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Tie up pieces are tough to level up. Changeling got that crit hit BCF though so he got a lot this game.
Turn 13A:
Free) Crusher uses Outsiders ability on Kid Quantum.
1) Automaton Sentry A (E Dreadnought) will try to Energy Explosion on Livewire. Def. 12 - att 7 = need 5. Rolls 3,5=8 hit. Splash damage on the Erin Def. 14 + 2 ESD - att 7 = needed 9 so I miss her. Livewire takes 1 though and is Koed.
[59]The Legion of Super Heroes:
[2]1. R CJ Cosmic Boy - 45 (5/5) P13
[13]2. R Unl Supergirl - 108 (1/8) P14 @
[6]3. R Chameleon - 30 (-1/4) Koed
[5]4. R Triplicate Girl - 35 (-1/5) Koed
[2]5. Shvaughn Erin (R Science Police) - 14 T10
[13]6. V CJ Live Wire - 50 (0/6) Koed
[]7. E Brainiac 5* - 52 (4/5) R15
[12]8. E Kid Quantum** - 61 (2/5) Q15 @
Here in Singapore we have been playing a campaign game and I took a Sinister Syndicate team. Doc Ock seemed like a great choice at 22 pts. for the rookie and the great later figs, but getting upgraded to those figs (and I only made it to the R Ultimates version) took forever because when it was a choice in a game of tieing up an opposing piece with him or my bullseye/electro combo taking a hit I would throw Doc Ock there to go for the win. For several games I had to stop this and have him go for 'soft' targets like medics and pogs and take the hit on other figures, it still took 6 games to get to the R Ultimates version. After 12 games (we are revamping our system here and starting from scratch) he was still 3 points away from upgrading. It helped that I had Whirlwind to fill a similar, if not as effective at it, roll.
Actually I think if you use your team ability (with PD) to get a hit I think you can assign IXP to them, not sure though. Just checked Defend can earn you points. You will have to ask Lightshear if PD can divide the points if the shot would have missed otherwise (not gain just divide up what was done).
Turn 14a (almost done arn't we!)
Free) Crusher uses his Outsiders on Kid Quantum.
1) Crusher will take a swing at Hourman. Def. 14 - att 8 = need 6. Rolled 6,2=8 hit for 2 - 1 toughness = 1 click. CCE he shouldn't have a problem taking crusher down now! Well if Crusher survivies this turn anyway.
2) Flying automaton will roll for breakaway since he can't hurt Hourman. rolls a 3 and is stuck.
[62]The Legion of Super Heroes:
[2]1. R CJ Cosmic Boy - 45 (5/5) R9 @
[13]2. R Unl Supergirl - 108 (1/8) P14
[6]3. R Chameleon - 30 (-1/4) Koed
[5]4. R Triplicate Girl - 35 (-1/5) Koed
[3]5. Shvaughn Erin (R Science Police) - 14 T10 @
[13]6. V CJ Live Wire - 50 (0/6) Koed
[]7. E Brainiac 5* - 52 (4/5) R15
[12]8. E Kid Quantum** - 61 (2/5) Q15
Hmm that campaign sounds really cool. I read someone else doing an infinity gauntlet campaign that sounded like a lot of fun. But I don't have people that I can normally play with a lot. It's hard for me to find time to play tournaments, but still it sounds fun.
