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LE Montgomery Kelly - 32
V Science Police – 21
V Science Police - 21
R Science Police – 14
R Science Police - 14
R Science Police – 14
R Sentinel Trooper – 20
R Sentinel Trooper - 20
R Sentinel Trooper – 20
176 x 0.25 = 44 TAP = 11 TXP, 0 TAP
R Sentinel Trooper – 20
20 x 0.40 = 8 TAP = 2 TXP, 0 TAP
Total = 13 TXP, 0 TAP
Totals for this Issue #1
R Cosmic Boy - 2 IXP, 3 IAP
R Saturn Girl - 4 IXP, 2 IAP
R Live Wire - 2 IXP, 2 IAP
R Wildfire - 5 IXP, 0 IAP
59 TAP = 14 TXP, 3 TAP + 13 TXP, 0 TAP = 27 TXP, 3 IAP
Previous Team Totals
R Cosmic Boy - 0 IXP, 0 IAP
R Saturn Girl - 0 IXP, 0 IAP
R Live Wire - 0 IXP, 0 IAP
R Wildfire - 0 IXP, 0 IAP
R Brainiac 5 40 * - 0 IXP, 0 IAP
R Kid Quantum 49 ** - 0 IXP, 0 IAP
* - Brilliant Tactician
** - Stunning Blow
22 TXP, 0 TAP
New Team Totals
R Cosmic Boy - 2 IXP, 3 IAP
R Saturn Girl - 4 IXP, 2 IAP
R Live Wire - 2 IXP, 2 IAP
R Wildfire - 5 IXP, 0 IAP
R Brainiac 5 40 * - 0 IXP, 0 IAP
R Kid Quantum 49 ** - 0 IXP, 0 IAP
6! Woohoo...oh wait a don't have enough people...can I waive it and get it definitely for next ish?
If I take out Wildfire, I'm gonna be putting in Brainiac 5 and Kid Quantum....and all that leaves is Wildfire...which who I'm taking guess I can pay some TAP...wonder if I can get Kara Zor-el... although i don't think I have 62 TAP...what to do, what to do...
“You see?” Tenzil laughed. “They always put the Sci-Po’s down.”
“Do they come often,” Kid Quantum asked, hoping her giddiness didn’t show through. She was just so excited to see the Legion in action - and so close! It was almost too much.
“Oh, sure. Every couple weeks they show up with some trumped-up charge or another. They’ve got no legal rights on this spot of land, so it’s all for show. Makes the over-agers feel like their tax money is being put to good use.”
“How come they can’t just arrest you?”
“Don’t ask me - Brainy has all that stuff worked out. The guy knows his legalese and he and Cos managed to get Legion World set up as its own sovereign ground. However it worked, they can’t legally touch us here, or else we’re allowed to legally fight back.”
“You’re sprockin’ right, wow! Now come on, don’t just gape like some slack-jawed plebe - now that the tour’s about finished, it’s time you met the team.”
“Seriously? Great!” Kid Quantum suppressed her giggle and resisted the urge to hop. Instead, she calmly followed Tenzil back to the elevator, a big smile plastered to her face.
“Good work, team,” Cosmic Boy said as the remnants of the Science Police force fled the scene. “Live Wire, cover the kids out here and make sure there aren’t any injuries. I’ve got to get Wildfire back to Brainy for patch-up.”
*Wait, Cos,* Saturn Girl “said.” Like all people of Titan, she was a Telepath and had never learned to speak aurally - she could only talk through her mind. It was awkward to get used to at first, but once you got used to the kind of complete honesty such communication required it wasn’t so bad.
“There a problem, SG?”
*These police - they weren’t lying about the terrorists. They found real evidence of Legion involvement at the scene.*
“That’s a sinch to fake,” Live Wire said with a shrug. “Any one of those Po-po’s could have planted evidence at any time that made it look like us. You know how the Old-Agers’ are.”
*No, Live Wire - this was a flight ring. And it was genuine.*
“Don’t worry, Sat,” Cosmic Boy said confidently. “It won’t be a problem.”
“…There’s a problem.” Cosmic Boy walked into Brainiac 5’s lab, dodging and ducking the equipment strewn about the place while using his magnetic powers to lift and move Wildfire to his repair tank. The lab seemed like it looked different every day, and each time it was more advanced and impossible to comprehend. Impossible, that is, unless you had a 12th-level intellect. Cosmic Boy connected Wildfire’s armor to the various cables, tubes and mechanisms and started the self-diagnostic when he heard Brainiac finally respond.
“There is always a problem,” the Coluan replied, his eyes never leaving his current project.
“He’s back.”
“…What did you expect? We had plans for this.”
“I guess I just hoped it wouldn’t come to this.”
“Foolish. And dangerous. Clearly his agenda could only be accomplished by our destruction. First he paints us as terrorists and then has us destroyed. Our martyrdom draws others to his cause and his militant paradigm gains a foothold in all the underagers that once flocked to us.”
Cosmic Boy thought about that. “It sounds like an idea he would have. What happened to him, Brainy? He started off with such promise.”
“I neither know nor care,” Brainiac said flatly. He was still absorbed in his work. “You knew him longer than I did, and I never liked him anyway. He was too wild and too disruptive. Unstable. He was a danger to himself and to the Legion, and thus my work. Ergo, his loss was fortuitous for us all.”
“But now we have to stop him.”
“Yes. For the Legion to live, Lightning Lad must be destroyed.”
“I wish it had never come to this. I wish things were still like they were back then. Everything was so open…everything was possible. I remember when we started, Brainy…”