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It's fine, I was just confused if there was a trope in Hickman's writing I had been overlooking.
For Fraction, I'm basically going to try FF and hope that works out, but his only hit for me right now is Hawkeye. Thankfully, that book is incredibly fun.
"We're all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." -Wilde
It's fine, I was just confused if there was a trope in Hickman's writing I had been overlooking.
For Fraction, I'm basically going to try FF and hope that works out, but his only hit for me right now is Hawkeye. Thankfully, that book is incredibly fun.
I dug Defenders, but I was tired of it by the end.
Longest-Reigning Drunken HeroClix Champion - anyone got a liver?
I'm digging it a bunch. Granted it's Jeff Parker writing another red-hued Hulk, so everything is solid.
Really digging Red She-Hulk as a character. I'd say the books are definitely worth a read if you see them laying around. Plus, more Machine Man is always welcome.
Longest-Reigning Drunken HeroClix Champion - anyone got a liver?
I'm digging it a bunch. Granted it's Jeff Parker writing another red-hued Hulk, so everything is solid.
Really digging Red She-Hulk as a character. I'd say the books are definitely worth a read if you see them laying around. Plus, more Machine Man is always welcome.
I... my question is... is the book continuing through all the Marvel Now stuff? Or being re-booted or anything? Or did that already happen?
"We're all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." -Wilde
Thor was quite a bit more brutal than I expected, and his future selfs Destroyer armor arm was a nice little addition (if it had already been established, I didn't know).
It seems a bit of a rehash of Thor: The Reigning, in which he lost his arm, and Desak the god-slayer was running around butchering pantheons, but it has potential.
The fact that it moved Thor away from Earth for so much of the issue shows promise, particularly if they only showcase Earth from 1000+ years ago, where Thor really is the mightiest thing going.
I'd like to see Thor back where he belongs, top of the Marvel pecking order. Authors keep coming in and trying to put him there, and then pulling him back down again. I will at least be following this series for a while, if only for the beautiful artwork (although if we get more Destroyer/Odin Thor bashing heads, I'm sold).
"Un-fun Dad, un-fun Dad,
He's so bad, he mak'a me mad
Un-fun Dad, un-fun Dad
He's a real cad, Un-fun Dad"