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All Star Western #16
Aquaman #16
Batman and Robin Annual #1
Batman Incorporated #7
Before Watchmen: Dollar Bill #1
Before Watchmen: Ozymandias #5
Flash #16
Avengers #4
Hawkeye #7
Superior Spider-Man #2
Other Fine Publishers
Nowhere Men #3
Adventure Time #12
Futurama Comics #65
Sixth Gun #28, if we can just get Professor Pyg confirmed.
I got a question it looks like the collector edition of Injustice has the comic but I want to know if it's a trade or not otherwise I'll get the single issues as they come out.
If anyone is teetering on the edge, deciding whether or not to get that Batman & Robin Annual, let me help you: it is fantastic! As I saw mentioned on another website, one of the beauties of this particular one-shot story is that you don't even have to be a fan of modern Bat-comics to be able to appreciate this story.
All you have to know is that Damian is Bruce's son and he is the current Robin. Other than that, this comic is very new-reader-friendly, and very good.
2. Superior Spider-Man #2
I'm with Thrumble & Jackstar on this one - great comic. Go, Carlie!
3. All Star Western #16
While I enjoyed this issue's conclusion of the Mr. Hyde storyline, that next issue teaser about the 19th century Stormwatch pretty much stole the show., if we can just get Professor Pyg confirmed.
Aquaman #16 was my sole book. Really liking that he's the central figure in a JLA crossover at last.
God is smarter than we are....
Visit Heroclixin'! Or check out my trade thread. Molly Hayes' KO list: HoT Ultron, HoT Thor, SI Iron Man, AV Wonder Man, SI Sentry, LE Diana Prince, R IC Ultron, Pretty Boy, CW Kang, IIM Thunderball, TW Catwoman, OP Red Hulk.