Turn 14b
1. Cosmic Boy will push to take a swing at the Sentry. AV 8 vs DV 13. Roll is a 3, 5. That's a hit for 2 clicks.
2. Brainy will fly on over to P13.
(free) Brainy will outwit Toughness on Crusher
3. Supergirl will take a shot at the Flyer. AV 8 (+2 PD) vs DV 11. Roll is a 3, 2. That's a hit for 2 clicks and the KO.
4. Kid Q will attempt to Stunning Blow Crusher. AV 7 vs DV 15. Roll is a 1, 2. Darn!
[68]The Legion of Super Heroes:
[4]1. R CJ Cosmic Boy - 45 (4/5) R9 @@
[17]2. R Unl Supergirl - 108 (1/8) P14 @
[6]3. R Chameleon - 30 (-1/4) Koed
[5]4. R Triplicate Girl - 35 (-1/5) Koed
[3]5. Shvaughn Erin (R Science Police) - 14 T10
[13]6. V CJ Live Wire - 50 (0/6) Koed
[]7. E Brainiac 5* - 52 (4/5) P13 @
[12]8. E Kid Quantum** - 61 (2/5) Q15 @
Last turn! Well I have really enjoyed this game, too bad I haven't had time for story posts.
By the way Cosmic Boy only does 1 click for his R version. So the Automaton Sentry A should have 2 clicks left.
Turn 15a:
1) Automaton Sentry A swings at Cosmic Boy. Def. 14 - att 6 = need 8. Rolls 4,1=5 miss.
2) Crusher pushes and swings at Hourman. Def. 14 - att. 7 = need 7. Rolls 6,3=9 and hits hourman for 2 - 1 toughness = 1 click. Crusher takes 1 for the push. Man has he been a monster this game. I may have to give him a try in my games here.
[68]The Legion of Super Heroes:
[4]1. R CJ Cosmic Boy - 45 (4/5) R9 @@
[17]2. R Unl Supergirl - 108 (1/8) P14 @
[6]3. R Chameleon - 30 (-1/4) Koed
[5]4. R Triplicate Girl - 35 (-1/5) Koed
[3]5. Shvaughn Erin (R Science Police) - 14 T10
[13]6. V CJ Live Wire - 50 (0/6) Koed
[]7. E Brainiac 5* - 52 (4/5) P13 @
[12]8. E Kid Quantum** - 61 (2/5) Q15 @
I actually didn't think I'd get this many by the 15th round. I don't think I have a chance at capturing what with all the low AVs. Ah well.
Last turn! Let's see what happens!
Turn 15b
(free) Brainy will outwit Toughness Crusher
1. Hourman will CCE on AV 7 vs DV 15. Roll is a 3, 6. That's a hit and the KO on Crusher.
2. Kid Quantum will push to move to S11
3. Brainy will push to move to P10. He takes a push click.
(free) Brainy will perplex up Shvaughn's attack to 8.
4. Shvaughn will attempt to go for the capture on the Sentry. AV 9 (+1 PD) vs DV 17 (13 normally). Roll is a 5, 6! Yay! Sentry's captured! Wish I captured Crusher though. Ah well. At least I captured someone.
[78]The Legion of Super Heroes:
[4]1. R CJ Cosmic Boy - 45 (4/5) R9 @@
[17]2. R Unl Supergirl - 108 (1/8) P14 @
[6]3. R Chameleon - 30 (-1/4) Koed
[5]4. R Triplicate Girl - 35 (-1/5) Koed
[7]5. Shvaughn Erin (R Science Police) - 14 T10 @
[13]6. V CJ Live Wire - 50 (0/6) Koed
[]7. E Brainiac 5* - 52 (4/5) P13 @
[12]8. E Kid Quantum** - 61 (2/5) Q15 @
Thanks for villaining for me ALC! That was a great game! I was pretty certain I was gonna get stomped or at least not get that much points, but I was luckily able to pull it through.
Manager of the Heroclix Fantasy League's Legion of Super Heroes
I was pretty sure you were going to do ok when Kid Quantum started tieing up my whole force. The nail in the coffin was when I gambled and didn't push Baron to hit Brainiac. I had kind of hoped that Crusher would go the distance though, I will have to give Robot Man another look after seeing him in action here.
By the way if you get in a pinch you can Outwit a defensive power and then use stunning blow to give tokens + give damage. I have done this with a V Nightwing, (oh you just moved your brick up to hit Nightwing? I Outwit your Impervious, Then smack you for 3 and give you a token to push you and take another click! The first time I did it I rolled knockback also forcing him to try another move up and attack. Needless to say Ultimates became much more popular after this.) In this format you get more points for 3 tokens than the damage but you might need it in a pinch (like there at the end against Crusher) so keep that in mind.
