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1) Deadshot will attack Max, 9 on 14, roll 4+1 for 4 damage and the Ko... dang that was closer then it needed.... which is 6 IAP TAP when I need to go back and do this.
Suicide Squad
Deadshot R - R15 @
Grundy R - R6 (6/10)
Black Manta R - S11 KOed!
Hatter R - S6 KOed!
Frost R - S16 KOed!
"Formerly Known As"
Justice League
Zatanna R - T8 (1/4)@@
Black Canary E* - S9 (1/5)@
Plastic Man E (Elongated Man) - S8 (5/6)
Puppet Master R (Maxwell Lord) - R9@ (KOED)
* Stunning Blow 10
Rocket Red R - S9 KOed!
In the game of chess you can never let your opponent see your pieces
Zatana will carry Black Canary. Zattana in Q7, Canary in R7
Suicide Squad
Deadshot R - R15 (4/5) @@
Grundy R - R6 (6/10) @
Black Manta R - S11 KOed!
Hatter R - S6 KOed!
Frost R - S16 KOed!
"Formerly Known As"
Justice League
Zatanna R - Q7 (1/4)@
Black Canary E* - R7 (1/5)
* Stunning Blow 10
Puppet Master R (Maxwell Lord) - R9 (KOED)
Rocket Red R - S9 KOed!
Plastic Man E (Elongated Man) - Q6 (KOED)
Sorry for the delay in the game by the way life here got hectic. I thought you were killing me but this actually ended up ok for me. Hehe... atleast I didn't waste any IXP on Killer frost eh?
Grundy will push to attack Zat 8 on 11. roll 5+1 that's 2 damage and a Ko.
In the game of chess you can never let your opponent see your pieces
Yeah, if this were a "play until the game ended" type game i'd probably have to run around trying to pick him off then had to charge both sides. Good choice of map.
I kinda hope Deadshot ends up going 1 on like 10 on people. It'd be fun for one issue to just have him go on and try and assassanate someone.
In the game of chess you can never let your opponent see your pieces
If I were you i'd hope for a Question click... just because I really enjoy whats been done with him in the animated realm. Combine the Reanimator with an over the top paranoid nature...
I don't remember him being that crazy in the Comics... but I havent' read anything about him since like... maybe 94 back when he was more just a Batman rip off.
In the game of chess you can never let your opponent see your pieces