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Thor #10 - Rated 8 - Good stuff. Just a plain good read. Baldur talks toThor about thier shared father. Of course Loki is up to something. The hick guy I guess slept with the hot goddess chick, and I can't blame him at all cause yowza!
Ms. Marvel #29 - Rated 7 - Carol beats up more Skrulsl. Saves some people and takes them toRikers for protection but something that even Skrulls fear is there and it's killing SHIELD agents. Uh oh?
SI: FF #3 - Rated 7 - The free the Tinkerer from prisona nd he agress to fix the teleporter back to earth if he goes free. Why they just didnt use the prisons teleporter...? Lyja decides to stay cause shes not sure where her loyalties lie. And alright conclusion.
Ult Spidy #124 - Rated 8 - Gotta love the dialogue. Spidy faces Beetle whos up to something. Spidy loses the fight but plans to keep looking into it. The time jumps kind of comfused me. Did the Beetle stuff happen before the venom stuff?
Black Panther #39 - rated 6
"You see this man? You see how he mocks you! How he mocks an empire that has laid to waste a thousand galaxies! This one puny Earth man! Bring me his head so we might toast the Empress with a drink from his skull!"
I haven't read this title in a long time and was eager to come in and support any writer that came onto the title, but in this case it was Jason Aaron, so I had several reasons to be excited about this issue. I didn't rate it higher, because as-is, it is just a good comic, rather than a great one. It is setting up the conflict rather than giving us the conflict, so there wasn't really enough meat here to really judge it. What was here, though, was a very well-crafted set-up, noticably lacking in those awkward moments of characterization and dialogue that have become a hallmark of the regular writer's stories.
Daredevil #109 - rated 8 (this is from a previous week, but I got it today)
"I don't pay respect to an accident of biology."
I skipped a couple of months of Daredevil, that's why I got this issue late. I don't think I'll be skipping any more. During the Mr. Fear storyline, I started to forget why I was so drawn into the style of the Brubaker/Lark stories, but it all came back. Simple dialogue, believable action and intrigue, are all played out a careful, yet still suspenseful pace. Thank goodness Marvel had the good sense to recognize that forcing Skrulls into this comic would be a bad idea.
Skaar Son of Hulk #2 - rated 7
"I came here to kill a prophecy and gut a hero. But you're no savior. You're just an animal."
Skaar continues his introduction into post-Hulk Sakaar culture and society. While that sentence might make it sound like tea and crumpets all around, let me assure you this issue continues to tell a savage tale of war and barbarity on an alien world. I especially liked the backup story with the Butch Guice art. Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis was supposed to be a showcase for his work in a fantasy setting, but that comic never truly felt like the world of barbarism like it was supposed to be. This world does, and Guice's art is well-used here.
Last edited by Hatut Zeraze; 07/30/2008 at 23:35..
Reason: Edit - I forgot Skaar son of Hulk!, if we can just get Professor Pyg confirmed.
Wolverine #67-Old Man Logan Part 2
An amazing issue, truely a great read. Hawkeye and Logan encounter a street gang that is based on Ghost Rider, they attack and beat the #### out of Logan who refuses to fight back. Logan flashes back to when the Heroes fell and reveals that he had the #### beat out of him by Mr.Sinister, Omega Red, and Sabretooth. He says being a pacifist is the only thing that saved him. Hawkeye kills the gang by himself (with awesome art of an arrow going threw the back of a Ghost Rider Gang Member's skull and coming out his nose.) They make it to a place called Hammer Falls where Thor was killed by Magneto and Absorbing Man (the Town is built around Thor's mighty hammer.) Hawkeye is surprised by Ultron 8. Who tells him his ex-wife needs to see him (The Ex-Wife in question being Peter Parker's Youngest Daughter.) His daughter with her donned her Grandpa's costume and attempted to bring down the Kingpin only be captured in the process and now awaits execution.
"She Zapped the space bat with her was rad"
Secret Invasion Fantastic Four #3
Good stuff, Lyja sort of has a change of heart in behavior and saves Franklin from a Neg Zone monster. The Four save the Tinkerer from Reeds Neg Zone prison. The four return home to a destroyed New York and Franklin fears for the future. Lyja still has feelings for Johnny and can't bring herself back to earth, so she stays but says they will meet again.
I believe that the Ultimate Spider-Man game is being connected to this storyline, and Beetle was in the game. Still have to read this week's issue to know what you mean but just saying.
