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Hey Sentry fans. Thought I'd start a thread about my faverite new hero. Just got 1st of Jenkins latest run. (25seconds until coffe is done) What does everyone think? (90 seconds before BK opens) The Void part was great.(10 minutes 22 seconds until school starts) It is a good thing this guy is seeing a shrink. (12 seconds....
I really like this guy when I read his trade but after new avengers and this new issue im kinda losing intrest. I think they made him way too powerful and Im not liking the way that issue was done. If he is freaking out why not just turn off clock, I would say thats whats driving him nuts more than anything.
I really like this guy when I read his trade but after new avengers and this new issue im kinda losing intrest. I think they made him way too powerful and Im not liking the way that issue was done. If he is freaking out why not just turn off clock, I would say thats whats driving him nuts more than anything.
Oh I quite agree. Cloc is the villian here. The General is responsable for using Mastermind to rewire Sentry's brain. I contend he was just a pawn (if not a construct) of Cloc. Check out the red eye monicle the General wears and then check Cloc out. The Watchtower itself looks more like an extention of the Void then Sentry.[indent]The power level of the Sentry has to be addressed for the story to play out. The pressure of being able to do anything. How can anyone who wants to be a superhero enjoy his life? A hero without limits? Rob is definitly loosing it and I can see why. I think it is going to be a wonderful story. Mark my words the CLOC is the antagonist here.
I really am liking this character although I have to dissagree with your thought of the Cloc being the villain. He created the cloc so he didn't have to decide himself who lives and who dies. Its his way of dealing with one of his psycological problems as he's totally scitzo and its awesome. He's got Superman's powers and totally insane.
He brings the power levels of a DC hero and the personal issues of a Marvel hero together.
I like the character so far, but we've seen very little of him. I want to see how the rest of the mini shapes up (we don't even know the story yet), how hes handled in the New Avenger book, since he isn't in Japan we may have to wait until after the Ronin story, and how good Marvel does at creating a rogue gallery for Sentry and/or the Avengers to fight.
Theres only one Return, and it ain't of the King, its of the Jedi.