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Yeah that was a pretty sick issue. But I'm waiting for an attack on Earth by Galactus in a few years maybe. I mean he has the Surfer now, who has been stripped of his convictions. That would be pretty cool I guess since I haven't read a comic where Galactus fights Earth. But Annihilation is awesome except for Ronan, which I do read, but it sucks.
Seems a little odd to me. Willing to take on the ultimate force of the Power Cosmic in the Universe. Yet scared of someone he imbues with a "portion" of the Power cosmic?
No matter how powered up SS is, He is still LESS than the one who GAVE him the power.
Maybe Galactus was weak beacause he was hungry? I'm just guessing though. A huge chunk of his food supply had been wiped out, but that's all I'm going on.
I think it was a numbers thing. They thought they could just overpower Big G, but they knew it wouldn't take much to turn the fight his way. It's kind of like 5 guys can approach me ready to kick my @$$, and capable of doing it. However if I pull out a gun it's now kind of a time to poo your pants moment when your staring down the barrell.
Death thunderer is akin to love making, it gets better each time.