I had a good time with this one, unlike VanceMadrox who kindly took my GL game and is getting the stuffing knocked out of him.
"Nature has placed nothing so high, that valour cannot overcome it."
Alexander of Macedon
The battle continued at a furious pace, with the automatons pressing on with their relentless attack.
“I don’t get it,” yelled Cosmic Boy, “We’ve shut this guy down, why are his toys still attacking?”
“I surmise that his actual consciousness is jumping between automatons” said Brainiac 5, “We need to isolate them.”
Supergirl let loose a blast of icy breath, knocking the airborne automaton from the sky.
“One down,” she said.
Hourman smashed his clenched fists together on either side if the brutish automan’s head. It sparked and shuddered as its skull caved in.
“Another here.”
“That leaves one,” grunted Shvaughn.
She threw herself into a diving roll, ending up on her stomach with her blaster drawn. She let loose with a series of short bursts aimed at the mechanical legs. The concussive blasts ripped the knee joins from the monstrosity and it teetered for a few seconds before collapsing under its own weight.
“Nice shooting, officer,” said Cosmic Boy.
“Quick,” shouted Brainiac, “We need to secure it before he jumps to another…”
But before he could finish there was a tremendous explosion as the roof caved in.
Supergirl instinctively cut loose with a wide dispersment of heat vision, trying to destroy any of the debris crashing down on her teammates. Surprisingly, the beams met resistance a few metres above her head. Similarly, the falling rubble crashed into an invisible opposing force and appeared to rest on the empty air above the Legionnaires.
“Force field,” said Kara, “Brainy?”
“It isn’t mine, although there are similarities.”
“I’ve improved upon it.”
The new voice belonged to a woman who stood on a circular platform floating above the opening in the ceiling. The green pigment of her skin revealed her to be of Coluan origin, and she sported shoulder length flaxen yellow hair. She wore a simple black skin suit and stood with her arms clasped behind her back. She surveyed the Legionnaires dispassionately.
“You?” cried Brainiac 5 in surprise.
“Your emotions get the better of you again, Querl Dox. That is why you are destined to fail.”
The newcomer turned to the confused Baron Bedlam.
“Baron, I have been expecting you for some time. My Computo is in need of your talents.”
Jasmin unleashed an quantum discharge that proved entirely ineffective against the Force Field that encased them.
Ignoring the Legionnaires efforts to free themselves, the Coluan woman pressed a button on her belt and a stasis field formed around herself, and extended down to the Baron’s remaining body.
“Release me,” cried the Apokolyptian Warrior.
“Silence,” said the woman.
There was a large popping sound and they were gone.
“Short-haul transmatter jump,” said Brainaic 5, “Facinating.”
“Sprock their disappearing act,” barked Cosmic Boy, “get us out of here!”
“No need, the force field is no longer active.”
“Ok, Legionnaires, spread out and secure the area. I want to make sure there are none of those animated monsters left.”
“Wait a minute,” asked Hourman, “Can someone please explain to me what the heck is going on here? Who are you people?”
“It’s a long story,” said Supergirl with a smile, “just hang on for two secs, Okay?”
“Brainy,” said Kid Quantum, helping Chameleon to his feet, “who was that woman?”
“It should be obvious,” said Brainy mimicking the mystery woman’s dispassion, “She was Pulsar Stargrave.”
“But none of us knew who Pulsar Stargrave was, including you,” interjected Cham, “so how are you suddenly aware of her identity?”
“Pulsar Stargrave would be an assumed name” said Brainy dismissively, “She changes names a lot.”
“But you still haven’t said who she is…” prompted Supergirl.
“On Colu, she was designated Brainiac 4.”
“Brainiac 4…” said Kara, “ But that means…”
“Yes,” said Brainiac 5, a hint of emotion creeping into his voice, “She is my mother. And she is a danger to all who live.”