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I'd like to be Catwoman's Daddy, but not the baby's daddy. I still think it will NOT be Batman's nor that rich guy, what's his name? Bruce Wayne.. yeah, don't think it'll be his either. :P
52 #8 Eh, some stuff with Steel and Steel Jr. And more details on Luthor selling superpowers. And Supernova finally shows up in this series. And yet another teaser with Devilance and nothing really happening. And more oddly opinionated history with Donna Troy. The whole issue is totally missable. In fact, I dare say you could probably skip every other issue of this series, since almost nothing happens in any issue.
Brave New World #1
Several chapters here:
(1) Martian Manhunter Eh, there's another green Martian on Earth somewhere, so J'onn has to change his costume. Whatever.
(2) Omac Just a teaser. We won't know what just happened here until the first issue of this. Whatever.
(3) Freedom Fighters More slow slow slow buildup, as Firebrand meets Uncle Sam, The End. Eh.
(4) Creeper Yet another reboot of a character who doesn't need one. Skip.
(5) The New Atom A redesign of a character who didn't need one. Still, has potential, even if it has one of those "See how much better I am than the last guy" moments that made Kyle so unbearable.
(6) Captain Marvel and the Marvel Family Yeah, I've heard nothing good, and this supports that without actually committing the heresies that are undoubtedly coming. Cap Jr loses his powers in the middle of a fight. Mary loses her powers when in the middle of a flight. (Splat!) And Captain Marvel gets a Rogue-style 'do. Skip.
(7) The Monitor Corps Yeah, just what we needed, a whole bunch of Monitors. Whatever.
Well, let's move on to something actually enjoyable:
JLA #23 We get to see Vibe's view of himself and his role in the JLA. Good stuff. Plus, the Royal Flush Gang (clubs) versus the Royal Flush Gang (spades). Thumbs up.
Action #840 Actually, a kinda disappointing ending after last issue. The story ends on page 5, and the rest is pointless filler.
Supergirl and the LSH #19 Reasonably good mystery story.
Spectre #2 Eh, kinda pointless. It seems the Spectre doesn't have nearly the freedom that he used to. And the Spectre's alter ego is even more powerless. Makes the whole thing kinda pointless. Why require a human host, if the human part has no control over what happens? And I'm still not sure this issue fits with the Infinite Crisis timeline.
Hawkgirl #53 Eh, even more T&A. Sigh. The cover logo even covers Hawkgirl's breasts (to hide her nipples?). The villain of this issue is a huge naked woman. No, really. Okay, she's got tattoos and tiny bits of gold cover her naughty bits. But basically, she's naked. And she rips off Hawkgirl's shirt to show off Hawkgirl's lacy bra. And, um, I think that's the plot, I forget.
Blue Beetle #4 Wow, he actually fights a villain this issue. Actually, no he doesn't, he fights the villain's minions. Well, maybe someday...
Solo #11 Sergio Aragones, 'nuff said. Interesting vignettes from his life. And, the obligatory silly Batman story.
I keep hearing the name "SuperNova" but I haven't heard any details as of yet, at all. I dont' even know the gender or where the 1`st appearance will be. Weird to go so many months without a word of detail.
SO basically DC is saying, lets launch 7 new books to see if one sticks while 3 of our existing books go down the carpper? I do understand the ideas of business expansion, but slow and steady wins the race. They already got Blue Beelte and Shadowpact and Villains.. do they really need more at this moment?
Every relationship is fundamentally a power struggle, and the individual in power is whoever likes the other person less.
-Chuck Klosterman, "Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs"
SO basically DC is saying, lets launch 7 new books to see if one sticks while 3 of our existing books go down the carpper? I do understand the ideas of business expansion, but slow and steady wins the race. They already got Blue Beelte and Shadowpact and Villains.. do they really need more at this moment?
eh, early 90's, Marvel would make 6 new tittles per year, most didnt' make is into a second year (eg; Terror inc).
If you look at the 90's comic's of Marvel, all the ones that came out in the 90's, all of them, each title that came, went with the end of the decade. None survived.
Funny thing about that, that was also the decade of relaunching every tittle they had, it didn't really work. Nothing new stuck.
DC seems to be going thru the same sort of thing, I guess.