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I'm not sure how many of you know this already but...
For all of you concerned about Halle Barry, you have no worries about her being Selina Kyla, she is going to be someone called Patience Prince or something else equally silly. The director of the film has stated on many occasions how proud he is that this catwoman will have NOTHING to do with the comic book character other than her costumed name. I'm voting for either a blanket boycott, or my presonal preference, someone take this one name loser (Pitof - the director) into a back alley and administer an old style beating until he can't ruin any other franchises.
I'm curious why they think that a radical divergence on an established character/name is a good idea? Is Warner Brothers somehow forgetting the flap that was caused when Kevin Smith launched his Internet/Interview rant about the changes they wanted him to make to the Man of Steel? That they wanted an all black costume and a gay speaking superdog sidekick for merchandising?
I see nothing wrong with taking a new view on a character, arguably most comics would have died out had Frank Miller not done exactly that with Batman in the Dark Knight returns.
His name was still Bruce Wayne, not Johnny Jigglepants.
He had the same background, not an entirely new one that had fans going "Huh?"
I don't feel that Dark Knight Returns was a new view, just an expanded view. Esepecially the first one.
Why would you make a movie out of a comic book character and have her have nothing to do with the comic book. That's like saying "I'm proud to say my Orange juice has nothing to do with orange trees or oragnes whatsoever.
Okay, but since this is a WB production, I'm really really sure we can say it's supposed to be based on the DC Catwoman anyway, so your point is really moot.
Ah, NM, I get what you mean now. I posted to Marvel mostly because of the chatter about Halle Berry and her performance or lack there of in X-Men and her attitude about X3-5.