I believe that the Ultimate Spider-Man game is being connected to this storyline, and Beetle was in the game. Still have to read this week's issue to know what you mean but just saying.
Apparently this storyline was supposed to be in the sequel to the game. But since they aren't making it, Bendis is using it for the comic instead.
FANTASTIC FOUR; TRUE STORY #1 (OF 4) - The Invisible Woman stumbles into a fanciful plot against literary characters and leads the FF into battle within the pages of the greats! Guest-starring Willie Lumpkin and Dante (of the Inferno).
Apparently this storyline was supposed to be in the sequel to the game. But since they aren't making it, Bendis is using it for the comic instead.
I was under the impression that this story was the same story as in the game, trying to tie the game into continuity. Originally the game was supposed to fit in back around the '50s in issue numbering, but Bendis kept going and seemed to forget about it and did all these other things that didn't tie in with the game, like how Silver Sable in the game knew Spider-Man was Peter Parker, but when they meet in the comic she doesn't, yet at the time we were told the game happened before that issue.
It certainly seems to me like this story is a retcon of the game. They've already told the part about Peter's headaches and Venom and Peter's fight at the museum and Sable capturing Venom, and now they're getting into the Beetle stealing something from Roxxon and being tied to Latveria. Things are being changed, but so far it seems like this is the game being retold in the comics.
Of course, this must be happening before current/recent events, since Fury is still around.
HeroClix needs more Goblin.
Acceptable in such forms as Green, Grey, Demo, Hob, Ultimate, and "Menace."
Thor #10 - Rated 8 - Good stuff. Just a plain good read. Baldur talks toThor about thier shared father. Of course Loki is up to something. The hick guy I guess slept with the hot goddess chick, and I can't blame him at all cause yowza!
This series is just running smooth now. You can just feel Loki working Balder and Balder is going to fall for his/her machinations yet again. Loki is already working on adding unrest to the pantheon and you know he/she's so much further along than anybody knows.
We don't know for sure that the "hick guy" slept with the goddess, but as you said, who could really blame him if he did?
I am just absolutely loving Copiel's art on this series. I know I mention it every month, but man he nails the majesty of Asgard and the everyman feel of the small town with equal beauty.
Quote : Originally Posted by DarkCrisis
Ms. Marvel #29 - Rated 7 - Carol beats up more Skrulsl. Saves some people and takes them toRikers for protection but something that even Skrulls fear is there and it's killing SHIELD agents. Uh oh?
This was the issue where I finally gave up on Carol's adventures. The writing is still decent, though the SI crossover stuff just feels too forced in her series, but the art is not good at all. The new artist just doesn't have a good grasp on anatomy and musculature. It just keeps pulling me out of the story. It's too bad they had to lose Lopresti as his art was top-notch and really suited the title.
I was on the CBR forums recently and, in regards to Black Panther, somebody there pointed out the thing the Skrull commander said:
"You would have us admit to our superiors that we can not defeat an isolated, African country that boasts barely a single superpowered protector?"
Black Panther has been around since the 1960s, with probably hundreds of stories written in regards to Wakanda and its populace. Right off the top of my head, I could probably list more than 25 super-powered characters that are related to Wakanda in some way, especially if you consider even the enemies of T'Challa and his Panther clan would have a stake in defending Wakanda from aliens.
That country really does boast a LOT more than one super-powered protector., if we can just get Professor Pyg confirmed.
I was on the CBR forums recently and, in regards to Black Panther, somebody there pointed out the thing the Skrull commander said:
"You would have us admit to our superiors that we can not defeat an isolated, African country that boasts barely a single superpowered protector?"
Black Panther has been around since the 1960s, with probably hundreds of stories written in regards to Wakanda and its populace. Right off the top of my head, I could probably list more than 25 super-powered characters that are related to Wakanda in some way, especially if you consider even the enemies of T'Challa and his Panther clan would have a stake in defending Wakanda from aliens.
That country really does boast a LOT more than one super-powered protector.
Yeah, but the skrulls really aren't to concerned with the lesser known people. I believe they'll be surprised when Wakanda's "true" greatest fighter (killmonger) shows up.
That beetle was awesome in Spiderman. They should of went ahead and called him Mach. I agree that the time frames are really screwed up. I mean during that whole squadron crossover Pete was still with Kitty...not to mention nick fury being there. Rep to anyone who knew what song that guard (that the beetle took out) was singing.