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1) "Futile" Kalinda drily remarks as she side-steps Spidey's charge at the last possible second, leaving him to smash painfully head-first into the rocky floor. "Your defeat was pre-ordained before the fight began" Kalinda states as she locks Spidey in a psychic vise. Kalinda punches Prodigy. 9 atk. vs 16 def. Needs a 7. Roll is: (1,5) for a 6 and a miss! She'll PC that herself. Second roll is: (4,1) for a 5 and a miss!
Everyone else clears and Kalinda will PC any successful attack she might see
Krueger666's New Avengers
1) U Stranger 213 pts (0/9) KO'ed!
2) ASM Prodigy 75 pts (3/6) F12 @
3) V White Tiger 58 pts (0/6) KO'ed!
4) R Aleta 51 pts (0/6) KO'ed!
397 pts
Stranger: 1 SA, 1 AST
Prodigy: 2 SA
White Tiger: 3 SA, 2 KO
Melkhor's Arachnos
1. R Lord Nemesis (7/7) - 139 pts E7
2. LE Lord Recluse (0/8) - 122 KOKOKO
3. LE Ghost Widow (5/5) - 54 pts K14
4. R Fortunata Kalinda (5/5) - 44 pts E12 @
5. R Scirocco (0/5) - 39 pts KOKOKO
398 pts.
Nemesis: [4 SA, 3 KO]
Recluse: [1 SA, 1 AST]
Kalinda: [2 AST]
Scirocco: [1 SA]
1) Prodigy pushes and hits Kalinda with kb both times. SA
And that's all she wrote for this one, thanks to both Krueger and Dbauers for an entertaining game, and most of all for giving me a chance to have WAY too much fun storyposting Lord Nemesis and Recluse!
Krueger666's New Avengers
1) U Stranger 213 pts (0/9) KO'ed!
2) ASM Prodigy 75 pts (2/6) F12 @@
3) V White Tiger 58 pts (0/6) KO'ed!
4) R Aleta 51 pts (0/6) KO'ed!
397 pts
Stranger: 1 SA, 1 AST
Prodigy: 3 SA
White Tiger: 3 SA, 2 KO
Melkhor's Arachnos
1. R Lord Nemesis (7/7) - 139 pts E7
2. LE Lord Recluse (0/8) - 122 KOKOKO
3. LE Ghost Widow (5/5) - 54 pts K14
4. R Fortunata Kalinda (2/5) - 44 pts B12 @
5. R Scirocco (0/5) - 39 pts KOKOKO
398 pts.
Nemesis: [4 SA, 3 KO]
Recluse: [1 SA, 1 AST]
Kalinda: [2 AST]
Scirocco: [1 SA]