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May be last hurrah time here. Let's see how this pans out. Monitor Perplexes his AV to 9. Can he attack the SYmbiote? Shape Change is 3. He can try. AV9 on DV17. Gets a 2. PCs that. Gets an 8. Super Senses is 1. Symbiote takes 3.
Geo-Force on Selene. AV9 on DV16. Gets 9. 3 to her after Toughness.
Flash to J12 to hit Constrictor, AV7 on DV14. Gets 6. Misses, takes a token. Ends in E16, pushed.
Goblin Princess on Symbiote. AV9 on DV15 +2. Gets 7.
"I have taken your measure, parasite," the Monitor said, "and I believe I can hurt you." This time he used sonics against the Symbiote, the creature's weakness. It was hurt, and retreated a bit, but wasn't so badly harmed that it allowed Meggan to hit it.
"Come on, we can do this," Geo-Force said, hitting Selene with a magma blast.
"That's the spirit," the Flash encouraged his young ally. "Never say die..yowtch!" He backed off from his attack run, the Constrictor having manage to tag him with a charged coil.
"That's right! You better run!" the villain blustered.
Ah-ha! You've just koed the Monitor! Symbiote has damage shield, after all. Sorry to say, he was the only real threat left with that healing power.
Can't believe takedown is working on Constrcitor. It almost makes him useful!
Symbiote on Goblin Princess. Needs 7 but has flurry, rolls 7. 2 to Princess who now gains pc. 2nd hit needs 6, rolls 6, rerolls 10. 2 more to Meggan.
Brain tks Attuma to F15.
Attuma on Flash. Needs 3, rolls 8. Brain's endurance roll is 3, he's safe.
Once again Kingpin uses cont-plan to up MACH-4's range. MACH-4 returns the favor by using darkness within on him. He'll attack Brion. Needs 6, rolls 5. Second time in a row this exact attack missed by 1.
Selene to P17.
Constrictor to M14.
I'd hoped for 1 more replacement but I'm doubting that can happen.
Constrictor V (1) @ M14 (Takedown)
Symbiote (Damage shield) @ (3) N22
Attuma (1) @ F15 (Submerged)
MACH-4 V @ H11 (Darkness Within)
Meteorite V (1) K10 (T-Bolt to Mystic)
Kingpin V (3) H10 Contingency Plan (+1 Cont plan)
Selene V (4) @ P17 (Compel)
Gene-Grafted Brain (1) @@ G8 (Endurance)
HO K3, J3, N3 LO I5, L5, G7
Figures used: Johnny Quick, Norman Osborn, Cheshire, Trickster/Pied Piper, Super-Adaptoid, Unus, Danger, Psimon, Titania, Typhoid Mary, Major Force, Arcade, Ultrahumanite, Diablo, Killer Frost, Ghost Widow, General Zod, Bastion, Volcana, Darkseid, Merlyn, Arclight, Hecate, M.O.D.O.K., Calypso, Blastaar, Ultimate Clayface, Terrax, Leader, Blizzard, Vulture, Time Trapper, Dark Beast, Warskrull, Cheetah, Amazo, Korvac, Iron Monger, Omega Red, Destiny, Harpoon, Grey Gargoyle, Rasputin, Eclipso, Captain Mako, Songbird, King and Queen, Mandarin, Riddler, Annihilus, Intergang Medic, Queen Bee, Doom, Bullseye, Mad Thinker, Vanisher, Joker-Clown Prince of Crime, Captain Cold, Super-Skrull: Avengers, Ultraman, Enchantress (DC), Silver Samurai, Sidewinder, Electro, Star Sapphire, Immortus, Maxima, Umar, Dormammu, Dr. Chen Lu, Monsieur Mallah, The General, Icicle, Dr. Sivana, Carnage, Speed Demon, Shadow Demon, Zzzax, Mr. Mind, Maestro, Weather Wizard, Gene-Grafted Brain, Mirror Master, Selene, Ulik, Magus, Penguin, Deathstroke, Batzarro, Stilt-Man, Sauron, Kingpin, Desaad, Scorpion, MACH-4, Meteorite, Attuma, Symbiote, Constrictor