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So, the suprise ending is that there are 5 Moniters (Well, at least 4 and one possible Anti-Moniter) watching the Earth now? What will the new Anti-Moniter (if that really is who he is) do? I mean, there isn't a anti-matter universe, is there? Didn't it get erased in IC?
This hippie died for me and while I’m glad it doesn’t mean that I’m going to accept every word that you say, its the installment of shame that makes you a pawn in the game and that’s not my definition of faith.-Balance
I just want to know why they decided to bring back the monitors back just to make them this universe's Watcher's. All I got say is the first one who says they cannot interefere . Pow Bang Straight to the moon
Quote : Originally Posted by Mr_JTR
Hey, if you're willing to buy it, they'd make it.
Not Just Another Empty Political Slogan