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Doctor Octopus: Read last night he had a trait "Friendly adjacent Sinister Syndicate team ability can't have their speed or attack powers countered". Not in the units section. Does he have it?
Alter Egos
What click is the Orange Line for the following figures?
When I was entering him, I accidentally hit enter after only putting in a 7 for his movement and no powers. I re-submitted, but it didn't overwrite the first click.
Fortunately, his first click is identical to his second (7/9/16/2, LC/PB/Tough/Blank)
The member-input dials for Web of Spider-Man is an experiment that Typhon is conducting. We'll see how well it goes; hopefully the kinks can be ironed out for future sets. It's at least partly in response to members' concerns about the speed of updating the Units Section after a set's release (you may recall that two or three people thought that BatB was a bit slow), and some other plans that Typhon has. Once the rough atches are worked out, it could be very cool.
There are going to be data entry errors, but those will be sorted out in the coming weeks - probably not while Typhon is at GenCon, though!
One other bit of clarification on Doc Ock: his printed name is "Doctor Octopus", not "Dr. Octopus" as it says in the units section. It's a small thing, but it's worth noting.
Also, there are a ton of pieces in the Units section that have the wrong rarity type. Here is a list of the problem pieces at present:
ws017 H.A.M.M.E.R. Elite Operative - Listed without any rarity. Should be Uncommon.
ws018 Carnage - Listed as Common. Should be Uncommon.
ws019 Chameleon - Listed as Common. Should be Uncommon.
ws022 Spider-Man - Listed as Common. Should be Uncommon.
ws023 Norman Osborn - Listed as Common. Should be Uncommon.
ws024 Ben Reilly - Listed as Common. Should be Uncommon.
ws027 X-23 - Listed as Common. Should be Uncommon.
ws028 Warpath - Listed as Common. Should be Uncommon.
ws036 Vermin - Listed as Common. Should be Rare.
ws037 Scorpion - Listed as Common. Should be Rare.
ws039 Iron Patriot - Listed as Uncommon. Should be Rare.
ws041 Cardiac - Listed as Uncommon. Should be Rare.
ws042 Bullseye - Listed as Common. Should be Rare.
ws045 Solo - Listed as Common. Should be Rare.
ws047 Nightcrawler - Listed as Common. Should be Rare.
ws048 X-Ray - Unlisted. Should be Rare.
ws050 Red Hulk - Listed as Rare. Should be Super Rare.
ws051 The Spot - Listed as Common. Should be Super Rare.
ws055 Sandman - Listed as Common. Should be Super Rare.
ws057 Deadpool - Listed as Common. Should be Super Rare.
ws058 Green Goblin - Listed as Uncommon. Should be Super Rare.
That's Shell, we'll get those corrected tonight. There are a lot of errors because we tried not to be so restrictive that the community become frustrated inputted dials; so we didn't put any validation into this version of the tool. I will take the input I received here at Gen Con and upgrade the tool for the next set. Of course; this also helps me a bunch for the Create-A-Dial tool.
Please be sure to submit any errors you find in the Units Section to the Feedback forum (and not append it to this thread). Thanks!
I also noticed something on Spider-Hulk. When he was first revealed he had Impervious towards the end when he has an 18 & 19 defense. In the Units he has Super Senses. Not sure which is correct.
I've also heard that Cosmic Spider-Man has a special damage power. Maybe that could be ironed out too, but I think there is possible errata needed there.
Wait, is this a thread to point out the mistakes we've noticed? I don't want to be one of the whiners. Thanks for the awesome job in getting them into the Units section asap. This is great!
The corrections are essential and appreciated, so thanks to all who have the info for the updates.
I don't believe I can thank Typhon and the others enough times for jumping on the flood of info so quickly and tirelessly. That's a great deal of work.
Ok; all the rarity issues are now fixed. I might just try to drive them automatically based on the size of the set ... of course the whole 'no chase' thing kind of screwed that up this time around.