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I investigated this afternoon, and have concluded that the items in question are kind of lame.
Personally examined four of the items:
1. Wonder Woman. A little wonder woman statue that "lassoes" an alien guy. Both are affixed to the base. It's the sort of thing that might seem neat if you're about three, and would likely hold your attention for about that many minutes.
2. Martian Manhunter. A sort of translucent snake that, when you repeatedly push a button, spins around and breaks open to reveal a non-articulated, transparent Martian Manhunter figurine. Thrillsville.
3. Hawkwoman. A sort of stick puppet. You attach the wings, and when you push the trigger, her wings flap. Yowsah.
4. Flash. A sort of little friction car thingy, consisting of The Flash in a non-adjustable running position, with a cloud of dust at his heels. There's little wheels in the bottom, and when you put it down and pull it back slightly, then let go, it'll zip forward. Kind of cute, but an action figure wooda been better.
The other items advertised on their flyer include a sort of little rolly-asteroid thingy with Superman balanced on it, a building that whirls Green Lantern around it, a Batman action figure that magnetically floats above its base, and a little Justice League headquarters thing that launches their little aircraft.
I would highly recommend these items to keep younger sibs entertained while one plays HeroClix, but I would not recommend their purchase except to collectors, frankly.
You got class, podnuh. What the hell you need with notoriety?