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"Unleash HELL!!" Cyborg screams after watching Bedovian fall.
The Manhunter is shaken by the leaders Gladiatorial roar and misses wide. Needed 7, rolled (2,3). Still sends a pulse towards the T-Spheres. Outwit Outwitted.
"That's what I'm talking about!" Thragatix yells back. "IS THIS WANT YOU WANTED!? IS THIS ENTERTAINMENT!!!"
With that he attacks Wildcat. 7 on 16. Roll is (6,6) for a Crit and the hit. 2 to Wildcat, SA to Thragatix. Wildcat to L20.
JSA (Current) (home)
1) U Flash (HT) (0/8) 101 pts KOKOKO SA[1]
2) R Wildcat (4/7) 54 pts L-20@@ SA[2], KO[1]
3) R Damage (0/6) 35 pts KOKOKO
4) R Mr. Terrific (1/5) 58 pts R-20@ (OW OW'd)
5) E Star-Spangled Kid (0/5) 49 pts KOKOKO
Fear Corps (visitor)
1) E Lyssa Drak (6/6) 72 pts J17
2) R Emerald Empress "Cyborg Superman" (5/6) 83 pts N16
3) E Blackfire* "Bedovian" (0/7) 62 pts KOKOKO
* w/ Vendetta 6 pts (The Flash)
4) R Manhunter (AA) (5/5) 64 pts I17
5) R Parademon Scout "Thragatix" (3/3) 13 pts I18 @
Bedovian SA [2]
Lyssa Drak SA [1] AST [2]
Manhunter SA [1]
Cyborg Superman SA [3] KO [3]
Thragatix SA [1]
"Let death become them." Cyborg says with a sigh. "As it seems to escape me at every turn." He turns his attention towards Mr. Terrific and his eyes light up. 8 on 13 (HT), Roll is: (5,4) for a 9 and the KO.
"As is foretold." Says Lyssa as she unleashes the chains upon Wildcat. Perplex up her own AV. Roll is: (1,6) for a 7 and an SA. 2 clix to the Cat.
"Manhunter, the trophy is yours." She says. (Perplex up Manhunter to 10 AV)
Manhunters palms glow and a final flash of light fills the battlefield. (Needing 5, roll was 4,3) for the hit and the final KO.
JSA (Current) (home)
1) U Flash (HT) (0/8) 101 pts KOKOKO SA[1]
2) R Wildcat (4/7) 54 pts L-20 KOKOKO SA[2], KO[1]
3) R Damage (0/6) 35 pts KOKOKO
4) R Mr. Terrific (1/5) 58 pts KOKOKO
5) E Star-Spangled Kid (0/5) 49 pts KOKOKO
Fear Corps (visitor)
1) E Lyssa Drak (6/6) 72 pts J17
2) R Emerald Empress "Cyborg Superman" (5/6) 83 pts N16
3) E Blackfire* "Bedovian" (0/7) 62 pts KOKOKO
* w/ Vendetta 6 pts (The Flash)
4) R Manhunter (AA) (5/5) 64 pts I17
5) R Parademon Scout "Thragatix" (3/3) 13 pts I18 @
Bedovian SA [2]
Lyssa Drak SA [2] AST [2]
Manhunter SA [2] KO [1]
Cyborg Superman SA [4] KO [4]
Thragatix SA [1]
This Games Stats
Bedovian SA [2]
Lyssa Drak SA [2] AST [2]
Manhunter SA [2] KO [1]
Cyborg Superman SA [4] KO [4]
Thragatix SA [1]
Iceman425's Fear Corps
R Arkillo 126 pts
SA [0] KO [0] AST [0] DFD [0]
E Lyssa Drax 72 pts
SA [2] KO [0] AST [2] DFD [0]
R Emerald Empress 83 pts
SA [6] KO [5] AST [0] DFD [0]
E Blackfire 62 pts
SA [8] KO [4] AST [0] DFD [0]
E Thunderer Of Qwad 50 pts
SA [1] KO [0] AST [1] DFD [0]
R Manhunter (AA) 64 pts
SA [3] KO [1] AST [0] DFD [0]
E Grodd (AA) 161 pts
SA [0] KO [0] AST [0] DFD [0]
R Fatality 43 pts
SA [3] KO [1] AST [0] DFD [0]
R Parademon Scout 13 pts
SA [1] KO [0] AST [0] DFD [0]
16 Recruitment Points
Emerald Empress will upgrade to her Veteran Version trading in KO's.
I feel so bad man. The Map and the BFC totally hosed you here.
And, I hope you take no offense to the things I write when I story post. They are a villain team and I just like writing them as such.
Good game, I wish we would've met under fairer conditions!!
Good luck with the rest of the season!
No worries, it was a pleasure getting smashed by a celebrity. If we play again I will make sure to bring KC Superman, who was supposed to make his debut this game but I did not submit a line up before hand. Good Luck to you as well the rest of the season, although if this game is any indication you won't really need it.
HavokAndChaos' Justice Society of America (Current)
E Sentinel* (OR) 158 pts
SA [1] KO [2] AST [0] DFD [1]
R Wildcat 54 pts
SA [11] KO [5] AST [0] DFD [0]
R Damage 35 pts
SA [6] KO [1] AST [0] DFD [0]
U Superman (CR) 238 pts
SA [0] KO [0] AST [0] DFD [0]
V Liberty Belle 84 pts
SA [7] KO [2] AST [2] DFD [0]
R Mr. Terrific 58 pts
SA [3] KO [1] AST [0] DFD [0]
E Star-Spangled Kid 49 pts
SA [1] KO [0] AST [0] DFD [0]
U Flash (HT) 101 pts
SA [3] KO [0] AST [0] DFD [0]
Stunning Blow 10 pts
* Force Field 10 pts
31 Recruitment Points
Wildcat will upgrade to his Exp version using his SAs.