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I have a friend who keeps all of his in 3-ring binders inside plastic sleeves (the kind that look like plastic poly-bags with the 3-ring holes on the side. It's a great way to store issues on a bookcase and arrange the comics by title, miniseries, or whatever.
I keep mine unbagged and unboarded (for the most part) and just stick random stacks of whatever i'm reading into short boxes.
Long boxes were mentioned earlier, but short boxes are INFINITELY easier to manage. they are light enough to carry two at a time when full, and two short boxes hold just as much as one long box but they aren't nearly so cumbersome.
you can find lots of unassembled short boxes on e-bay if you need to buy in bulk. I split a bulk lot of 20 boxes with a roommate years ago and am still doing fine for space.
I even keep my old paperbacks and even my wife's knitting in some of the shortboxes i have lying around.
Long boxes were mentioned earlier, but short boxes are INFINITELY easier to manage. they are light enough to carry two at a time when full, and two short boxes hold just as much as one long box but they aren't nearly so cumbersome.
I bought one large box and two short boxes and I hated that long box because it took me a while to fill it up. Also trying to keep my comics from falling down in the boxes. Heck with the small boxes I have mine sorted based on universe ( Ultimate in one, Regular in another)
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Zombie Spidey's Ko's:
Reaper of Souls
super skrull (SN)
I normally store my monthly reads in two small comic boxes. I believe they hold about 150 comics each. Once those are full, I then purchase a large comic box, and reorganize my comics alphabetically. Right now, the first box is almost full, so it won't be too long before I have to do it all over again.
1/6th of the Brothers Prob. '19-'20 Season: 15-13(8 events) 2 wins, 2nd XDPS PR 9-7, 7th SOC