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Theory and spoilers BATMAN INC... the heretic is ...
I do believe that the Batman Inc epic is going to finish up with the Heretic being .... BANE. and since we just got Bane in DC 75 and Talia (leviathan) in the same set or BatB (I think) that explains for why we might not have seen them show up in the Batman set.
Why is the Heretic Bane? ... Right size, a legit threat, has a respect/ hate relationship with the Bat family, plus the heretic was essentially on drugs when we first saw him.
They say the best weapon is one you never have to fire. I respectfully disagree. I prefer the weapon you only have to fire once. That's how Dad did it, that's how America does it, and it's worked out pretty well so far." Robert Downey/Tony Stark
I've heard that Bane theory, and in tone, it certainly fits with the kind of reveal we got regarding the identity of Wingman, so I suspect you are probably correct.
Another theory (not mine, I can't claim this as my own) I have heard floated around here and there...
Spoiler (Click in box to read) that the Heretic is the artificially aged clone of Damian Wayne. We have seen an on-panel clone floating around in a tube.
In connection with that theory, I've even seen someone mention that if such a clone exists, perhaps he is the future Batman we saw in Batman 666, the one who will be again be appearing in this week's Batman Inc. (also the marquee fig for Batman Streets of Gotham in Heroclix)., if we can just get Professor Pyg confirmed.