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(free) Con Artist perplexes up Anni's attack to 12.
2. Anni will RS to C1 and take a shot at Nightcrawler. AV 12 vs DV 15. Roll is a 4, 6. SS roll is a 2. Kurt takes 3 clicks and is KO'ed. 1 push click to Anni.
Glen's Quagmire
1) E Thor (0/9) KO'ed!
2) V Fatality (0/7) KO'ed!
3) LE Lobster Johnson (0/6) KO'ed!
4) U Nightcrawler (0/7) KO'ed!
5) R Invisible Girl (0/5) KO'ed!
6) V Avalanche (0/6) KO'ed!
7) LE Scientist Supreme (0/4) KO'ed!
Tanis11's hodge podge team II:
1.) LE Annihilus (8/9) C1 @@
2.) E Jean Grey (6/6) I16 @
3.) V Con Artist (3/4) H14
4.) R Huntress (5/5) C2
5.) V Green Arrow (4/6) J7
6.) E Doombot (4/5) J8 @@
7.) V Shi (0/6) KO'ed!
8.) E Bane (9/9) A4 w/HO @
9.) R Witchblade (4/5) C6 @
A.) V Easy Co. Medic (5/5) M21
B.) R Booster Gold (6/7) B6
Total - 500 pts
HO: G12, Bane, O21
LO: O9, O14
And that's game. Thanks for the great game, GQ! It was definitely fun. We don't get to play as often as I like. I think I've only played you like 3 or 4 times ever.
Manager of the Heroclix Fantasy League's Legion of Super Heroes