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1) The T-Rex will try to take a bite out of Sinestro. 4,3 = 7 Which misses.
2) Superboy will try to break away, 5, assuming you'll want me to re-roll, I'll try again, getting 5 again. Superboy will move to I-2
Teen Titans (Home)
1) R Superboy 125 (1/7) [I-2] @
2) E Speedy* 35 (2/5) [L-4]
3) R Beast Boy (T-Rex)** (7/7) [J-3/K-3] @
4) R Raven 54 (3/5) [J-2]
A) Blue Lantern Special L O [N-3] 5
*) Feat: Vendetta (Elongated Man) 6
**) Feat: Camouflage 8
2) Sinestro Charges to H-2 and swings at Superboy. 10 on a 15. 5+ for 3. Roll is: 5,5 = 10. Hits for 3 and the KO. Willpower. Sinestro: SA[1] KO[1]
3) Mera phases over to N-2.
PC) Elongated Man will PC a successful attack from Beast Boy automatically. Anything else will be on a case by case basis.
Teen Titans (Home)
1) R Superboy 125 (0/7) KOKOKO
2) E Speedy* 35 (2/5) [L-4]
3) R Beast Boy (T-Rex)** (7/7) [J-3/K-3] @
4) R Raven 54 (3/5) [J-2]
A) Blue Lantern Special L O [N-3] 5
*) Feat: Vendetta (Elongated Man) 6
**) Feat: Camouflage 8
The entire team pass each other desperate looks as Superboy hits the watery ground. This was a bad day to go to Oa.... somehow...
Just clearing
Teen Titans (Home)
1) R Superboy 125 (0/7) KOKOKO
2) E Speedy* 35 (2/5) [L-4]
3) R Beast Boy (T-Rex)** (7/7) [J-3/K-3]
4) R Raven 54 (3/5) [J-2]
A) Blue Lantern Special L O [N-3] 5
*) Feat: Vendetta (Elongated Man) 6
**) Feat: Camouflage 8
Elongated Man: "Hey, Speedy! I felt bad about you losing the first one so I made this KNUCKLE SANDWICH just for you!"
1) Elongated Man shoots (out a large outstretched fist) at Speedy. 9 on a 14. 5+ for 2. Roll is: 5,5 = 10. Hits for two and the KO. Elongated Man takes 1 for pushing. Elongated Man: SA[1] KO[1]
PC) Elongated Man will PC a successful attack from Beast Boy automatically. Anything else will be on a case by case basis.
Teen Titans (Home)
1) R Superboy 125 (0/7) KOKOKO
2) E Speedy* 35 (0/5) KOKOKO
3) R Beast Boy (T-Rex)** (7/7) [J-3/K-3]
4) R Raven 54 (3/5) [J-2]
A) Blue Lantern Special L O [N-3] 5
*) Feat: Vendetta (Elongated Man) 6
**) Feat: Camouflage 8
Elongated Man: "Hey, Speedy! I felt bad about you losing the first one so I made this KNUCKLE SANDWICH just for you!"
Lol, that is eevvaalll!
Btw, Elongated Man gets 62 pts for ko'ing speedy.
1) Raven teleports to P-1
2) Beast boy tromps around the buildings, up to O-1/P-2, guarding Raven from the opposition.
your turn.
Teen Titans (Home)
1) R Superboy 125 (0/7) KOKOKO
2) E Speedy* 35 (0/5) KOKOKO
3) R Beast Boy (T-Rex)** (7/7) [O-1/P-2] @
4) R Raven 54 (3/5) [P-1] @
A) Blue Lantern Special L O [N-3] 5
*) Feat: Vendetta (Elongated Man) 6
**) Feat: Camouflage 8
Beast Boy (T-Rex) has 6 clixs of life total, not 7.
Mera: For such a large creature, he sure is incredibly spry. But fear not, growing up on Xebel prepares one for dealing with giant monstrosities.
1) Mera uses Exploit Weakness on Beast Boy. 10 on a 18. 8+ for 3. Roll is: 5,5 = 10. Hits for 3. Mera: SA[1]
2) Sinestro Charges to N-1 and swings at Beast Boy. 10 on a 17. 7+ for 3. Roll is: 3,2 = 5. Miss. Elongated Man PCs. Roll is: 3,2 = 5. Miss. (Twice in a row, I've gotten back to back same rolls...)
3) Kid Flash HSSs to P-3, swinging at Beast Boy. 8 on a 17. 9+ for 2. Roll is: 1,2 = 3. Miss. Kid Flash heads back to M-6.
Teen Titans (Home)
1) R Superboy 125 (0/7) KOKOKO
2) E Speedy* 35 (0/5) KOKOKO
3) R Beast Boy (T-Rex)** (3/6) [O-1/P-2] @
4) R Raven 54 (3/5) [P-1] @
A) Blue Lantern Special L O [N-3] 5
*) Feat: Vendetta (Elongated Man) 6
**) Feat: Camouflage 8
Beast Boy (T-Rex) has 6 clixs of life total, not 7.
Oh no, I've been found out! *runs away*
1) Beast Boy will use his special chomp ability to target Sinestro and Mera in a close combat attack. Rolling the dice: 7, which hits Mera.
**I know you said auto reroll, but I'm gonna check to make sure.**
Teen Titans (Home)
1) R Superboy 125 (0/7) KOKOKO
2) E Speedy* 35 (0/5) KOKOKO
3) R Beast Boy (T-Rex)** (3/6) [O-1/P-2] @
4) R Raven 54 (3/5) [P-1] @
A) Blue Lantern Special L O [N-3] 5
*) Feat: Vendetta (Elongated Man) 6
**) Feat: Camouflage 8
Believe it or not, I'm not entirely sure Elongated Man can see the giant dinosaur hanging out on top of a building.
Hmm, yeah I guess not.
Okay then,
1) Beast Boy will use his special chomp ability to target Sinestro and Mera in a close combat attack. Rolling the dice: 7, which hits Mera. I'll roll for blades, and got a 6. Beast Boy uses willpower. Mera takes 5 damage after toughness.
Beast Boy +1 SA
Clearing Raven
Teen Titans (Home)
1) R Superboy 125 (0/7) KOKOKO
2) E Speedy* 35 (0/5) KOKOKO
3) R Beast Boy (T-Rex)** (3/6) [O-1/P-2] @@
4) R Raven 54 (3/5) [P-1]
A) Blue Lantern Special L O [N-3] 5
*) Feat: Vendetta (Elongated Man) 6
**) Feat: Camouflage 8
Elongated Man: "Mera!!! Wally, grab her! We're pulling back!" Mera: "No! *cough* *cough* It's-- It's just a little scratch."
1) Sinestro swings at Beast Boy. 10 on a 17. 7+ for 3. Roll is: 6,5 = 11. Hits for 3 and the KO. Willpower. Sinestro: SA[1] KO[1]
2) Mera TKs the HO at J-7 at Raven. 10 on a 15. 5+ for 3. Roll is: 5,3 = 8. Hits for 3 and the KO. Mera takes 1 for pushing. Mera: SA[1] KO[1]
Good game!
Teen Titans (Home)
1) R Superboy 125 (0/7) KOKOKO
2) E Speedy* 35 (0/5) KOKOKO
3) R Beast Boy (T-Rex)** (0/6) KOKOKO
4) R Raven 54 (0/5) [P-1] KOKOKO
A) Blue Lantern Special L O [N-3] 5
*) Feat: Vendetta (Elongated Man) 6
**) Feat: Camouflage 8