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Well that's the trick, really: Is that really Quentin back from the dead or is it his cousin, Maguire Beck....a.k.a Mad Jack?
Also, what "group" has interest in Mysterio IV? Found that a bit odd.
if it is "IV" and not "I" I'd be a bit surprised.
I know it'll be confusing. I do know the one who attacked the school to begin with was the latest version and not Beck or Berkhart. It shall be interesting to see, unless they screw it all up.
Excalibur #11 - Rated 8 - A fun little tale so far. REminds me of classic X-Men. The team goes back to the days of King Arthur and try to prepare Camelot etc for an oncoming dragon attack. Why are all the good X-tales not core X-titles? Well aside from Astonishing.
There was a time that I was considering dropping this title. But month in and month it continues to be a satisfying read.
Ultimate X-Men #74 - Rated 7 - So the tame fights Magician. Wolvie apparntly kills him and things just kind of fix themselves as if he never existed. We then later find out that he staged the whole fight so the X-Men would think he was dead so he can go live away from everyone in peace cause he can't control his powers... k. Kind of a weak ending in my opinion but a fun read none the less.
I thought that the issue was great until the end. The Wolvie vs Magician and the fake Brotherhood was awesome. It was nice to see him let go.
Wolverine Origins #6 - Rated 5 - Blargh on the art! And I only picked this up cause of Jubes. I've been waiting for Logan to chat with his former sidekick after she lost her powers. Though I don't like that she's turned all political or something. I like old Jubes. But I guess everyone has to grow up sometimes.
Blargh on Jubilee. I hate her with a passion, and hope she doesn't spend too much time in this book. i was hoping that when she lost her powers, she would just slip away. That being said, I agree that the art in this book blows chunks. But this issue was just a set up issue, and as such wasn't that bad. Plus it's the first time I've ever read an issue with Omega Red. So I am looking forward to the next issue.
1/6th of the Brothers Prob. '19-'20 Season: 15-13(8 events) 2 wins, 2nd XDPS PR 9-7, 7th SOC