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What do you think would happen if Banshee and Syrin yelled at Dazzler? Would she convert their sound blasts to light? Would it power her up all crazy-like? Or would she get pasted to the wall behind her?
Also I never understood why Rogue couldn't just have leech nearby everytime she wanted physical contact. Wouldn't that make sense?
Though Dazzler would convert the sound waves to light energy..the sound waves still create force by moving the air ahead of that might be able to take out Dazzler just from the impact of the wall of air (like a Force Blast). Have you ever seen those commercials were giant speakers blow out a match? Think of it like that.
MARVEL Attacktix Battle Figure Game- Game Developer TRANSFORMERS Bot Shots Battle Game - Game Designer
Actually I think the first question got mostly answered in continuity. Klaw's blasts, which are not quite the same as Banshee's or Siryn's, but are still attacks based on sound, had no effect on Dazzler, she absorbed them more or less automatically, and eventually absorbed him, and stored up his energy which she used much later. (She can absorb and store up the energy at least short term, per those issues) so at least if she knew it was coming, her powers would counter the screamers' and let her do some fairly powerful effects.
If she was caught off guard, her power would still blunt the worst of it, so she'd probably be alright. Yes, there's technically more to sound waves, but since she's been immune to similar assaults before, no reason she shouldn't be to Banshee or Siryn's.
As for the second, I think most of the times she'd really like to be without her powers falls under the heading of private time.
"All you need to do to be a non-conformist is dress exactly like we do, and listen to the same music we do."
Originally posted by DareDevil_13 Who cares?
You never even see Dazzler and Banshee anymore. IMO, Dazzler was a terrible character and never should've been created.
i have been reading comics since i was 5 (let's just say i am quite a bit older now)and one thing i have learned when it comes to comics is that everything that is old will be new again and i would put money on it.
as far as Dazzler being a bad character someone could say the same about the silver surfer, i mean a guy who rides a surf board in space?????? Do you think they even had surfing on zenn-la (can't remember his home planet) or for that matter is Galactus a fan enough of surfing to make one of his heralds a surfer????
Originally posted by DareDevil_13 Who cares?
You never even see Dazzler and Banshee anymore. IMO, Dazzler was a terrible character and never should've been created.
Yeah, but at least she was useful, I mean they replaced her with, "Here's light in your eye", Jubilee!
"Everyone's always talkin' about your soul. 'The Vampire with a Soul!'. What they really don't know is you're actually 'The Vampire with Big Brass Testes..."
-Lindsey to Angel on the series finale
In a couple of different comic reference books i have read that......
Blob has the ability to increase his mass and gravitational pull to the point were he can actually fuse himself to the earth,making him literally an immovable object.
Juggernaut's power states that once in motion no force on earth can stop him.
Does this mean that if Juggy charges at a fully planted Blob that the earth would actually move?
Beyonder~ The Blob can actually be moved if the earth around him is moved. It would take an unstoppable force (one might use the term "a juggernaut") to move something of that mass proportion. Since there is no force on earth that can stop Juggernaut (per his magical ability... while it would take him a while to force his way through a mountain, it's more than entirely possible), Juggs would move Blob and all of the earth he was attached to (could even be the size of a house that comes up from under him, doesn't matter).
Originally posted by Dax Yeah, but at least she was useful, I mean they replaced her with, "Here's light in your eye", Jubilee!
Yeah but Jubilee never defeated Dr.Doom by roller skating at him fast nor defeated Galactus
For the Blob thing i think you might be overestimating a 3rd tier villain like Blob.Im betting if Thor Juggernaut [old version] or Hulk WANTED to move him they could