be Defeated!: When this click is revealed stop turning the dial, Jason Alvey may immediately be place up to half his speed value. Jason Alvey can use Regeneration
Take This!: Jason Alvey can use Penetrating/Psychic Blast and Energy Explosion
This Game Doesn't End Till I say it Does: Jason Alvey can use Combat Reflexes and Energy Shield/Deflection.
Never a Dull Moment: Jason Alvey can use Leadership, Outwit, and Support. If Jason Alvey has 2 actions tokens he can use Telekinesis as a free action but only to target a character with the Bluegrass Guardians Keyword.
Total Comments 1
Dial Design by David Gauselman
Posted 01/31/2015 at 00:36 by Vanilla Thunder |
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