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1) Batman charges to I5. Attacks Daredevil. Yanks the object out from under Domino as he arrives. Perplexes attack. AV 9+1 on DV 14. (6,2) hit with 4 damage for the overkill KO.
Free: Outwit PC on Domino.
Marvel Knights
1) R Ghost Rider (FF) 68pts KOKOKO
2) R Spider-Man (SIN) 51 pts KOKOKO
3) R Punisher KOKOKO
4) R Daredevil (SIN) 38 pts* KOKOKO
w/ Lunge 5pts
5) R Iron Fist 39 pts KOKOKO
6) E Domino 46 pts (5/6) [H6] @
Legion of Superheroes:
1) Young Superman 100 KOKOKOKO
2) Batman 64 (5/6) I5 @
3) Dream Girl 50 KOKOKOKO
4) Cosmic Boy 70 KOKOKOKO
Contingency Plan 12
1) Batman has a token so an action this turn would have been a push.
2) Batman was is square K10. (though you never updated the recap) Batman on click two has 8 range Charge meaning he can't make it up to I5. The farthest you could get would be I6. This really changes nothing as Batman Beyond is a flyer and if you took a path that went through I4, you could still grab the object.
3) You forgot to PC the attack roll. (I even put reminder text in this time!)
So my friend, you are pretty much going to have to redo this WHOLE thing. Will you push? If you charge, make sure to roll for PC. Thanks!
1) Batman has a token so an action this turn would have been a push.
Batman cleared in turn 12.
2) Batman was is square K10. (though you never updated the recap) Batman on click two has 8 range Charge meaning he can't make it up to I5. The farthest you could get would be I6. This really changes nothing as Batman Beyond is a flyer and if you took a path that went through I4, you could still grab the object.
3) You forgot to PC the attack roll. (I even put reminder text in this time!)
Yep, these things happen. I will try again.
HCFL 2012 Champion - Nation X
KO Board: Streaky: 1 Krypto: 1
Quote : Originally Posted by rorschachparadox
Only problem is that Superclone is a unique member. The irrational members never get made uniques, which is why we see so many swarms of them.
Ok, your right, Bats cleared, so this would be action 1, basically then, just re-roll the attack with PC, replace Bats, and proceed as planned. Sure you'll have to roll a 3 or 2, but hey, it could happen. Basically my last shot at victory here.
BTW, the Knights will clear Turn 13 so go ahead and take both turns for you. (If Bats plans to push that turn or clear.)
1) Batman charges to I6. Attacks Daredevil. Yanks the object out from under Domino as he arrives. Perplexes attack. AV 9+1 on DV 14. (6,2) hit with 4 damage for the overkill KO.
PC Roll from Domino: (5,2) for a hit and successful neutralization of his blind counterpart. Beating up a blind man ... rough.
Free: Outwit PC on Domino.
Marvel Knights
1) R Ghost Rider (FF) 68pts KOKOKO
2) R Spider-Man (SIN) 51 pts KOKOKO
3) R Punisher KOKOKO
4) R Daredevil (SIN) 38 pts* KOKOKO
w/ Lunge 5pts
5) R Iron Fist 39 pts KOKOKO
6) E Domino 46 pts (5/6) [H6] @
Legion of Superheroes:
1) Young Superman 100 KOKOKOKO
2) Batman 64 (5/6) I5 @
3) Dream Girl 50 KOKOKOKO
4) Cosmic Boy 70 KOKOKOKO
Contingency Plan 12