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"That's easy to say if you're already familiar with the past 30 years of X-Men continuity. "
I wasn't familiar with X-Men continuity at all. Basically I watched the cartoon, and that was it. I picked up New X-Men because of Grant Morrison, and didn't find myself extremely lost. I'm not sure how it is for other X-Men titles, but X-Statix and Exiles are very new-reader friendly.
The Ultimate lines were fine at the time, but almost immediately after each Ultimate book, the regular book got a make-over, making it better than the Ultimate book (J. Michael Strazynski on Amazing Spider-Man, Grant Morrison on X-Men, and Geoff Johns on Avengers)
The only Ulitimate clix in Xplosion is Green Goblin. Some people think that the Xplosion Spider-Man is the Ultimate based one, and I could be wrong, but I don't think he is.
I dont think we'll ever get an all ultimate expansion. All of the heroclixs buyers who don't like ulitimates would just ignore the whole expansion, and wiz kids would miss out on alot of buyers. Expect to see at least 1 or 2 Ultimate figs in each expansion from here on out, but don't expect to see a complete Ulitimate expansion.
"I dont think we'll ever get an all ultimate expansion. All of the heroclixs buyers who don't like ulitimates would just ignore the whole expansion" - Are you nuts? I know people who hate DC but buy them like crazy, hated the Fantastic four but bought those packs like crazy. If the figures look good and they make some good, usefull figures people will buy them. Plus the Ultimate is one if (if not THE) best seller Marvel has right now, more people like them then hate them. We'll get an Ultimate Expansion
Theres only one Return, and it ain't of the King, its of the Jedi.
People who hate FF bought Cloberin Time because there where other figs than just FF characters. If they made an Ultimate expansion with all Ultimate figs there would be plenty of people who would ignore it. Yes the Ulitimate Line is the #1 seller for Marvel now, but that dosent mean everyone likes it. I know plenty of people who in fact hate it. I dont understand how they could hate it, but they do. I love the Ultimates and would love to see a Ulitimate expanison, but it's never going to happen. Alot of people tore into Wiz Kids for making an Ulitmate Green Goblin, I would hate to hear their reaction when they found out the next expansion is only Ulitimate.
In short don't get your hopes up to high for a complete Ulitimate expansion. It's not going to happen.